Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Helpful command line tool that stops you from losing your git.



A helpful command line tool that stops you from losing your git.

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                    /  githead  \
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Our first experiences working on group software projects taught us that not having confidence with git is a major drawback. Establishing a good git workflow is essential and mistakes made can be very costly. We decided to build a command line tool that would help beginners through their teething issues by:

  • Providing useful reminders about what certain git commands do
  • Asking the user for confirmation before executing a git command


Githead can be installed directly from NPM:

$ npm install global npm install githead-helper

Or by cloning from GitHub:

$ git clone
$ cd githead
$ npm install -g

Using Githead

Simply replace 'git' with 'githead' when executing normal git commands. For example:

$ githead init

Will return the following message:

Your directory is now initialised with git. That means everything in this directory and any sub--directories is being tracked.

> Add a '.gitignore' file to stop certain files from being tracked
> Add a remote repository on GitHub to share the work in this directory with others.

Currently Available Commands

  • git helpme (provides githead usage instructions)
  • git init
  • git pull
  • git merge

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Inquirer - command line framework
  • Chalk - command line framework


  • Mocha
  • Sinon
  • Proxyquire
  • Inquirer-test


Credit for two pieces of ASCII art for our logo is due to: