LDAP query generator
Writing LDAP queries is hard! this is a tool to generate LDAP operations defined in RFC 4511
AS Easy AS
import { QueryGenerator } from "ldap-query-generator";
/** User Fields */
interface User {}
/** You can use it with or without generic type */
const qGen = new QueryGenerator<User>();
const { query } = qGen
.select(["USNIntersite", "aCSPolicyName"])
.where({ field: "mobile", action: "substrings", criteria: "404*999*" })
.whereAnd({ field: "memberOf", action: "startWith", criteria: "admin" })
.whereAnd({ field: "memberOf", action: "endWith", criteria: "office" })
.whereAnd({ field: "badPwdCount", action: "lessOrEqual", criteria: "2" })
.whereAnd({ field: "info", action: "approxMatch", criteria: "my-info" })
.whereOr({ field: "mail", action: "present", criteria: "*@domain.com" })
field: "homePostalAddress",
action: "substrings",
criteria: "Georgia",
field: "delivContLength",
action: "greaterOrEqual",
criteria: "6",
field: "middleName",
action: "extensible",
criteria: "joe",
extensibleConfig: {
dn: true,
ignoreField: true,
matchingRuleId: "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941",
field: "userAccountControl",
action: "extensible",
criteria: "2",
extensibleConfig: {
dn: false,
ignoreField: false,
matchingRuleId: "1.2.840.113556.1.4.803",
to generate interfaces from ldap schema, use ldap-schema-ts-generator
Api Documentations
API documentation API Website
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> LDAP Search Filters RFC4515
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> where
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> whereAnd
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> whereOr
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> whereNot
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> select
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> toString
- <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> whereRaw
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Absence of attribute (!(attribute=)) , e.g. (!proxyAddresses=)
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Filter boolean attributes the consideration of the upper/ lower case will be crucial. The use of TRUE or FALSE is absolutely necessary for filtering such booleans.
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Special characters: characters ( ) & | = ! > < ~ * / \ play a special role for the declaration of LDAP filters.
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Hex Numbers
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Binary Values
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Filtering for Bit Fields
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Filtering with Ambiguous Name Resolution (ANR)
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> LDAP Search Filter Validator
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> No quotation marks Comparative strings do NOT appear in quotation marks. A filter for the displayName 'Philipp Foeckeler' would read as follows: (displayName=Philipp Foeckeler)
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> correct parentheses
- <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> you can't use wildcards in LDAP filters for attributes containing LDAP distinguished names (attributes with DN-string syntax / ADSI attribute data type ADSTYPE_DN_STRING = 1). The same applies for ADS: Filters in which DN attributes are searched with wildcards do not work. the following filter won't work!