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A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.

react, grid, drag, draggable, resize, resizable, fluid, responsive



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React-Grid-Layout is a grid layout system much like Packery or Gridster, for React.

Unlike those systems, it is responsive and supports breakpoints. Breakpoint layouts can be provided by the user or autogenerated.

RGL is React-only and does not require jQuery.


GIF from production usage on

[Demo | Changelog | CodeSandbox Editable demo]

Table of Contents


  1. Showcase
  2. Basic
  3. No Dragging/Resizing (Layout Only)
  4. Messy Layout Autocorrect
  5. Layout Defined on Children
  6. Static Elements
  7. Adding/Removing Elements
  8. Saving Layout to LocalStorage
  9. Saving a Responsive Layout to LocalStorage
  10. Minimum and Maximum Width/Height
  11. Dynamic Minimum and Maximum Width/Height
  12. No Vertical Compacting (Free Movement)
  13. Prevent Collision
  14. Error Case
  15. Toolbox
  16. Drag From Outside
  17. Bounded Layout
  18. Responsive Bootstrap-style Layout
  19. Scaled Containers
  20. Allow Overlap
  21. All Resizable Handles
  22. Single Row Horizontal

Projects Using React-Grid-Layout

Know of others? Create a PR to let me know!


  • 100% React - no jQuery
  • Compatible with server-rendered apps
  • Draggable widgets
  • Resizable widgets
  • Static widgets
  • Configurable packing: horizontal, vertical, or off
  • Bounds checking for dragging and resizing
  • Widgets may be added or removed without rebuilding grid
  • Layout can be serialized and restored
  • Responsive breakpoints
  • Separate layouts per responsive breakpoint
  • Grid Items placed using CSS Transforms
    • Performance with CSS Transforms: on / off, note paint (green) as % of time
  • Compatibility with <React.StrictMode>
Version Compatibility
>= 0.17.0 React 16 & 17
>= 0.11.3 React 0.14 & 15
>= 0.10.0 React 0.14
0.8. - 0.9.2 React 0.13
< 0.8 React 0.12


Install the React-Grid-Layout package using npm:

npm install react-grid-layout

Include the following stylesheets in your application:



Use ReactGridLayout like any other component. The following example below will produce a grid with three items where:

  • users will not be able to drag or resize item a
  • item b will be restricted to a minimum width of 2 grid blocks and a maximum width of 4 grid blocks
  • users will be able to freely drag and resize item c
import GridLayout from "react-grid-layout";

class MyFirstGrid extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // layout is an array of objects, see the demo for more complete usage
    const layout = [
      { i: "a", x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2, static: true },
      { i: "b", x: 1, y: 0, w: 3, h: 2, minW: 2, maxW: 4 },
      { i: "c", x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2 }
    return (
        <div key="a">a</div>
        <div key="b">b</div>
        <div key="c">c</div>

You may also choose to set layout properties directly on the children:

import GridLayout from "react-grid-layout";

class MyFirstGrid extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <GridLayout className="layout" cols={12} rowHeight={30} width={1200}>
        <div key="a" data-grid={{ x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2, static: true }}>
        <div key="b" data-grid={{ x: 1, y: 0, w: 3, h: 2, minW: 2, maxW: 4 }}>
        <div key="c" data-grid={{ x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2 }}>

Usage without Browserify/Webpack

A module usable in a <script> tag is included here. It uses a UMD shim and excludes React, so it must be otherwise available in your application, either via RequireJS or on window.React.

Responsive Usage

To make RGL responsive, use the <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> element:

import { Responsive as ResponsiveGridLayout } from "react-grid-layout";

class MyResponsiveGrid extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // {lg: layout1, md: layout2, ...}
    const layouts = getLayoutsFromSomewhere();
    return (
        breakpoints={{ lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0 }}
        cols={{ lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2 }}
        <div key="1">1</div>
        <div key="2">2</div>
        <div key="3">3</div>

When in responsive mode, you should supply at least one breakpoint via the layouts property.

When using layouts, it is best to supply as many breakpoints as possible, especially the largest one. If the largest is provided, RGL will attempt to interpolate the rest.

You will also need to provide a width, when using <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> it is suggested you use the HOC WidthProvider as per the instructions below.

