Knockout.js meets ECMAScript 5 properties. Read the introduction and basic usage guide.
To use in a bower:
bower install knockout-es5
Or, get a copy of the knockout-es5.min.js
Then just add a <script>
tag referencing at. Be sure to place the reference after your reference to Knockout itself:
<script src='knockout-x.y.z.js'></script>
<script src='knockout-es5.min.js'></script>
If you are using this on the server in Node.js, just require the file as a module:
var ko = require('./knockout-es5');
// Now use ko - it has been enhanced with ES5 features
Version without weakmap in build =
- knockout-es5-clean.js
- knockout-es5-clean.min.js
This files don't have weakmap shim in code. You have to link weakmap shim or use es6 for it.
Recursive traversal of nested objects =
ko.track(nestedObj, { deep: true });
With fields:
ko.track(nestedObj, { deep: true, fields: ['prop1', 'prop2'] });
Selecting of nested fields (e.g. 'prop.nested_prop'
) are not yet supported. If someone need this feature, please create an issue.
Usage fields
prop without deep
ko.track(obj, { fields: ['prop1', 'prop2'] });
How to build from source
First, install NPM if you don't already have it. It comes with Node.js.
Second, install Grunt globally, if you don't already have it:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Third, use NPM to download all the dependencies for this module:
cd wherever_you_cloned_this_repo
npm install
Now you can build the package (linting and running tests along the way):
Or you can just run the linting tool and tests:
grunt test
Or you can make Grunt watch for changes to the sources/specs and auto-rebuild after each change:
grunt watch
The browser-ready output files will be dumped at the following locations: