Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

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webpack212.5mMIT3.3.1TypeScript support: definitely-typed

utils for webpack loaders





Converts some resource URL to a webpack module request.

i Before call urlToRequest you need call isUrlRequest to ensure it is requestable url

const url = "path/to/module.js";

if (loaderUtils.isUrlRequest(url)) {
  // Logic for requestable url
  const request = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(url);
} else {
  // Logic for not requestable url

Simple example:

const url = "path/to/module.js";
const request = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(url); // "./path/to/module.js"

Module URLs

Any URL containing a ~ will be interpreted as a module request. Anything after the ~ will be considered the request path.

const url = "~path/to/module.js";
const request = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(url); // "path/to/module.js"

Root-relative URLs

URLs that are root-relative (start with /) can be resolved relative to some arbitrary path by using the root parameter:

const url = "/path/to/module.js";
const root = "./root";
const request = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(url, root); // "./root/path/to/module.js"

To convert a root-relative URL into a module URL, specify a root value that starts with ~:

const url = "/path/to/module.js";
const root = "~";
const request = loaderUtils.urlToRequest(url, root); // "path/to/module.js"


Interpolates a filename template using multiple placeholders and/or a regular expression. The template and regular expression are set as query params called name and regExp on the current loader's context.

const interpolatedName = loaderUtils.interpolateName(

The following tokens are replaced in the name parameter:

  • [ext] the extension of the resource
  • [name] the basename of the resource
  • [path] the path of the resource relative to the context query parameter or option.
  • [folder] the folder the resource is in
  • [query] the queryof the resource, i.e. ?foo=bar
  • [contenthash] the hash of options.content (Buffer) (by default it's the hex digest of the xxhash64 hash)
  • [<hashType>:contenthash:<digestType>:<length>] optionally one can configure
    • other hashTypes, i. e. xxhash64, sha1, md4 (wasm version), native-md4 (crypto module version), md5, sha256, sha512
    • other digestTypes, i. e. hex, base26, base32, base36, base49, base52, base58, base62, base64, base64safe
    • and length the length in chars
  • [hash] the hash of options.content (Buffer) (by default it's the hex digest of the xxhash64 hash)
  • [<hashType>:hash:<digestType>:<length>] optionally one can configure
    • other hashTypes, i. e. xxhash64, sha1, md4 (wasm version), native-md4 (crypto module version), md5, sha256, sha512
    • other digestTypes, i. e. hex, base26, base32, base36, base49, base52, base58, base62, base64, base64safe
    • and length the length in chars
  • [N] the N-th match obtained from matching the current file name against options.regExp

In loader context [hash] and [contenthash] are the same, but we recommend using [contenthash] for avoid misleading.

digestType with base64safe don't contain /, + and = symbols.


// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/js/javascript.js"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "js/[hash].script.[ext]", { content: ... });
// => js/9473fdd0d880a43c21b7778d34872157.script.js

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/js/javascript.js"
// loaderContext.resourceQuery = "?foo=bar"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "js/[hash].script.[ext][query]", { content: ... });
// => js/9473fdd0d880a43c21b7778d34872157.script.js?foo=bar

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/js/javascript.js"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "js/[contenthash].script.[ext]", { content: ... });
// => js/9473fdd0d880a43c21b7778d34872157.script.js

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/page.html"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "html-[hash:6].html", { content: ... });
// => html-9473fd.html

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/flash.txt"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "[hash]", { content: ... });
// => c31e9820c001c9c4a86bce33ce43b679

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/img/image.png"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "[sha512:hash:base64:7].[ext]", { content: ... });
// => 2BKDTjl.png
// use sha512 hash instead of xxhash64 and with only 7 chars of base64

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/img/myself.png"
// =
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "picture.png");
// => picture.png

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/dir/file.png"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "[path][name].[ext]?[hash]", { content: ... });
// => /app/dir/file.png?9473fdd0d880a43c21b7778d34872157

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/js/page-home.js"
loaderUtils.interpolateName(loaderContext, "script-[1].[ext]", { regExp: "page-(.*)\\.js", content: ... });
// => script-home.js