It is possible to supply default mappings via the data-grid property on individual items, so that they would be taken into account within layout interpolation.

Providing Grid Width

Both <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> and <ReactGridLayout> take width to calculate positions on drag events. In simple cases a HOC WidthProvider can be used to automatically determine width upon initialization and window resize events.

import { Responsive, WidthProvider } from "react-grid-layout";

const ResponsiveGridLayout = WidthProvider(Responsive);

class MyResponsiveGrid extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // {lg: layout1, md: layout2, ...}
    var layouts = getLayoutsFromSomewhere();
    return (
        breakpoints={{ lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0 }}
        cols={{ lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2 }}
        <div key="1">1</div>
        <div key="2">2</div>
        <div key="3">3</div>

This allows you to easily replace WidthProvider with your own Provider HOC if you need more sophisticated logic.

WidthProvider accepts a single prop, measureBeforeMount. If true, WidthProvider will measure the container's width before mounting children. Use this if you'd like to completely eliminate any resizing animation on application/component mount.

Have a more complicated layout? WidthProvider is very simple and only listens to window 'resize' events. If you need more power and flexibility, try the SizeMe React HOC as an alternative to WidthProvider.

Grid Layout Props

RGL supports the following properties (see the source for the final word on this):

// Basic props

// This allows setting the initial width on the server side.
// This is required unless using the HOC <WidthProvider> or similar
width: number,

// If true, the container height swells and contracts to fit contents
autoSize: ?boolean = true,

// Number of columns in this layout.
cols: ?number = 12,

// A CSS selector for tags that will not be draggable.
// For example: draggableCancel:'.MyNonDraggableAreaClassName'
// If you forget the leading . it will not work.
// .react-resizable-handle" is always prepended to this value.
draggableCancel: ?string = '',

// A CSS selector for tags that will act as the draggable handle.
// For example: draggableHandle:'.MyDragHandleClassName'
// If you forget the leading . it will not work.
draggableHandle: ?string = '',

// Compaction type.
compactType: ?('vertical' | 'horizontal' | null) = 'vertical';

// Layout is an array of objects with the format:
// The index into the layout must match the key used on each item component.
// If you choose to use custom keys, you can specify that key in the layout
// array objects using the `i` prop.
layout: ?Array<{i?: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number}> = null, // If not provided, use data-grid props on children

// Margin between items [x, y] in px.
margin: ?[number, number] = [10, 10],

// Padding inside the container [x, y] in px
containerPadding: ?[number, number] = margin,

// Rows have a static height, but you can change this based on breakpoints
// if you like.
rowHeight: ?number = 150,

// Configuration of a dropping element. Dropping element is a "virtual" element
// which appears when you drag over some element from outside.
// It can be changed by passing specific parameters:
//  i - id of an element
//  w - width of an element
//  h - height of an element
droppingItem?: { i: string, w: number, h: number }

// Flags
isDraggable: ?boolean = true,
isResizable: ?boolean = true,
isBounded: ?boolean = false,
// Uses CSS3 translate() instead of position top/left.
// This makes about 6x faster paint performance
useCSSTransforms: ?boolean = true,
// If parent DOM node of ResponsiveReactGridLayout or ReactGridLayout has "transform: scale(n)" css property,
// we should set scale coefficient to avoid render artefacts while dragging.
transformScale: ?number = 1,

// If true, grid can be placed one over the other.
// If set, implies `preventCollision`.
allowOverlap: ?boolean = false,

// If true, grid items won't change position when being
// dragged over. If `allowOverlap` is still false,
// this simply won't allow one to drop on an existing object.
preventCollision: ?boolean = false,

