Measured Reporting
The registry and reporting library that has the classes needed to create a dimension aware, self reporting metrics registry.
npm install measured-reporting
What is in this package
Self Reporting Metrics Registry
A dimensional aware self-reporting metrics registry, just supply this class with a reporter implementation at instantiation and this is all you need to instrument application level metrics in your app.
See the SelfReportingMetricsRegistryOptions for advanced configuration.
const { SelfReportingMetricsRegistry, LoggingReporter } = require('measured-reporting');
const registry = new SelfReportingMetricsRegistry(new LoggingReporter({
defaultDimensions: {
hostname: os.hostname()
// The metric will flow through LoggingReporter#_reportMetrics(metrics) every 10 seconds by default
const myCounter = registry.getOrCreateCounter('my-counter');
Reporter Abstract Class
Extend this class and override the _reportMetrics(metrics) method to create a vendor specific reporter implementation.
See the ReporterOptions for advanced configuration.
Current Implementations
- SignalFx Reporter in the
package.- reports metrics to SignalFx.
- Logging Reporter in the
package.- A reporter impl that simply logs the metrics via the Logger
Creating an anonymous Implementation
You can technically create an anonymous instance of this, see the following example.
const os = require('os');
const process = require('process');
const { SelfReportingMetricsRegistry, Reporter } = require('measured-reporting');
// Create a self reporting registry with an anonymous Reporter instance;
const registry = new SelfReportingMetricsRegistry(
new class extends Reporter {
constructor() {
defaultDimensions: {
hostname: os.hostname(),
env: process.env['NODE_ENV'] ? process.env['NODE_ENV'] : 'unset'
_reportMetrics(metrics) {
metrics.forEach(metric => {
dimensions: this._getDimensions(metric),
data: metric.metricImpl.toJSON()
// create a gauge that reports the process uptime every second
const processUptimeGauge = registry.getOrCreateGauge('node.process.uptime', () => process.uptime(), {}, 1);
Example output:
APP5HTD6ACCD8C:foo jfiel2$ NODE_ENV=development node index.js
Consider creating a proper class and contributing it back to Measured if it is generic and sharable.
Logging Reporter Class
A simple reporter that logs the metrics via the Logger.
See the ReporterOptions for advanced configuration.
const { SelfReportingMetricsRegistry, LoggingReporter } = require('measured-reporting');
const registry = new SelfReportingMetricsRegistry(new LoggingReporter({
logger: myLogerImpl, // defaults to new console logger if not supplied
defaultDimensions: {
hostname: require('os').hostname()
What are dimensions?
As described by Signal Fx:
A dimension is a key/value pair that, along with the metric name, is part of the identity of a time series. You can filter and aggregate time series by those dimensions across SignalFx.
DataDog has a nice blog post about how they are used in their aggregator api.
Graphite also supports the concept via tags.