v5.0.0 See Release notes for future updates
v4.3.11 Fix bug in init message format that would effect interop with the future version 5.
v4.3.10 #1229 Fix close release destroyObserver [Steve Hong]
v4.3.9 Reduce package size
v4.3.7 Minor documentation updates and remove Bower package manager support
v4.3.6 Fix backwards compatablity of module.exports
v4.3.5 Fix path on module.exports
v4.3.4 #990 Fix readDataFromParent mouseEvents Boolean to strBool [Tony Living]
v4.3.3 #1100 Fix jQuery check [Gabriel Grant]
v4.3.2 #936 Allow max/min values for iFrame size to be set using units other than px
[Luke Murray]
v4.3.1 #901 Fix backwards compatability issue with mouse events
v4.3.0 Add onMouseEnter
and onMouseLeave
event callbacks [DEPRECATED]
v4.2.11 Remove unicorn/prefer-number-properties
from eslint rules and revert Number.parseInt
to parseInt
v4.2.10 #787 Replace const
with var
in index.js for IE10 [Thomas Jaggi]
v4.2.9 #783 Bind requestAnimationFrame
to window
to fix issue with FireFox Content-Scripts [Greg Soltis]
v4.2.8 #779 Fix issue with javascript:void(0)
and about:blank
URLs [ceckoslab]
v4.2.7 Add support for NPM funding
v4.2.4 #772 Fix issue with iframes inside ShaddowDOM elements [Martin Belanger]
v4.2.3 #683 Include border top/bottom, plus padding top/bottom, when calculating heights on iframe with box-sizing: border-box;
[Jim Doyle]. #768 Fix issue with hidden iframes [Tony Living]
v4.2.2 #761 Check for iframe.src when parsing it for remoteHost [Filip Stollar]
v4.2.1 #723 Fix option to turn off autoResize
from iframe, when resizeFrom
is set to parent
[Dennis Kronbügel]
v4.2.0 Add onClose()
event to parent
v4.1.1 #686 Fix IE11 regression with Object.values [Jonathan Lehman]
v4.1.0 #686 Split client(Height/Width) into document and window values [Bernhard Mäder]
v4.0.4 #674 Fix default export
v4.0.3 #606 Force height of clearFix div in iframe to 0
v4.0.2 #671 Fix issue with window resize
v4.0.1 Fix documentation links in README.md
v4.0.0 Drop support for IE8-10 and Andriod 4, renamed event handlers from fooCallback
to onFoo
and restructure documentation. Reformat code with Prettier and add eslint to build
v3.6.5 #658 Add .npmignore
to project [Sebastian Lamelas]
v3.6.4 #651 Fix issue resource leak when iframe removed from the page [Steffen Eckardt]. #651 Make Require.js optional when it is included on the page before iframe-resizer [Dahmian Owen]
v3.6.3 #635 Fix issue with undefined ID [Henry Schein]. #582 Add omit
option to scrolling
config [Matt Ryan]
v3.6.2 #596 Add Passive Event Listener for Performance [Henrik Vendelbo]. #613 Check if the function is attached to the prototype of jQuery [Paul Antal]. #620 Fixed an issue where host page fires init before iframe receiver setup [Mark Zhou]. #620 Add removeListeners
method to better support React [Khang Nguyen]
v3.6.1 #576 Fix race condition caused by react-iframe-resizer removing the domNode and calling close()
v3.6.0 #562 Fix issue with debounce getPageInfo when their is more than one iFrame on the page [Thomas Pringle]. #568 Fix bug in Chrome 65 when iframe parent element has display:none
set [Steve Hong]
v3.5.16 #554 Fix throttling of init event [SHOTA]. #553 Prevents unhandled exception in IE11 [vitoss]. #555 Fix IE PolyFil and make grunt-cli local [Jan Schmidle]
v3.5.15 #498 Fix bug "Cannot read property 'firstRun' of undefined" [Shaun Johansen]. [#517] Fix readyState issue in iFrame [lostincomputer]
v3.5.14 #477 Fix bug when iFrame closed before first resize
v3.5.13 #473 Improve no response from iFrame warning message
v3.5.12 #475 Delay onResize until after the iFrame has resized [Codener]
v3.5.11 #470 Fix jQuery reference error [Russell Schick]
v3.5.10 #461 Don't run for server-side render
v3.5.9 Show warning message if no response from iFrame. #463 Suppress warning message when code loaded via module [Sergey Pereskokov]
v3.5.8 #315 Allow Scrolling to be set to 'auto'
v3.5.7 #438 Check jQuery pluging wrapper not already loaded. #423 Properly remove event listeners [Aaron Hardy]. #401 Make tagged element fall back to all elements if tag not found. #381 Fixing disconnect when iframe is missing temporarly [Jeff Hicken]. Added warnings for missing iFrame and deprecated options
v3.5.5 #373 Add option for custom size calculation methods in iFrame. #374 Fix bug with in page links called from parent page
v3.5.4 #362 Handle jQuery being loaded in odd ways. #297 Ensure document ready before resizing
v3.5.3 #283 Added readystatechange event listener
v3.5.2 #314 Add iframeHeight and iframeWidth properties to pageInfo [Pierre Olivier]. #303 Fix issue with IE8 polyFils
v3.5.1 #286 Fixed taggedElement / lowestElement / rightMostElement to calculate correct margin [Dan Ballance]
v3.5.0 Recall getPageInfo callback when parent page position changes. Added Array.prototype.forEach to IE8 polyfils
