Full-featured koa body parser! Support parsing text, buffer, json, json patch, json api, csp-report, multipart, form and urlencoded bodies. Works for koa@1, koa@2 and will work for koa@3.
Please consider following this project's author, Charlike Mike Reagent, and :star: the project to show your :heart: and support.
If you have any how-to kind of questions, please read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct documents. For bugs reports and feature requests, please create an issue or ping @tunnckoCore at Twitter.
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- Work for
(with deprecation messages), will also work inkoa@3
with koa-convert - Totally flexible through
and absolutely lightweight using lazy-cache - Accept few JSON types
- Accept JSON Patch [RFC6902] (koajs/bodyparser#8)
- Accept JSON API v1 (koajs/bodyparser#7)
- Accept JSON csp-report (#3)
- Accept text and buffer bodies
- Accept urlencoded and forms bodies
- Accept multipart form data files and fields
- Can parse correctly array data from forms - e.g. multiple fields to have same name - dlau/koa-body#15
- Can parse correctly forms that accept multiple files - see #26 and dlau/koa-body#15
- Strict mode by default - see why on IETF Message Semantics: Section 6.1
- Custom JSON request detect function - koajs/bodyparser#f6a5ff
- Custom error handling function - koajs/bodyparser#19418129
- Extending types of request that your app can accept - koajs/bodyparser#ba7479b
- Using awesome formidable package - „battle-tested against hundreds of GB of file uploads“
- Passing a custom
instance, allowing awesome customization - Passing all options to
, allowing awesome control
Table of Contents
- Install
- Working with
- Options
- Note about
- Note about advanced
parsing - Note about
mode - See Also
- Contributing
- Contributors
- License
(TOC generated by verb using markdown-toc)
This project requires Node.js >=8.11 (see
Support & Release Policy).
Install it using yarn or
We highly recommend to use Yarn when you
think to contribute to this project.
$ yarn add koa-better-body
Generated using jest-runner-docs.
Robust body parser for koa@1, also works for
(with deprecations). Will also work for futurekoa@3
with koa-convert.
{object} - see more on options sectionreturns
{GeneratorFunction} - plugin for Koa
var koa = require('koa');
var body = require('koa-better-body');
var app = koa();
.use(function* () {
console.log(this.request.body); // if buffer or text
console.log(this.request.files); // if multipart or urlencoded
console.log(this.request.fields); // if json
.listen(8080, function () {
console.log('koa server start listening on port 8080');
Working with koa-router
using koa-router
'use strict';
var app = require('koa')();
var body = require('koa-better-body');
var router = require('koa-router')();
router.post('/upload', body(), function* (next) {
// there's no `.body` when `multipart`,
// `urlencoded` or `json` request
// print it to the API requester
this.body = JSON.stringify(
fields: this.request.fields,
files: this.request.files,
body: this.request.body || null,
yield next;
var format = require('util').format;
var host = 'http://localhost:4292';
var cmd = 'curl -i %s/upload -F "source=@%s/.editorconfig"';
console.log('Try it out with below CURL for `koa-better-body` repository.');
console.log(format(cmd, host, __dirname));
Sane defaults. :sparkles:
Accepts JSON, JSON API v1, text, buffer,
csp-report, multipart and
urlencoded/form bodies. If you want to disallow accepting and parsing multipart
body you should pass multipart: false
. Most of the defaults you can see at
utils.defaultOptions and utils.defaultTypes. All options
also been passed to formidable.IncomingForm! Even you can pass
IncomingForm instance to be able to handle the different formidable events.
