Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


JsCommunity469.7kISC1.2.1TypeScript support: included

Converts a number to/from a human readable string: 13371.34kB

byte, bytes, file, filesize, human, humanized, pretty, readable, si, size, unit



Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status

Converts a number to/from a human readable string: 13371.34kB


Node & Browserify/Webpack

Installation of the npm package:

> npm install --save human-format

Then require the package:

var humanFormat = require("human-format");


You can directly use the build provided at

<script src=""></script>



//=> '1.34 k'

// The maximum number of decimals can be changed.
humanFormat(1337, {
  maxDecimals: 1,
//=> '1.3 k'

// maxDecimals can be set to auto, so that there is 1 decimal between -10 and 10 excluded and none out of this interval.
humanFormat(1337, {
  maxDecimals: "auto",
//=> '1.3 k'

humanFormat(13337, {
  maxDecimals: "auto",
//=> '13 k'

// A fixed number of decimals can be set.
humanFormat(1337, {
  decimals: 4,
//=> '1.3370 k'

// Units and scales can be specified.
humanFormat(65536, {
  scale: "binary",
  unit: "B",
//=> 64 kiB

// There is a helper for this.
//=> 64 kiB

// A custom separator can be specified.
humanFormat(1337, {
  separator: " - ",
//=> 1.34 - k

// Custom scales can be created!
var timeScale = new humanFormat.Scale({
  seconds: 1,
  minutes: 60,
  hours: 3600,
  days: 86400,
  months: 2592000,
humanFormat(26729235, { scale: timeScale });
//=> 10.31 months

// Helper when the scale is regular, i.e. prefixes are powers of a constant factor
var binaryScale = humanFormat.Scale.create(["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti"], 1024);
humanFormat(173559053, { scale: binaryScale });
//=> 165.52 Mi

// You can force a prefix to be used.
humanFormat(100, { unit: "m", prefix: "k" });
//=> 0.1 km

// You can access the raw result.
humanFormat.raw(100, { prefix: "k" });
//=> {
//   prefix: 'k',
//   value: 0.09999999999999999 // Close value, not rounded.
// }


humanFormat.parse("1.34 kiB", { scale: "binary" });
//=> 1372.16

// Fallbacks when possible if the prefix is incorrectly cased.
humanFormat.parse("1 g");
// => 1000000000

// You can access the raw result.
humanFormat.parse.raw("1.34 kB");
//=> {
//  factor: 1000,
//  prefix: 'k',
//  unit: 'B',
//  value: 1.34


Contributions are very welcomed, either on the documentation or on the code.

You may:

  • report any issue you've encountered;
  • fork and create a pull request.


  • @djulien
  • @qrohlf
  • @Itay289
  • @sweetpi


ISC © Julien Fontanet