v3.4.2 Only teardown events on close if currently enabled
v3.4.1 #271 Fix bower.json to point to js folder, rather then src [Yachi]
v3.4.0 #262 Add getPageInfo method to parentIFrame [Pierre Olivier]. #263 Change leftMostElement to rightMostElement [Luiz Panariello]. #265 Fix issue when no options being passed and added test for this
v3.3.1 Point index.js to the JS folder, instead of the src folder. Added touch event listeners. AutoResize method now returns current state
v3.3.0 #97 Add autoResize method to parentIFrame. Fix bug when setHeightCalculationMethod is called with invalid value. Add interval timer to event teardown. Log targetOrigin*. #253 Work around bug with MooTools interfering with system objects
v3.2.0 Added calculation of margin to LowestElement, LeftMostElement and taggedElement calculation modes. Check callback function is a function before calling it. #246 Fixed issue when onScroll changes the page position. #247 Fix rounding issue when page is zoomed in Chrome [thenewguy]
v3.1.1 Added onReady to iFrame. Create iFrameResizer object on iFrame during setup, rather than waiting for init message to be returned from iFrame. Add ref to iFrame in host page log messages. #245 Fix issue with iFrame not correctly resizing when multiple images are injected into the page [mdgbayly]. #246 Fix issue with including ':' in messages passed to iFrames
v3.1.0 #101 Support async loading of iFrame script. #239 Throttle size checking to once per screen refresh (16ms). Fixed issue with hidden iFrames in FireFox. Improved handling of parent page events. #236 Cope with iFrames that don't have a src value. #242 Fix issue where iFrame is removed and then put back with same ID [Alban Mouton]
v3.0.0 Added taggedElement size calculation method. #199 Added in page options to iFrame. #70 Added width calculation method options. Added methods to bound iFrames to comunicate from parent to iFrame. Ignore calls to setup an already bound iFrame. Improved event handling. Refactored MutationObserver functions. Moved IE8 polyfil from docs to own JS file and added Funtion.prototype.bind(). Added detection for tab focus. Fixed bug with nested inPageLinks. Public methods in iFrame now always enabled and option removed. Renamed enableInPageLinks to inPageLinks. Added double iFrame example
v2.8.10 Fixed bug with resizeFrom option not having default value in iFrame, if called from old version in parent page
v2.8.9 #220 Switched from using deviceorientation to orientationchange event listner [[Brandon Kobel]/https://github.com/kobelb)]
v2.8.8 #213 Ensure onInit fires when iFrame not sized during initialisation. Check autoResize option before resizing from parent. Lower message about resize before initialisation from 'warn' to 'log'. Updated hover example
v2.8.7 #205 Fix race condition when page resized during page init [Ian Caunce]. #203 Added option for checkOrigin to have list of allowed domains for the iFrame [Andrej Golcov]. #202 Handle script being loaded more than once [Nickolay Ribal].
#167 Added WebPack support [Stephan Salat]
v2.8.6 #163 Moved window resize event detection from iFrame to parent page. #160 Warn, rather than error, if iFrame has been unexpectantly removed from page. The parentIFrame.close() method nolonger calls onResized()
v2.8.5 #173 Scope settings to iFrame. #171 Fixed parentIFrame.close() to work with 0 height iframes [Both Reed Dadoune]
v2.8.4 Added switch for inPageLinking support
v2.8.3 Throw error if passed a non-DOM object
v2.8.2 #145 Fixed in page links, to work with HTML IDs that are not valid CSS IDs [Erin Millard]. Moved map files from src to js folder. Added to NPM
v2.8.1 #138 Added option to pass in iFrame object, instead of selector
v2.8.0 #68 Added support for in page links and onScroll() function. #140 Added listener for transitionend event [Mat Brown]. Added listeners for animation events. Added listener for deviceorientation event. Improved logging for nested iFrames
v2.7.1 #131 Fix code that works out position of iFrame on host page
v2.7.0 #129 Parse data passed to parentIFrame.sendMessage() into JSON to allow complex data types to be sent to onMessage()
v2.6.5 #107 Added Node support for use with Browserify
v2.6.4 #115 Added parentIFrame.scrollToOffset() method
v2.6.3 #115 Fixed issue with the range check sometimes causing non-resizing messages to be rejected
v2.6.2 #104 Fixed issue with jQuery.noConflict [Dmitry Mukhutdinov]
v2.6.1 #91 Fixed issue with jQuery version requiring empty object if no options are being set
v2.6.0 Added parentIFrame.scrollTo() method. Added Tolerance option. #85 Update troubleshooting guide [Kevin Sproles]
v2.5.2 #67 Allow lowercase <iframe>
tags for XHTML complience [SlimerDude]. #69 Fix watch task typo in gruntfile.js [Matthew Hupman]. Remove trailing comma in heightCalcMethods array #76 [Fabio Scala]