// If true, droppable elements (with `draggable={true}` attribute)
// can be dropped on the grid. It triggers "onDrop" callback
// with position and event object as parameters.
// It can be useful for dropping an element in a specific position
// NOTE: In case of using Firefox you should add
// `onDragStart={e => e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', '')}` attribute
// along with `draggable={true}` otherwise this feature will work incorrect.
// onDragStart attribute is required for Firefox for a dragging initialization
// @see
isDroppable: ?boolean = false,
// Defines which resize handles should be rendered.
// Allows for any combination of:
// 's' - South handle (bottom-center)
// 'w' - West handle (left-center)
// 'e' - East handle (right-center)
// 'n' - North handle (top-center)
// 'sw' - Southwest handle (bottom-left)
// 'nw' - Northwest handle (top-left)
// 'se' - Southeast handle (bottom-right)
// 'ne' - Northeast handle (top-right)
// Note that changing this property dynamically does not work due to a restriction in react-resizable.
resizeHandles: ?Array<'s' | 'w' | 'e' | 'n' | 'sw' | 'nw' | 'se' | 'ne'> = ['se'],
// Custom component for resize handles
// See `handle` as used in
// Your component should have the class `.react-resizable-handle`, or you should add your custom
// class to the `draggableCancel` prop.
resizeHandle?: ReactElement<any> | ((resizeHandleAxis: ResizeHandleAxis, ref: ReactRef<HTMLElement>) => ReactElement<any>),

// Callbacks

// Callback so you can save the layout.
// Calls back with (currentLayout) after every drag or resize stop.
onLayoutChange: (layout: Layout) => void,

// All callbacks below have signature (layout, oldItem, newItem, placeholder, e, element).
// 'start' and 'stop' callbacks pass `undefined` for 'placeholder'.
type ItemCallback = (layout: Layout, oldItem: LayoutItem, newItem: LayoutItem,
                     placeholder: LayoutItem, e: MouseEvent, element: HTMLElement) => void,

// Calls when drag starts.
onDragStart: ItemCallback,
// Calls on each drag movement.
onDrag: ItemCallback,
// Calls when drag is complete.
onDragStop: ItemCallback,
// Calls when resize starts.
onResizeStart: ItemCallback,
// Calls when resize movement happens.
onResize: ItemCallback,
// Calls when resize is complete.
onResizeStop: ItemCallback,

// Dropover functionality

// Calls when an element has been dropped into the grid from outside.
onDrop: (layout: Layout, item: ?LayoutItem, e: Event) => void,
// Calls when an element is being dragged over the grid from outside as above.
// This callback should return an object to dynamically change the droppingItem size
// Return false to short-circuit the dragover
onDropDragOver: (e: DragOverEvent) => ?({|w?: number, h?: number|} | false),

// Ref for getting a reference for the grid's wrapping div.
// You can use this instead of a regular ref and the deprecated `ReactDOM.findDOMNode()`` function.
// Note that this type is React.Ref<HTMLDivElement> in TypeScript, Flow has a bug here
innerRef: {current: null | HTMLDivElement},

Responsive Grid Layout Props

The responsive grid layout can be used instead. It supports all of the props above, excepting layout. The new properties and changes are:

// {name: pxVal}, e.g. {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480}
// Breakpoint names are arbitrary but must match in the cols and layouts objects.
breakpoints: ?Object = {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0},

// # of cols. This is a breakpoint -> cols map, e.g. {lg: 12, md: 10, ...}
cols: ?Object = {lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2},

// margin (in pixels). Can be specified either as horizontal and vertical margin, e.g. `[10, 10]` or as a breakpoint -> margin map, e.g. `{lg: [10, 10], md: [10, 10], ...}.
margin: [number, number] | {[breakpoint: $Keys<breakpoints>]: [number, number]},

// containerPadding (in pixels). Can be specified either as horizontal and vertical padding, e.g. `[10, 10]` or as a breakpoint -> containerPadding map, e.g. `{lg: [10, 10], md: [10, 10], ...}.
containerPadding: [number, number] | {[breakpoint: $Keys<breakpoints>]: [number, number]},

// layouts is an object mapping breakpoints to layouts.
// e.g. {lg: Layout, md: Layout, ...}
layouts: {[key: $Keys<breakpoints>]: Layout},

// Callbacks

// Calls back with breakpoint and new # cols
onBreakpointChange: (newBreakpoint: string, newCols: number) => void,

// Callback so you can save the layout.
// AllLayouts are keyed by breakpoint.
onLayoutChange: (currentLayout: Layout, allLayouts: {[key: $Keys<breakpoints>]: Layout}) => void,

// Callback when the width changes, so you can modify the layout as needed.
onWidthChange: (containerWidth: number, margin: [number, number], cols: number, containerPadding: [number, number]) => void;

Grid Item Props

RGL supports the following properties on grid items or layout items. When initializing a grid, build a layout array (as in the first example above), or attach this object as the data-grid property to each of your child elements (as in the second example).

