Two-level memoizer
with promises stores function values in memory and/or file caches.
Writes to memory and file caches can be independently
changed on demand.
The file cache is stored in the application local
by default, so you may want to add local/
to .gitignore
For more examples, see test/memoizer.js
const { Memoizer } = require("memo-again");
var f = x=>42+x;
var mzr = new Memoizer();
var fmemo = mzr.memoize(f);
fmemo(0); // 42
fmemo(0); // 42 (cached)
fmemo(1); // 43
fmemo(1); // 43 (cached)
File iterators and more...
Iterate over all files in directory (async)
Async generator permits precise control of thread usage.
var files = [];
for await (let f of Files.files(FILES_DIR)) {
// [ "hello", "sub/basement", "universe", ]
Customize file iteration
Async generator provides fs.Stats
var opts = {
root: FILES_DIR,
stats: true, // return fs.Stats object
absolute: true, // return absolute filepath
for await (let f of Files.files(FILES_DIR)) {
// {path:..., stats:...}
Spread-syntax initialization (sync-only)
Sync generator uses fs sync methods and can be slower.
var files = [...Files.filesSync(FILES_DIR)];
// [ "hello", "sub/basement", "universe", ]
Application folder
The application that uses this library
// /home/somebody/myapp
Local folder
Use "local" folder for application data.
Remember to add it to .gitignore
// /home/somebody/myapp/local