Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


renke68.1kISC6.0.0TypeScript support: included

An import-sort style that is compatible with ESLint's sort-imports rule



A style for import-sort that conforms to the ESLint rule sort-imports.

// Modules with side effects (not sorted because order may matter)
import "a";
import "c";
import "b";

// Modules with only namespace member sorted by member
import * as aa from "aa";
import * as bb from "bb";

// Modules with multiple members sorted by first member
import aaa, {bbb} from "aaa";
import {ccc, ddd} from "ccc";
import eee, * as fff from "eee";

// Modules with single member sorted by member
import aaaa from "aaaa";
import {bbbb} from "bbbb";