Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


P0lip135.9kMIT3.0.5TypeScript support: included

HTTP Request snippet generator for most languages

api, clojure, csharp, curl, go, har, http, httpie, httr, java, javascript, jquery, kotlin, objc, objective-c, ocaml, php, python, request, requests, ruby, shell, snippet, swift, swift, unirest, xhr, xmlhttprequest



version License

HTTP Request snippet generator for many languages & tools including: cURL, HTTPie, JavaScript, Node, C, Java, PHP, Objective-C, Swift, Python, Ruby, C#, Go, OCaml and more!

Relies on the popular HAR format to import data and describe HTTP calls.



Core Concepts

  1. HTTPSnippet's input is a JSON object that represents an HTTP request in the HAR Request Object format.
  2. HTTPSnippet's output is executable code that sends the input HTTP request, in a wide variety of languages and libraries.
  3. You provide HTTPSnippet your desired target, client, and options.
    • a target refers to a group of code generators. Generally, a target is a programming language like Rust, Go, C, or OCaml.
    • client refers to a more specific generator within the parent target. For example, the C# target has two available clients, httpclient and restsharp, each referring to a popular C# library for making requests.
    • options are per client and generally control things like specific indent behaviors or other formatting rules.

CLI Quickstart

npm install --save httpsnippet-lite

TypeScript Library Quickstart

import { HTTPSnippet } from 'httpsnippet-lite';

const snippet = new HTTPSnippet({
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',

const options = { indent: '\t' };
const output = await snippet.convert('shell', 'curl', options);

TypeScript Library Usage

Library Installation

NPM Yarn
npm install --save httpsnippet-lite
yarn add httpsnippet-lite



See for the TypeScript type corresponding to this type


interface Entry {
  request: Partial<HarRequest>;

interface HarEntry {
  log: {
    version: string;
    creator: {
      name: string;
      version: string;
    entries: {
      request: Partial<HarRequest>;


type TargetId = string;


type ClientId = string;


type Converter<T extends Record<string, any>> = (
  request: Request,
  options?: Merge<CodeBuilderOptions, T>,
) => string;


interface Client<T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>> {
  info: ClientInfo;
  convert: Converter<T>;


type Extension = `.${string}` | null;


interface TargetInfo {
  key: TargetId;
  title: string;
  extname: Extension;
  default: string;


interface Target {
  info: TargetInfo;
  clientsById: Record<ClientId, Client>;

Library Exports

new HTTPSnippet(source: HarRequest | HarEntry)

Name of conversion target

import { HTTPSnippet } from 'httpsnippet-lite';

const snippet = new HTTPSnippet({
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',

snippet.convert(targetId: string, clientId?: string, options?: T)

The convert method requires a target ID such as node, shell, go, etc. If no client ID is provided, the default client for that target will be used.

Note: to see the default targets for a given client, see For example shell's target has the default of curl.

Many targets provide specific options. Look at the TypeScript types for the target you are interested in to see what options it provides. For example shell:curl's options correspond to the CurlOptions interface in the shell:curl client file.

import { HTTPSnippet } from 'httpsnippet';

const snippet = new HTTPSnippet({
  method: 'GET',
  url: '',

// generate Node.js: Native output
console.log(await snippet.convert('node'));

// generate Node.js: Native output, indent with tabs
  await snippet.convert('node', {
    indent: '\t',


Useful for validating that a custom target is considered valid by HTTPSnippet.

const isTarget: (target: Target) => target is Target;
import { myCustomTarget } from './my-custom-target';
import { isTarget } from 'httpsnippet-lite';

try {
} catch (error) {


Use addTarget to add a new custom target that you can then use in your project.

const addTarget: (target: Target) => void;
import { myCustomClient } from './my-custom-client';
import { HAR } from 'my-custom-har';
import { HTTPSnippet, addTargetClient } from 'httpsnippet-lite';


const snippet = new HTTPSnippet(HAR);
const output = await snippet.convert('customTargetId');


Useful for validating that a custom client is considered valid by HTTPSnippet.

const isClient: (client: Client) => client is Client;
import { myCustomClient } from './my-custom-client';
import { isClient } from 'httpsnippet';

try {
} catch (error) {


Use addTargetClient to add a custom client to an existing target. See addTarget for how to add a custom target.

const addTargetClient: (targetId: TargetId, client: Client) => void;


At the heart of this module is the HAR Format as the HTTP request description format, please review some of the sample JSON HAR Request objects in test fixtures, or read the HAR Docs for more details.

For detailed information on each target, please review the wiki.

Differences from kong/httpsnippet

Here's a list of the most significant differences between httpsnippet-lite and httpsnippet upstream:

  • No reliance on Node.js core modules and globals
  • convert() method is async
  • HAR is not validated
  • CLI is not bundled
  • Dual packaging available


MIT © Kong