Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


runk7.1kMIT3.6.2TypeScript support: definitely-typed

Maxmind's GeoLite2 Free Databases

maxmind, mmdb, geo, geoip, geoip2, geobase, geo lookup



Maxmind's GeoLite2 Free Databases download helper.


Access Key

IMPORTANT You must set up MAXMIND_ACCOUNT_ID and MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY environment variables to be able to download databases. To do so, go to the, create a free account and generate new license key.

If you don't have access to the environment variables during installation, you can provide config via package.json:

  "geolite2": {
    // specify the account id
    "account-id": "<your account id>",
    // specify the key
    "license-key": "<your license key>",
    // ... or specify the file where key is located:
    "license-file": "maxmind-license.key"

Beware of security risks of adding keys and secrets to your repository!

Note: For backwards compatibility, the account ID is currently optional. When not provided we fall back to using legacy Maxmind download URLs with only the license key. However, this behavior may become unsupported in the future so adding an account ID is recommended.

Selecting databases to download

You can select the dbs you want downloaded by adding a selected-dbs property on geolite2 via package.json.

selected-dbs must be an array of strings, one or more of the values City, Country, ASN.

If selected-dbs is unset, or is set but empty, all dbs will be downloaded.

  "geolite2": {
    "selected-dbs": ["City", "Country", "ASN"]


var geolite2 = require('geolite2');
var maxmind = require('maxmind');

var lookup = maxmind.openSync(; // or or geolite2.paths.asn
var city = lookup.get('');


geolite2-redist provides redistribution which does not require personal license key. Make sure you understand legal terms and what they mean for your use-case.


Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License