// loaderContext.resourcePath = "/absolute/path/to/app/js/javascript.js"
// loaderContext.resourceQuery = "?foo=bar"
  (resourcePath, resourceQuery) => {
    // resourcePath - `/app/js/javascript.js`
    // resourceQuery - `?foo=bar`

    return "js/[hash].script.[ext]";
  { content: ... }
// => js/9473fdd0d880a43c21b7778d34872157.script.js


const digestString = loaderUtils.getHashDigest(
  • buffer the content that should be hashed
  • hashType one of xxhash64, sha1, md4, md5, sha256, sha512 or any other node.js supported hash type
  • digestType one of hex, base26, base32, base36, base49, base52, base58, base62, base64, base64safe
  • maxLength the maximum length in chars





All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

3.3.1 (2024-06-05)

Bug Fixes

3.3.0 (2024-06-04)


3.2.2 (2024-05-29)

Bug Fixes

  • unreachable code for directories (128f945)

3.2.1 (2022-11-11)

Bug Fixes

3.2.0 (2021-11-11)


  • hash uniformity for base digests (451858b)

3.1.3 (2021-11-04)

Bug Fixes

3.1.2 (2021-11-04)

Bug Fixes

3.1.1 (2021-11-04)

Bug Fixes

  • base64 and unicode characters (02b1f3f)

3.1.0 (2021-10-29)


  • added md4 (wasm version) and md4-native (crypto module version) algorithms (cbf9d1d)

3.0.0 (2021-10-20)


  • minimum supported Node.js version is 12.13.0 (93a87ce)
  • use xxhash64 by default for [hash]/[contenthash] and getHashDigest API
  • [emoji] was removed without replacements, please use custom function if you need this
  • removed getOptions in favor loaderContext.getOptions (loaderContext is this inside loader function), note - special query parameters like ?something=true is not supported anymore, if you need this please do it on loader side, but we strongly recommend avoid it, as alternative you can use ?something=1 and handle 1 as true
  • removed getRemainingRequest in favor loaderContext.remainingRequest (loaderContext is this inside loader function)
  • removed getCurrentRequest in favor loaderContext.currentRequest (loaderContext is this inside loader function)
  • removed parseString in favor JSON.parse
  • removed parseQuery in favor new URLSearchParams(loaderContext.resourceQuery.slice(1)) where loaderContext is this in loader function
  • removed stringifyRequest in favor JSON.stringify(loaderContext.utils.contextify(loaderContext.context || loaderContext.rootContext, request)) (loaderContext is this inside loader function), also it will be cachable and faster
  • isUrlRequest ignores only absolute URLs and #hash requests, data URI and root relative request are handled as requestable due webpack v5 support them

Bug Fixes

  • allowed the interpolateName API works without options (862ea7d)

2.0.0 (2020-03-17)


  • minimum required Node.js version is 8.9.0 (#166) (c937e8c)
  • the getOptions method returns empty object on empty query (#167) (b595cfb)
  • Use md4 by default

1.4.0 (2020-02-19)


  • the resourceQuery is passed to the interpolateName method (#163) (cd0e428)

1.3.0 (2020-02-19)


  • support the [query] template for the interpolatedName method (#162) (469eeba)

1.2.3 (2018-12-27)

Bug Fixes

  • interpolateName: don't interpolated hashType without hash or contenthash (#140) (3528fd9)

1.2.2 (2018-12-27)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed a hash type extracting in interpolateName (#137) (f8a71f4)

1.2.1 (2018-12-25)

Bug Fixes

  • isUrlRequest: better handle absolute urls and non standards (#134) (aca43da)


1.2.0 (2018-12-24)


  • interpolateName: support [contenthash]


  • urlToRequest: empty urls are not rewritten to relative requests
  • urlToRequest: don't rewrite absolute urls
  • isUrlRequest: ignore all url with extension (like moz-extension:, ms-browser-extension: and etc)
  • isUrlRequest: ignore about:blank
  • interpolateName: failing explicitly when ran out of emoji
  • interpolateName: [hash] token regex in interpolate string to capture any hash algorithm name
  • interpolateName: parse string for emoji count before use

1.1.0 (2017-03-16)


  • automatic-release: Generation of automatic release (7484d13)
  • parseQuery: export parseQuery (ddf64e4)