Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


ahmadnassri8.5mMIT6.0.7TypeScript support: included

Promise version of glob

glob, promise


Promise version of glob

Match files using the patterns the shell uses, like stars and stuff.

license release semantic

*Note: This is just a Promise wrapped version of glob*

Glob has native Promise support as of v9.0.0, please use it directly. I will not issue a deprecation notice on this package, because I can't deal with the volume of angry tickets that will follow.


npm install glob-promise glob

glob is set as a peerDependency in package.json

  • npm >= 7 will automatically install peerDependencies
  • npm <= 6 will not automatically install peerDependencies.

You will need to manually add glob as a dependency to your project for glob-promise to work.


glob(pattern [, options])

Alias for glob.promise

glob.promise(pattern [, options])

pattern: String (glob pattern) options: Object or String Return: Object (Promise)

When it finishes, it will be fulfilled with an Array of filenames as its first argument.

When it fails to read the files, it will be rejected with an error as its first argument.

  .then(function(contents) {
    contents; //=> ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor']

glob('{foo,bar.baz}.txt', { nobrace: true })
  .then(function(contents) {
    contents; //=> []

glob.glob(pattern [, options], cb)

see glob

glob.sync(pattern [, options])

see glob.sync()

glob.hasMagic(pattern, [options])

see glob.hasMagic()

Class: glob.Glob

see Glob


The option object will be directly passed to glob.

Author: Ahmad Nassri • Twitter: @AhmadNassri