Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


tmuguet37MIT0.6.1TypeScript support: included

Enables drawing tracks using custom routing


Leaflet TrackDrawer

Leaflet TrackDrawer is a plugin for Leaflet to easily draw tracks while using custom routing algorithms.

L.TrackDrawer.Track provides the low-level APIs to add, move & delete waypoints. It also supports saving and restoring state, as well as undoing and redoing actions.

The plugin also comes with an optional toolbar L.TrackDrawer.ToolBar which implements all the interactions for you.

If you wish to have multiple routing algorithms, there is an additional toolbar L.TrackDrawer.TraceModeBar which lets the user easily switch between modes.


A real-case usage of this plugin is for map2gpx.


See doc.

Extending TrackDrawer

Other plugins are available to extend/use TrackDrawer:

  • Leaflet.TrackDrawer.FileLayer: enables loading GPX, KML, GeoJSON from the users's computer or from a URL
  • Leaflet.TrackStats: computes statistics (distance, altitude, slope, etc.) for Leaflet's Polyline objects and for TrackDrawer's Track objects