If data-grid is provided on an item, it will take precedence over an item in the layout with the same key (i).

Note that if a grid item is provided but incomplete (missing one of x, y, w, or h), an error will be thrown so you can correct your layout.

If no properties are provided for a grid item, one will be generated with a width and height of 1.

You can set minimums and maximums for each dimension. This is for resizing; it of course has no effect if resizing is disabled. Errors will be thrown if your mins and maxes overlap incorrectly, or your initial dimensions are out of range.

Any <GridItem> properties defined directly will take precedence over globally-set options. For example, if the layout has the property isDraggable: false, but the grid item has the prop isDraggable: true, the item will be draggable, even if the item is marked static: true.


  // A string corresponding to the component key
  i: string,

  // These are all in grid units, not pixels
  x: number,
  y: number,
  w: number,
  h: number,
  minW: ?number = 0,
  maxW: ?number = Infinity,
  minH: ?number = 0,
  maxH: ?number = Infinity,

  // If true, equal to `isDraggable: false, isResizable: false`.
  static: ?boolean = false,
  // If false, will not be draggable. Overrides `static`.
  isDraggable: ?boolean = true,
  // If false, will not be resizable. Overrides `static`.
  isResizable: ?boolean = true,
  // By default, a handle is only shown on the bottom-right (southeast) corner.
  // As of RGL >= 1.4.0, resizing on any corner works just fine!
  resizeHandles?: ?Array<'s' | 'w' | 'e' | 'n' | 'sw' | 'nw' | 'se' | 'ne'> = ['se']
  // If true and draggable, item will be moved only within grid.
  isBounded: ?boolean = false

Grid Item Heights and Widths

Grid item widths are based on container and number of columns. The size of a grid unit's height is based on rowHeight.

Note that an item that has h=2 is not exactly twice as tall as one with h=1 unless you have no margin!

In order for the grid to not be ragged, when an item spans grid units, it must also span margins. So you must add the height or width or the margin you are spanning for each unit. So actual pixel height is (rowHeight * h) + (marginH * (h - 1).

For example, with rowHeight=30, margin=[10,10] and a unit with height 4, the calculation is (30 * 4) + (10 * 3)


If this is a problem for you, set margin=[0,0] and handle visual spacing between your elements inside the elements' content.


<ReactGridLayout> has an optimized shouldComponentUpdate implementation, but it relies on the user memoizing the children array:

// lib/ReactGridLayout.jsx
// ...
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props, nextState: State) {
  return (
    // NOTE: this is almost always unequal. Therefore the only way to get better performance
    // from SCU is if the user intentionally memoizes children. If they do, and they can
    // handle changes properly, performance will increase.
    this.props.children !== nextProps.children ||
    !fastRGLPropsEqual(this.props, nextProps, isEqual) ||
    !isEqual(this.state.activeDrag, nextState.activeDrag)
// ...

If you memoize your children, you can take advantage of this, and reap faster rerenders. For example:

function MyGrid(props) {
  const children = React.useMemo(() => {
    return new Array(props.count).fill(undefined).map((val, idx) => {
      return <div key={idx} data-grid={{ x: idx, y: 1, w: 1, h: 1 }} />;
  }, [props.count]);
  return <ReactGridLayout cols={12}>{children}</ReactGridLayout>;

Because the children prop doesn't change between rerenders, updates to <MyGrid> won't result in new renders, improving performance.

React Hooks Performance

Using hooks to save your layout state on change will cause the layouts to re-render as the ResponsiveGridLayout will change it's value on every render. To avoid this you should wrap your WidthProvider in a useMemo:

const ResponsiveReactGridLayout = useMemo(() => WidthProvider(Responsive), []);

Custom Child Components and Draggable Handles

If you use React Components as grid children, they need to do a few things:

  1. Forward refs to an underlying DOM node, and
  2. Forward style,className, onMouseDown, onMouseUp and onTouchEnd to that same DOM node.

For example:

const CustomGridItemComponent = React.forwardRef(({style, className, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onTouchEnd, children, ...props}, ref) => {
  return (
    <div style={{ /* styles */,}} className={className} ref={ref} onMouseDown={onMouseDown} onMouseUp={onMouseUp} onTouchEnd={onTouchEnd}>
      {/* Some other content */}
      {children} {/* