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Package detail


wooorm15.1kMIT2.0.1TypeScript support: included

Match the case of value to that of base

string, match, case, casing



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Match the case of value to that of base.


What is this?

This package matches the case (lowercase, uppercase, capitalized) of a string to that of another string.

When should I use this?

This package is useful if a user wrote some word, and you want to suggest a replacement, and want to make sure that the suggestion matches that of the original.


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 12.20+, 14.14+, or 16.0+), install with npm:

npm install match-casing

In Deno with Skypack:

import {matchCasing} from ''

In browsers with Skypack:

<script type="module">
  import {matchCasing} from ''


import {matchCasing} from 'match-casing'

matchCasing('foo', 'BAZ') // => 'FOO'
matchCasing('foo', 'Baz') // => 'Foo'
matchCasing('foo', 'baz') // => 'foo'
matchCasing('foo', 'BaZ') // => 'foo'

matchCasing('FOO', 'BAZ') // => 'FOO'
matchCasing('FOO', 'Baz') // => 'Foo'
matchCasing('FOO', 'baz') // => 'foo'
matchCasing('FOO', 'BaZ') // => 'FOO'

matchCasing('Foo', 'BAZ') // => 'FOO'
matchCasing('Foo', 'Baz') // => 'Foo'
matchCasing('Foo', 'baz') // => 'foo'
matchCasing('Foo', 'BaZ') // => 'Foo'

matchCasing('’90S', '’twas') // => '’90s'
matchCasing('’N’', 'a') // => '’n’'


This package exports the following identifier: matchCasing. There is no default export.

matchCasing(value, base)

Transform the case in value (string) to match that of base (string).


This package is fully typed with TypeScript. There are no extra exported types.


  • If base is uppercase, value is uppercased
  • Else, if base is lowercase, value is lowercased
  • Else, if the first alphabetic character in base is uppercase, and the rest of base is lowercase, uppercase the first alphabetic character in value and lowercase the rest
  • Else, return value unmodified

The third case deals with initial non-alphabetical characters as expected.


This package is at least compatible with all maintained versions of Node.js. As of now, that is Node.js 12.20+, 14.14+, and 16.0+. It also works in Deno and modern browsers.


This package is safe.


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MIT © Titus Wormer