micromark extension to support MDX ESM (import x from 'y'
- What is this?
- When to use this
- Install
- Use
- Authoring
- Syntax
- Errors
- Tokens
- Types
- Compatibility
- Security
- Related
- Contribute
- License
What is this?
This package contains an extension that adds support for the ESM syntax enabled
by MDX to micromark
These extensions are used inside MDX.
It matches how imports and exports work in JavaScript through acorn.
This package is aware of JavaScript syntax.
When to use this
This project is useful when you want to support ESM in markdown.
You can use this extension when you are working with micromark
To support all MDX features, use
When you need a syntax tree, combine this package with
All these packages are used in remark-mdx
, which focusses on
making it easier to transform content by abstracting these internals away.
When you are using mdx-js/mdx
, all of this is already included.
This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:
npm install micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm
In Deno with esm.sh
import {mdxjsEsm} from 'https://esm.sh/micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm@2'
In browsers with esm.sh
<script type="module">
import {mdxjsEsm} from 'https://esm.sh/micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm@2?bundle'
import {Parser} from 'acorn'
import acornJsx from 'acorn-jsx'
import {micromark} from 'micromark'
import {mdxjsEsm} from 'micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm'
const acorn = Parser.extend(acornJsx())
const output = micromark('import a from "b"\n\n# c', {
extensions: [mdxjsEsm({acorn})]
…which is useless: go to a syntax tree with
This package exports the identifier mdxjsEsm
There is no default export.
The export map supports the development
Run node --conditions development module.js
to get instrumented dev code.
Without this condition, production code is loaded.
Create an extension for micromark
to enable MDX ESM syntax.
, required) — configuration
Extension for micromark
that can be passed in extensions
to enable MDX
ESM syntax (Extension
Configuration (TypeScript type).
, required) — acorn parser to useacornOptions
, default:{ecmaVersion: 2024, locations: true, sourceType: 'module'}
) — configuration for acorn; all fields exceptlocations
can be setaddResult
, default:false
) — whether to addestree
fields to tokens with results from acorn
When authoring markdown with ESM, make sure to follow export and import statements with blank lines before more markdown.
All valid imports and exports are supported, depending on what the given acorn instance and configuration supports.
When the lowercase strings export
or import
are found, followed by a space,
we expect JavaScript.
Otherwise, like normal in markdown, we exit and it’ll end up as a paragraph.
We continue parsing until we find a blank line.
At that point, we parse with acorn: it if parses, we found our block.
Otherwise, if parsing failed at the last character, we assume it’s a blank line
in code: we continue on until the next blank line and try again.
Otherwise, the acorn error is thrown.
Some examples of valid export and import statements:
import a from 'b'
import * as a from 'b'
import {a} from 'b'
import {a as b} from 'c'
import a, {b as c} from 'd'
import a, * as b from 'c'
import 'a'
export var a = ''
export const a = ''
export let a = ''
export var a, b
export var a = 'a', b = 'b'
export function a() {}
export class a {}
export var {a} = {}
export var {a: b} = {}
export var [a] = []
export default a = 1
export default function a() {}
export default class a {}
export * from 'a'
export * as a from 'b'
export {a} from 'b'
export {a as b} from 'c'
export {default} from 'b'
export {default as a, b} from 'c'
{/* Blank lines are supported in expressions: */}
export function a() {
return 'b'
{/* A blank line must be used after import/exports: this is incorrect! */}
import a from 'b'
## Hello, world!
ESM forms with the following BNF:
; Restriction: the entire construct must be valid JavaScript.
mdx_esm ::= word ' ' *line *(eol *line)
word ::= 'e' 'x' 'p' 'o' 'r' 't' | 'i' 'm' 'p' 'o' 'r' 't'
This construct must be followed by a blank line or eof (end of file).
Could not parse import/exports with acorn
This error occurs if acorn crashes (source: micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm
rule id: acorn
For example:
import 1/1
Unexpected $type
in code: only import/exports are supported
This error occurs when a non-ESM construct is found (source:
, rule id: non-esm
For example:
export var a = 1
var b
An mdxjsEsm
token is used to reflect the block of import/exports in markdown.
It includes:
for the\r
, and\r\n
for the same characters but when after potential whitespace and another line endingwhitespace
for markdown spaces and tabs in blank linesmdxjsEsmData
for any character in a line ofmdxjsEsm
This package is fully typed with TypeScript.
It exports the additional type Options
Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with maintained versions of Node.js.
When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of
This means we try to keep the current release line,
, compatible with Node.js 16.
This package works with micromark
version 3
and later.
This package is safe.
— support all MDX syntaxmdast-util-mdxjs-esm
— support MDX ESM in mdastremark-mdx
— support all MDX syntax in remark
See contributing.md
in micromark/.github
for ways to get
See support.md
for ways to get help.
This project has a code of conduct. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.