Utilities for Persoo Admin Objects used both on Persoo server and Persoo UI.
- Installation
- Render Templates Usage
- Convert Value to Persoo DataType
- Used Variables Usage
- Tests
- Contributing
npm install persoo-admin-utils
Render Templates Usage
... for rendring EJS templates using Persoo admin structures.
Include js library in your code. Then you can render "persoo templates" by calling persooTemplates.render()
and providing widget instance (content and configuration for each template) and context (global settings related to each customer, i.e. recommended products to be rendered).
var persooTemplates = require('persoo-admin-utils/lib/templates');
var templateString = "Master template using predefined field as EJS variables, i.e. <%= fieldID %>";
var offerContentInstance = {
templateID: 'templateID1',
content: {
fieldID: 'myFieldValue'
scenarios: [
{id: 'products1', scenarioID: 'sampleScenarioID'}
var context = {};
var renderedHTML = persooTemplates.render(templateString, offerContentInstance, context);
Output for the example above should be Master template using predefined field as EJS variables, i.e. myFieldValue
See unit tests for more examples.
Note: in Persoo, each offer contains possible variants for AB testing. Thus inside Persoo, there is
var offer = { variants: [ offerContentInstance, ... ] }
thus Persoo developers calls
var renderedHTML = persooTemplates.render(templateString, offer.variants[0], context);
Note: Fields passed in context are rendered as well, except for fields, whose name ends with 'Template' suffix. I.e. ItemTemplate: "<%= abc %>" will be kept as it is. It's usefull for adding template strings to Widget configurations.
Used Variables Usage
... to list all variables from visitor profile, which are used in content templates and referred algorithms (possibly recursively called)
var getUsedVariables = require('persoo-admin-utils/lib/getUsedVariables');
var offerVariantConfig = {
templateID: 'templateID1',
content: {
fieldID: 'myFieldValue'
scenarios: [
{id: 'products1', scenarioID: 'SCE1'}
var contentTemplate = {
fields: [],
groups: [],
template: "<% if(profile.gender == 'man') { %> for man <% } %>"
var algorithmsMap = { // Mock all algorithms: they are required for reference look up
ALG1: {
class: "ProductSearch",
config: {
"must": [
"args": [["profile", "db.products.inBasket"]],
"operator": "inVariable",
"variable": "itemGroupID"
"mustNot": [],
"should": []
ALG2: {
class: "ProductSearch",
config: {
"must": [
"args": [["profile", "db.products.viewed"]],
"operator": "inVariable",
"variable": "itemGroupID"
"mustNot": [],
"should": []
var scenariosMap = { // Mock all scenarios: they are required for reference look up
SCE1: {
variants: [{
"id": "0",
"condition": "'') >= 0",
"logic": {
"count": 10,
"fallbacks": [
{ "ref": "ALG1" },
{ "ref": "ALG2" }
"minCount": 4
"name": "default",
"template": "<% profile.x %>"
var usedVariables = getUsedVariables.getVariablesUsedInOffer(offerVariantConfig, contentTemplate, {}, algorithmsMap, scenariosMap);
Output for the example above should be {"db.products.viewed": true, ...}
See unit tests for more examples.
Note: in Persoo, each offer contains possible variants for AB testing. Thus inside Persoo, there is
var offer = { variants: [ offerContentInstance, ... ] }
thus Persoo developers calls
var renderedHTML = persooTemplates.render(templateString, offer.variants[0], context);
Convert to persoo dataType
... to convert any value to desired persoo data type. Or to get error message.
var convertToDataType = require('persoo-admin-utils/lib/convertToDataType');
// convertToDataType(value, dataType);
result = convertToDataType.convertToDataType("123", 'longList'); // will return
result == {
status: 'ok', // or 'error'
value: [123]
// errorMessage: 'Cannot covert ...' // for errors statuses
You may also use methods
convertToDataType.isNumeric(dataType): boolean
convertToDataType.getBasicDataType(dataType): string of ['boolean', 'long', 'double', 'string',...]
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.