Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Add deprecation status for props


Add deprecation status in prop types



npm install react-docgen-deprecation-handler --save-dev


what does it do?

You can add @deprecated in the leading comments for a prop, and it will appear in the documentation as a key

const Component = () => <div />

Component.propTypes = {
  /** @deprecated dont use this prop */
  old: PropTypes.any,
  /** this isn't deprecated, use it */
  new: PropTypes.any,
  /** @deprecated:new deprecated, you can add metadata like the replacement */
  old2: PropTypes.any

export default Component


  displayName: "Component",
  props: {
    old: {
      type: { name: 'any' },
      required: false,
      description: "dont use this prop",
👉    deprecated: true
    new: {
      type: { name: 'any' },
      required: false,
      description: "this isn't deprecated, use it"
    old2: {
      type: { name: 'any' },
      required: false,
      description: "dont use this prop",
👉    deprecated: true,
👉    deprecationData: "new"



You can add this handler to react-docgen's handlers

// grab the deprecation handler
const deprecationHandler = require("react-docgen-deprecation-handler")

// add this to docgen's handlers
const handlers = docgen.defaultHandlers.concat(deprecationHandler)

// pass these handlers to docgen.parse
const data = docgen.parse(code, null, handlers)


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MIT © siddharthkp