Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

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kmalakoff30.6kMIT0.1.24TypeScript support: included

Link and unlink with saving and restoring the previous file or directory

link, unlink, restore, fs, symlink, file, directory


Link and unlink with saving and restoring the previous file or directory

import { link, unlink } from 'link-unlink';

// if '/path/to/link' exists, it is moved to '/path/to/link.abcde1234' and regardless '/path/to/file_or_folder' -> '/path/to/link'
await link('/path/to/file_or_folder', '/path/to/link'); 

// if '/path/to/link.abcde1234' exists, it is restored to '/path/to/link' otherwise it will be removed
await unlink('/path/to/link'); 


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