Iterate tree object by given propety name and callback.
Methods implement Depth-first search(DFS) and Breadth-first search(BFS) algorithms for traversing or searching.
npm install iterate-tree
var iterator = require('iterate-tree')
//Breadth-first search(BFS)
iterator.bfs(treeObject, 'propName', (obj) => {
// Do something with the object
//Depth-first search(DFS)
iterator.dfs(treeObject, 'propName', (obj) => {
// Do something with the object
If method is used as search of an object in the tree structure - RETURN FALSE in the callback breaks the search when it is needed.
var iterator = require('iterate-tree')
//Breadth-first search(BFS)
iterator.bfs(treeObject, 'propName', (obj) => {
if(obj == condition){
// Do something with the found object
return false; // finish the search
//Depth-first search(DFS)
iterator.dfs(treeObject, 'propName', (obj) => {
if(obj == condition){
// Do something with the found object
return false; // finish the search