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Package detail



A Markdown-it plugin for adding a table of contents to markdown documents

markdown, markdown-it, toc, table of contents, markdown-it-plugin



A table of contents plugin for Markdown-it. Simple, customizable and with a default slugifier that matches that of markdown-it-anchor (>5.0.0).


var MarkdownIt = require("markdown-it");
var md = new MarkdownIt();

md.use(require("markdown-it-anchor").default); // Optional, but makes sense as you really want to link to something, see info about recommended plugins below

Then add [[toc]] where you want the table of contents to be added in your document.

Want to use a table of contents generator client-side in the browser? Try my <table-of-contents> webcomponent: table-of-contents-element on GitHub. Advantage: can use more sophisticated query selector and better support for HTML customization.

Example markdown

This markdown:

# Heading


## Sub heading 1
Some nice text

## Sub heading 2
Some even nicer text

... would render this HTML using the default options specified in "usage" above:

<h1 id="heading">Heading</h1>

<div class="table-of-contents">
    <li><a href="#heading">Heading</a>
        <li><a href="#sub-heading-1">Sub heading 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#sub-heading-2">Sub heading 2</a></li>

<h2 id="sub-heading-1">Sub heading 1</h2>
<p>Some nice text</p>

<h2 id="sub-heading-2">Sub heading 2</h2>
<p>Some even nicer text</p>


You may specify options when useing the plugin. like so:

md.use(require("markdown-it-table-of-contents"), options);

These options are available:

Name Description Default
includeLevel Headings levels to use (2 for h2:s etc) [1, 2]
containerClass The class for the container DIV "table-of-contents"
slugify A custom slugification function encodeURIComponent(String(s).trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-'))
markerPattern Regex pattern of the marker to be replaced with TOC /^\[\[toc\]\]/im
omitTag HTML comment tag to exclude next headline from TOC <!-- omit from toc -->
listType Type of list (ul for unordered, ol for ordered) ul
format A function for formatting headings (see below) md.renderInline(content)
containerHeaderHtml Optional HTML string for container header undefined
containerFooterHtml Optional HTML string for container footer undefined
transformLink A function for transforming the TOC links undefined
transformContainerOpen A function for transforming the container opening tag (see source code)
transformContainerClose A function for transforming the container closing tag (see source code)
getTokensText A function for extracting text from tokens for titles (see source code)

format is an optional function for changing how the headings are displayed in the TOC.

By default, TOC headings will be formatted using markdown-it's internal MD formatting rules (i.e. it will be formatted using the same rules / extensions as other markdown in your document). You can override this behavior by specifying a custom format function. The function should accept two arguments:

  1. content - The heading test, as a markdown string.
  2. md – markdown-it's internal markdown parser object. This should only be need for advanced use cases.
function format(content, md) {
  // manipulate the headings as you like here.
  return manipulatedHeadingString;

transformLink is an optional function for transform the link as you like.

function transformLink(link) {
  // transform the link as you like here.
  return transformedLink;

transformContainerOpen and transformContainerClose can be used to replace the container element with one or several more like so:

md.use(markdownItTOC, {
    transformContainerOpen: () => {
        return '<nav class="my-toc"><button>Toggle</button><h3>Table of Contents</h3>';
    transformContainerClose: () => {
        return '</nav>';

getTokensText is a function that can be used to change how text is extracted from tokens to support more ways how headlines are build. See source code for more information or the equivalent function in markdown-it-anchor.

By default, markdown-it-table-of-contents collects all headings and renders a nested list. It uses the slugify() function to create anchor targets for the links in the list. However, the headlines in your markdown document are not touched by markdown-it-table-of-contents. You'd have a nice table of contents, but the links don't link to anything. That's why you need another plugin to generate ids (anchor link targets) for all of your headlines. There are two recommended plugins to achieve this:


This plugin transforms all headlines in a markdown document so that the HTML code includes an id. It slugifies the headline:

## Hello world, I think you should read this article


<h2 id="hello-world-i-think-you-should-read-this-article">Hello world, I think you should read this article</h2>


This plugin lets you attach custom attributes to your headlines. This is especially useful, if you have long headlines but want short anchors:

## Hello world, I think you should read this article {#hello}


<h2 id="hello">Hello world, I think you should read this article</h2>

Full example with unusual headline order

Of course, both plugins can be combined. markdown-it-anchor ignores headlines that already have an id attribute.