v2.5.1 #58 Fixed endless loop and margin issues with an unnested mid-tier iframe. #59 Fixed main property of Bower config file
v2.5.0 Added minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth and maxWidth options. Added onInit and onClosed functions (Close event calling onResized is deprecated). Added grow and lowestElement heightCalculationMethods. Added AMD support. #52 Added sendMessage example. #54 Work around IE8's borked JS execution stack. #55 Check datatype of passed in options
v2.4.8 Fix issue when message passed to onMessage contains a colon
v2.4.7 #49 Deconflict requestAnimationFrame
v2.4.6 #46 Fix iFrame event listener in IE8
v2.4.5 #41 Prevent error in FireFox when body is hidden by CSS [Scott Otis]
v2.4.4 Enable nested iFrames (#31 Filter incoming iFrame message in host-page script. #33 Squash unexpected message warning when using nested iFrames. Improved logging for nested iFrames). #38 Detect late image loads that cause a resize due to async image loading in WebKit [Yassin]. Fixed :Hover example in FireFox. Increased trigger timeout lock to 64ms
v2.4.3 Simplified handling of double fired events. Fixed test coverage
v2.4.2 Fix missing 'px' unit when resetting height
v2.4.1 Fix screen flicker issue with scroll height calculation methods in v2.4.0
v2.4.0 Improved handling of alternate sizing methods, so that they will now shrink on all trigger events, except Interval. Prevent error when incoming message to iFrame is an object
v2.3.2 Fix backwards compatibility issue between V2 iFrame and V1 host-page scripts
v2.3.1 Added setHeightCalculationMethod() method in iFrame. Added min option to the height calculation methods. Invalid value for heightCalculationMethod is now a warning rather than an error and now falls back to the default value
v2.3.0 Added extra heightCalculationMethod options. Inject clearFix into 'body' to work around CSS floats preventing the height being correctly calculated. Added meaningful error message for non-valid values in heightCalculationMethod. Stop click events firing for 50ms after size events. Fixed hover example in old IE
v2.2.3 #26 Locally scope jQuery to $, so there is no dependancy on it being defined globally
v2.2.2 #25 Added click listener to Window, to detect CSS checkbox resize events
v2.2.1 #24 Prevent error when incoming message to host page is an object [Torjus Eidet]
v2.2.0 Added targetOrigin option to sendMessage function. Added bodyBackground option. Expanded troubleshooting section
v2.1.1 #16 Option to change the height calculation method in the iFrame from offsetHeight to scrollHeight. Troubleshooting section added to docs
v2.1.0 Added sendMessage() and getId() to window.parentIFrame. Changed width calculation to use scrollWidth. Removed deprecated object name in iFrame
v2.0.0 Added native JS public function, renamed script filename to reflect that jQuery is now optional. Renamed do(Heigh/Width) to size(Height/Width), renamed contentWindowBodyMargin to bodyMargin and renamed callback onResized. Improved logging messages. Stop resize event firing for 50ms after interval event. Added multiple page example. Workout unsized margins inside the iFrame. The bodyMargin property now accepts any valid value for a CSS margin. Check message origin is iFrame. Removed deprecated methods
v1.4.4 Fixed bodyMargin bug
v1.4.3 CodeCoverage fixes. Documentation improvements
v1.4.2 Fixed size(250) example in IE8
v1.4.1 Setting interval
to a negative number now forces the interval test to run instead of MutationObserver
v1.4.0 #12 Option to enable scrolling in iFrame, off by default. #13 Bower dependancies updated
v1.3.7 Stop resize event firing for 50ms after size event. Added size(250) to example
v1.3.6 #11 Updated jQuery to v1.11.0 in example due to IE11 having issues with jQuery v1.10.1
v1.3.5 Documentation improvements. Added Grunt-Bump to build script
v1.3.0 IFrame code now uses default values if called with an old version of the host page script. Improved function naming. Old names have been deprecated and removed from docs
v1.2.5 Fix publish to plugins.jquery.com
v1.2.0 Added autoResize option, added height/width values to iFrame public size function, set HTML tag height to auto, improved documentation [All Jure Mav]. Plus setInterval now only runs in browsers that don't support MutationObserver and is on by default, sourceMaps added and close() method introduced to parentIFrame object in iFrame
v1.1.1 Added event type to messageData object
v1.1.0 Added DOM MutationObserver trigger to better detect content changes in iFrame, #7 Set height of iFrame body element to auto to prevent resizing loop, if it's set to a percentage
v1.0.3 #6 Force incoming messages to string. Migrated to Grunt 4.x. Published to Bower
v1.0.2 #2 mime-type changed for IE8-10
v1.0.0 Initial pubic release.