Fun with Iterables
npm install iter-fun
import { getOrCreateIterator } from "iter-fun";
// if the object has an iterator, return it
// if not, create one from the object
const iter = getOrCreateIterator(obj);
import { isArray } from "iter-fun";
isArray([1, 2, 3]); // true
import { isIterator } from "iter-fun";
isIterator([1, 2, 3][Symbol.iterator]()); // true
import { hasNext } from "iter-fun";
hasNext({ next: () => {...} }); // true
import { hasIterator } from "iter-fun";
hasIterator({ "@@iterator": ... }); // true
import { hasSymbolIterator } from "iter-fun";
hasSymbolIterator(Array); // true
import { getIterator } from "iter-fun";
const iter = getIterator([1, 2]);; // { value: 1, done: false }; // { value: 2, done: false } // { done: true }
import { createIterator } from "iter-fun";
// obj must have a length property
// and index-addressable data like obj[123]
const iter = createIterator(obj);
import { addSymbolIterator } from "iter-fun";
const obj = { next: () => {...} };
// modifies the object in-place adding a [Symbol.iterator] key
import { addSymbolIteratorFallback } from "iter-fun";
const obj = { next: () => {...} };
// modifies the object in-place adding a "@@iterator" string key
// helpful if you are running in an old browser
import { wrapNextFunction } from "iter-fun";
const next = () => { ... };
const iter = wrapNextFunction(next);
// converts a next function into a fully functioning iterable
import { zip } from "iter-fun";
const zeros = [0, 0, 0, ...];
const twos = [2, 2, 2, ...];
const sixties = [60, 60, 60, ...];
const iters = [zeros, twos, sixties];
const zipped = zip(iters);;
// { done: false, value: [0, 2, 60] }