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For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


grantila6MIT3.2.0TypeScript support: included

Opinionated React JSX usage (with WebPack loader)

pure, jsx, loader, webpack


Pure JSX

This is an opinionated helper around React that will allow you to have pure JSX files, beginning with any tag (e.g. <div>). React import, and other dependency injection mechanisms, as well as a middle class between your component class and React.Component is provided.

There is a built-in loader for WebPack, for the pure JSX files suffixed .jsx.

In the view, you have access to a context which can contain any data. This is accompanied by a "query" object in WebPack. You also have access to state and props without needing to prepend this.. The constructor is available as $, so that static class members are referenced as $.member. This is useful to inject dependent sub-components.


The component logic

import PureJsx from 'pure-jsx'
import view from './view.jsx'

// This should be the same for the entire app, and is reached from all views
const appContext = { app: 'hello world' };

export default class MyComponent extends PureJsx
    constructor( props )
        super( props, view, appContext );

        this.state = { value: "example" };

The view

All properties in the context (above) will be exposed, if accompanied with the corresponding WebPack loader query (below).

<div>{ app }: { state.value }</div>

The WebPack loader

You specify the context variables in the query object for the pure-jsx/loader.

module: {
    loaders: [
            test    : /\.jsx$/,
            include : "./app", // Your app root
            // Use webpack-combine-loaders to use this together with babel
            loader  : webpackCombineLoaders( [
                // Your choice of babel presets, if at all
                    loader  : 'babel-loader',
                    query   : {
                        cacheDirectory: true,
                        presets: [ 'react', 'es2015', 'stage-1' ]
                    loader: 'pure-jsx/loader',
                    query   : {
                        strict   : true, // Will prepend 'use strict'
                        contexts : [ 'app' ] // Your context variables
            ] )

HOC (Higher-Order Component)

PureJSX can return a HOC of any component, e.g. if you want it to subclass a custom class (or React.PureComponent). To do this, use the provided hoc function:

import { hoc }           from 'pure-jsx'
import { PureComponent } from 'react'

import view from './view.jsx'

// This should be the same for the entire app, and is reached from all views
const appContext = { app: 'hello world' };

export default class MyComponent extends hoc( PureComponent )
    constructor( props )
        super( props, view, appContext );

        this.state = { value: "example" };