Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



The classes needed to create self reporting dimension aware metrics registries


Measured Reporting

The registry and reporting library that has the classes needed to create a dimension aware, self reporting metrics registry.



npm install measured-reporting

What is in this package

Self Reporting Metrics Registry

A dimensional aware self-reporting metrics registry, just supply this class with a reporter implementation at instantiation and this is all you need to instrument application level metrics in your app.

See the SelfReportingMetricsRegistryOptions for advanced configuration.

const { SelfReportingMetricsRegistry, LoggingReporter } = require('measured-reporting');
const registry = new SelfReportingMetricsRegistry(new LoggingReporter({
  defaultDimensions: {
    hostname: os.hostname()

// The metric will flow through LoggingReporter#_reportMetrics(metrics) every 10 seconds by default
const myCounter = registry.getOrCreateCounter('my-counter');

Reporter Abstract Class

Extend this class and override the _reportMetrics(metrics) method to create a vendor specific reporter implementation.

See the ReporterOptions for advanced configuration.

Current Implementations

  • SignalFx Reporter in the measured-signalfx-reporter package.
    • reports metrics to SignalFx.
  • Logging Reporter in the measured-reporting package.
    • A reporter impl that simply logs the metrics via the Logger

Creating an anonymous Implementation

You can technically create an anonymous instance of this, see the following example.

const os = require('os');
const process = require('process');
const { SelfReportingMetricsRegistry, Reporter } = require('measured-reporting');

// Create a self reporting registry with an anonymous Reporter instance;
const registry = new SelfReportingMetricsRegistry(
  new class extends Reporter {
    constructor() {
        defaultDimensions: {
          hostname: os.hostname(),
          env: process.env['NODE_ENV'] ? process.env['NODE_ENV'] : 'unset'

    _reportMetrics(metrics) {
      metrics.forEach(metric => {
          dimensions: this._getDimensions(metric),
          data: metric.metricImpl.toJSON()

// create a gauge that reports the process uptime every second
const processUptimeGauge = registry.getOrCreateGauge('node.process.uptime', () => process.uptime(), {}, 1);

Example output:

APP5HTD6ACCD8C:foo jfiel2$ NODE_ENV=development node index.js

Consider creating a proper class and contributing it back to Measured if it is generic and sharable.

Logging Reporter Class

A simple reporter that logs the metrics via the Logger.

See the ReporterOptions for advanced configuration.

const { SelfReportingMetricsRegistry, LoggingReporter } = require('measured-reporting');
const registry = new SelfReportingMetricsRegistry(new LoggingReporter({
  logger: myLogerImpl, // defaults to new console logger if not supplied
  defaultDimensions: {
    hostname: require('os').hostname()

What are dimensions?

As described by Signal Fx:

A dimension is a key/value pair that, along with the metric name, is part of the identity of a time series. You can filter and aggregate time series by those dimensions across SignalFx.

DataDog has a nice blog post about how they are used in their aggregator api.

Graphite also supports the concept via tags.