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Package detail



Tests if 2 characters together are a surrogate pair.

isSurrogatePair, module, javascript, nodejs, browser


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Tests if 2 characters together are a surrogate pair.

module.exports(char1, [char2])boolean

Tests if the two character arguments combined are a valid UTF-16 surrogate pair.

Kind: Exported function
Returns: boolean - Returns true if the two characters create a valid 'UTF-16' surrogate pair; otherwise false.

Param Type Description
char1 * The character combination, or if char2 is supplied then the first character of a suspected surrogate pair.
[char2] * The second character of a suspected surrogate pair.


import isSurrogatePair from 'is-surrogate-pair-x';

const test1 = 'a';
const test2 = '𠮟';

console.log(isSurrogatePair(test1)); // false
console.log(isSurrogatePair(test1.charAt(0), test1.charAt(1))); // false
console.log(isSurrogatePair(test2)); // true
console.log(isSurrogatePair(test2.charAt(0), test2.charAt(1))); // true