Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

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Search in your local music library using quick filters on metadata tags

id3, cli, music, metadata, meta, audio, tag, tags, ID3, ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis, ogg, flac


Music Metadata Search

npm version

Search in your local music library using quick filter on metadata tags.

My main usage is to find musics I want to play and pipe it to mpv but it can be used for different purposes (see "usage").

music-metadata-search ~/music --where "genre like '%sport%'" | mpv --playlist=-

It will:

  • walk in the given directory and parse metadata using music-metadata
  • Cache metadata inside a SQlite database using Drizzle ORM
  • do a SQL query to filters results
  • pipe results

My main objective is to have a CLI tool fast & convenient, for myself. It takes 45s for my library of 150go (5406 files), and then less than 1s using the cache.


npm i music-metadata-search

CLI usage

Generate list of filepath matching where the genre contains "French":

music-metadata-search ~/music/ -g 'French'

Or you can pipe to mpv to play them. Example playlist my new Rock songs:

music-metadata-search ~/music/ -g 'rock' -s "mtime DESC" | mpv --playlist=-

Or you can export an old school French Touch playlist as .m3u file:

music-metadata-search ~/music/ -g 'French' --where 'year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005' -f m3u > french-touch.m3u

Or getting the "Daft Punks albums before 2000" using JSON output and jq

music-metadata-search ~/music/ -a 'daft' --where 'year < 2000' -f json | jq '[.[].album] | unique'

Use music-metadata-search --help for more information.

Usage: music-metadata-search [options] [path]

Search in your local music library using quick filters on metadata tags

  path                             The directory of local files (default: "/home/alexandre/github/madeindjs/music-metadata-search")

  -V, --version                    output the version number
  -q, --query [genre]              Search the term everywhere (in album, artist, title, genre, comment)
  -w, --where [where]              SQL WHERE expression
                                   You can filters on columns: album, artist, title, genre, comment, year, mtime, bpm, bitrate, duration
                                   Example: `genre LIKE "%Rock%"` AND duration between 60 AND 120
  -g, --genre [genre]              Filter by genre of the track using `LIKE` operator
                                   It's an alias of: `--where 'genre LIKE "%Electro%"'`
  -a, --artist [artist]            Filter by artist of the track using `LIKE` operator
                                   It's an alias of: `--where 'artist LIKE "%Daft%"'`
  -b, --album [album]              Filter by album of the track using `LIKE` operator
                                   It's an alias of: `--where 'album LIKE "%Discovery%"'`
  -y, --year [year]                Filter by year of the track
                                   If a single value is provided, it will filter by `=`, you can also give a range like `1..10 to filter using `BETWEEN` operator
  -t, --title [title]              Title of the track to search using `LIKE` operator
                                   It's an alias of: `--where 'title LIKE "%Verdis%"'`
  -c, --comment [comment]          Comment of the track to search using `LIKE` operator
                                   It's an alias of: `--where 'comment LIKE "%Verdis%"'`
  -d,--duration [duration]         Filter by duration of the track (in seconds)
                                   If a single value is provided, it will filter by `=`, you can also give a range like `1..10 to filter using `BETWEEN` operator
  --bpm [bpm]                      Filter by BPM of the track
                                   If a single value is provided, it will filter by `=`, you can also give a range like `1..10 to filter using `BETWEEN` operator
  --bitrate [bitrate]              Filter by bitrate of the track (in bits/seconds)
                                   If a single value is provided, it will filter by `=`, you can also give a range like `1..10 to filter using `BETWEEN` operator
  -l, --limit [limit]              Limit the number of tracks returned
  -s, --sort [order]               SQL ORDER BY expression
                                   You can order on columns: album, artist, title, genre, comment, year, mtime, bpm, bitrate, duration.
                                   Example: `genre DESC`
  -f, --format [format]            Output format (choices: "txt", "json", "m3u", default: "txt")
  --ext [ext...]                   Extensions of Audio files to scan (default: [".mp3",".flac",".m4a",".ogg",".aac"])
  --log-level [logLevel]           Log level (choices: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal", default: "fatal")
  --cache-scan-ttl [cacheScanTtl]  time to live for the cache (in seconds) (default: 1 hour)
  -h, --help                       display help for command

Lib usage

import { search } from "music-metadata-search";

const tracks = await search("/home/alexandre/Musique/", {
  // Filter artist of the track using `LIKE` operator
  artist: "Daft",
  // Extensions of Audio files to scan
  ext: [".flac"],
  // Log level for [pino]( (default to `'silent'`)
  logLevel: "debug",
  // SQL ORDER BY expression
  sort: "title desc",
  // Filter by title of the track to search using `LIKE` operator
  title: "One",
  // Limit the number of tracks returned
  limit: 10,

    path: '/home/alexandre/Musique/Daft Punk/2007-12-04 -  Alive 2007/08 One More Time _ Aerodynamic.flac',
    title: 'One More Time / Aerodynamic',
    genre: 'Electronic',
    artist: 'Daft Punk',
    album: 'Alive 2007',
    year: 2007,
    comment: '#classic'
    path: '/home/alexandre/Musique/Daft Punk/2001-03-13 -  Discovery/01 One More Time.flac',
    title: 'One More Time',
    genre: 'House',
    artist: 'Daft Punk',
    album: 'Discovery',
    year: 2001,
    comment: '#classic #nrj'