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ota-meshi8mMIT2.4.0TypeScript support: included

JSON, JSONC and JSON5 parser for use with ESLint plugins

eslint, json, jsonc, json5, parser



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:name_badge: Introduction

JSON, JSONC and JSON5 parser for use with ESLint plugins.

This parser allows us to lint JSON, JSONC and JSON5 files. This parser and the rules of eslint-plugin-jsonc would catch some of the mistakes and code style violations.

See eslint-plugin-jsonc for details.

:cd: Installation

npm i --save-dev jsonc-eslint-parser

:book: Usage

In your ESLint configuration file, set the overrides > parser property:

  // ...
  // Add the following settings.
  "overrides": [
      "files": ["*.json", "*.json5"], // Specify the extension or pattern you want to parse as JSON.
      "parser": "jsonc-eslint-parser", // Set this parser.

:gear: Configuration

The following additional configuration options are available by specifying them in parserOptions in your ESLint configuration file.

  // ...
  "overrides": [
      "files": ["*.json", "*.json5"],
      "parser": "jsonc-eslint-parser",
      // Additional configuration options
      "parserOptions": {
        "jsonSyntax": "JSON5"


Set to "JSON", "JSONC" or "JSON5". Select the JSON syntax you are using.
If not specified, all syntaxes that express static values ​​are accepted. For example, template literals without interpolation.

Note : Recommended to loosen the syntax checking by the parser and use check rules of eslint-plugin-jsonc to automatically fix it.

Usage for Custom Rules / Plugins

:traffic_light: Semantic Versioning Policy

jsonc-eslint-parser follows Semantic Versioning.

:lock: License

See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).