Furthermore, markdown-it-table-of-contents can handle unusual heading orders. Consider the full example below:

var md = new MarkdownIt();
md.use(markdownItTOC, {
  "includeLevel": [2,3,4]
# Article


### A message from our sponsors


## Hello world, I think you should read this article {#hello}

Lorem ipsum

## What's next?

Read this next...

#### See related articles {#related}

HTML output:

<h1 id="article">Article</h1>
    <div class="table-of-contents">
                    <li><a href="#a-message-from-our-sponsors">A message from our sponsors</a></li>
            <li><a href="#hello">Hello world, I think you should read this article</a></li>
            <li><a href="#what's-next%3F">What's next?</a>
                            <li><a href="#related">See related articles</a></li>
<h3 id="a-message-from-our-sponsors">A message from our sponsors</h3>
<h2 id="hello">Hello world, I think you should read this article</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
<h2 id="what's-next%3F">What's next?</h2>
<p>Read this next...</p>
<h4 id="related">See related articles</h4>

Example for omitting headlines from the TOC

If you want to exclude single headlines, you can use a special HTML comment to omit the next headline from the TOC:

<!-- omit from toc -->
# Title

For this to work, the HTML comment must come right in the line before the headline you want to exclude. Furthermore, you need to allow HTML in MarkdownIT:

const md = new MarkdownIt({ html: true });

You can override the HTML comment by using the option omitTag as explained above. Both, the tag and the actual comment in the Markdown file are case-insensitive.

Additional infos

  • This plugin outputs a semantically correct table of contents. Sub-lists are rendered within the parent <li> tag and not as a separate (empty) <li>.
  • Headlines can be in an arbitrary order. For example, h3, h2, h4. Please note that the jump from h2 to h4 causes a doube-indentation, which is correct.



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.9.0] - 2025-01-21

  • Added: Headlines can now be omitted from the table of contents by placing a special HTML comment tag before the headline (fixes #65).
  • Added: Option omitTag can override the default tag <!-- omit from toc -->

[0.8.0] - 2024-09-10

  • Added: Option getTokensText to override how text is extracted from tokens to build headlines and slugs (fixes #61), similar to the function in markdown-it-anchor.

[0.7.0] - 2024-09-09

  • Added: Override the container element
  • ⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE: The plugin moved from inline mode to block mode (fixes #62)
  • Changed: Updated tests, readme etc.
  • Removed: Old forceFullToc attribute

Override the container element

Two new options that accept functions that return HTML to render custom containers (and more elements if necessary):

md.use(markdownItTOC, {
    transformContainerOpen: () => {
        return '<nav class="my-toc"><button>Toggle</button><h3>Table of Contents</h3>';
    transformContainerClose: () => {
        return '</nav>';

Inline mode is now block mode



Output before:

<p><div class="table-of-contents"></div></p>

Output now:

<div class="table-of-contents"></div>

The TOC now is generated in block mode, which removes the wrapping p tag. Wrapping a div in a p is considered invalid HTML.

If you really need a wrapping p-element, you can emulate the old behavior with the new container override functions:

const md = new MarkdownIt();
md.use(markdownItTOC, {
    transformContainerOpen: () => {
        return '<p><div class="table-of-contents">';
    transformContainerClose: () => {
        return '</div></p>';

Be aware that the old tests/examples now behave differently when using soft breaks before the [[toc]] markup:


# Article
Text with soft line break (two spaces)  

## Headline

Output before:

<p>Text with soft line break (two spaces)<br>
<div class="table-of-contents">...</div></p>

Output now:

<p>Text with soft line break (two spaces)</p>
<div class="table-of-contents">...</div>

[0.6.0] - 2021-11-12

The TOC generator was rewritten, because the old on-the-fly generator couldn't deal with unexpected order of headings and double-indentations. It is now a three-step process:

  1. Gather all headings in a list.
  2. Turn that list into a nested tree.
  3. Generate HTML code based on the nested tree.

Although all tests pass, this release could introduce some breaking changes for you, if you relied on the old way of doing things. Check the test cases to get a better understanding how this plugin handles various cases.

  • Added: Support for markdown-it-attrs (fixes #54)
  • Changed: Respects unexpected nesting order (fixes #55)
  • Changed: Uses anchor targets from existing id attributes (for example, set by markdown-it-attrs or markdown-it-anchor)
  • Changed: Now nests list correctly if there is a jump (for example: h2, h2, h4 -> h4 is now double-indented)
  • Removed: unused tests