{Boolean|String}: Defaultfalse
, which means it will set fields onthis.request.fields
. If you pass a string, for example'foo'
, you will have fields onthis.request.foo
{Boolean|String}: Defaultfalse
, which means it will set files onthis.request.files
. If you pass a string, for example'bar'
, you will have files onthis.request.bar
{Boolean}: Defaulttrue
. If you passfalse
it won't accept/parse multipart bodies.textLimit
{String}: Default'100kb'
. Passed to bytes.parse method.formLimit
{String}: Default'100kb'
. Passed to bytes.parse method.urlencodedLimit
{String}: Default'100kb'
. Alias ofopts.formLimit
{String}: Default'100kb'
. Passed to bytes.parse method.bufferLimit
{String}: Default'1mb'
. Passed to bytes.parse method.jsonStrict
{Boolean}: Defaulttrue
. When set to true, JSON parser will only accept arrays and objects.detectJSON
{Function}: Custom JSON request detect function -detectJSON(ctx)
{Boolean}: Defaulttrue
. Passfalse
if you want to allow parsing GET, DELETE and HEAD requests.onerror
{Function}: Custom error handle, if throw an error, you can customize the response -onerror(err, ctx)
{Object}: Default accepting types can find on utils.defaultTypes function. Allowing you to extend what your app can accept. By default works for JSON, JSON API v1, multipart, text, urlencoded and csp-report.IncomingForm
{IncomingForm}: Pass an instance offormidable.IncomingForm
to be able to handle formidable events.handler
{GeneratorFunction}: Works withoptions.extendTypes.custom
to handle custom types of content-type -handler(ctx, options, next)
. More info below.querystring
{Object}: Querystring module to be used. By default builtinquerystring
. More info below.qs
{Object}: Alias ofopts.querystring
. Allopts
are also passed to qs or querystring module.delimiter
{String}: Default is&
. Delimiter of key/value pairs, passed to querystring libsep
{String}: alias ofopts.delimiter
{Boolean}: Defaultfalse
, passtrue
if you want to get body as buffer.
Note about options.extendTypes
ExandTypes option gives you a flexible way to handle different content-types and
modify the defaults which can be found
at utils.defaultTypes function. In addition you can pass
combination of options.extendTypes.custom
and options.handler
. When the
request has some of the "custom" content type, this middleware will call the
generator function with ctx, options, next
. You can see more at
issue #52.
For example manually handle such content types foo/bar-x
, text/quix
const app = require('koa')()
const body = require('koa-better-body')
textLimit: '300kb'
extendTypes: {
custom: [
handler: function * (ctx, opts) {
// `ctx` is equal to `this` and `app`
// `opts` is current options object
// passed to `koa-better-body`
ctx.body = yield this.request.text(opts.textLimit)
app.use(function * showBody () {
// `this.body` is text
Note about advanced querystring
Because this middleware is fully based and integrated with koa-body-parsers,
by default it uses Node's built-in module for that thing
querystring. So if you have some
issues with forms, think to add custom querystring module like qs to
or app.querystring
. Related to this is
issue #45.
const app = require('koa')()
const body = require('koa-better-body')
multipart: false
querystring: require('qs')
It's intentional that it's not included in the deps by default. In v2
it was
also working by passing it to app.querystring
, because koa-body-parsers
that way (index.js#L53).
Note about strict
We are trying to follow standards. :cat2:
You can pass strict:false
, but see
IETF HTTP/1.1 Message Semantics: Section 6.1
to understand why we stay to "strict mode" by default. GET, HEAD, and DELETE
requests have no defined semantics for the request body, but this doesn't mean
they may not be valid in certain use cases. Last two tests at
test/options.js are showing usage on non-strict and strict
See Also
Some of these projects are used here or were inspiration for this one, others are just related. So, thanks for your existance!
- formidable: A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads. | homepage
- ip-filter: Validates valid IPs (IPv4 and IPv6) using micromatch - glob… more | homepage
- koa-body-parsers: collection of koa body parsers | homepage
- koa-bodyparser: a body parser for koa | homepage
- koa-ip-filter: Middleware for koa that filters IPs against glob patterns, RegExp… more | homepage
- koa: Koa web app framework | homepage
- koala: Koa Framework Suite | homepage
Guides and Community
Please read the Contributing Guide and Code of Conduct documents for advices.
For bug reports and feature requests, please join our community forum and open a thread there with prefixing the title of the thread with the name of the project if there's no separate channel for it.
Consider reading the Support and Release Policy guide if you are interested in what are the supported Node.js versions and how we proceed. In short, we support latest two even-numbered Node.js release lines.
Support the project
Become a Partner or Sponsor? :dollar: Check the OpenSource Commision (tier). :tada: You can get your company logo, link & name on this file. It's also rendered on package's page in npmjs.com and yarnpkg.com sites too! :rocket:
Not financial support? Okey! Pull requests, stars and all kind of contributions are always welcome. :sparkles:
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key), consider showing your support to them:
Charlike Mike Reagent 🚇 💻 📖 🤔 🚧 ⚠️ |
Copyright (c) 2014-present, Charlike Mike Reagent
& contributors.
Released under the MPL-2.0 License.
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