Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


sindresorhus5.2mMIT3.0.0TypeScript support: included

Run promise-returning & async functions in series, each passing its result to the next

promise, waterfall, series, serial, sequence, sequential, ordered, task, tasks, array, collection, iterable, iterator, async, await, promises, bluebird



Run promise-returning & async functions in series, each passing its result to the next


$ npm install p-waterfall


import pWaterfall from 'p-waterfall';

const tasks = [
    initialValue => getEmoji(initialValue),
    previousValue => `I ❤️ ${previousValue}`

console.log(await pWaterfall(tasks, 'unicorn'));
//=> 'I ❤️ 🦄'


pWaterfall(tasks, initialValue?)

Returns a Promise that is fulfilled when all promises returned from calling the functions in tasks are fulfilled, or rejects if any of the promises reject. The fulfilled value is the value returned from the last task.


Type: Iterable<Function>

Functions are expected to return a value. If a Promise is returned, it's awaited before continuing with the next task.


Type: unknown

Value to use as previousValue in the first task.

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