Wintersmith-Jade Generator [] (
[Yeoman] ( generator for [Wintersmith] (
- set up a local server and automatically reload on change
- HTML5 boilerplate
- compile sass files using node sass
- asset minification
- browserify with jQuery and Modernizr preinstalled with browserify-shim
- includes Twitter Bootstrap
- cache busting
Getting started
First install [node.js] (
Then get [yeoman] ( Type this in your terminal:
npm install -g yo
Install the generator and [wintersmith] ( from npm. Open your terminal and type:
npm install -g generator-wintersmith-jade wintersmith
Generate a new project:
yo wintersmith-jade
To start a local server and watch for changes, use:
grunt dev
To create a production-ready build, use:
grunt build
Known problems
If you get an error during initialization of the generator that says something with "EACCES" try the following:
sudo npm install
Want to contribute?
These things are still to do:
- Choose between ruby or node sass
- Choose different frameworks, e.g. Foundation or Bootstrap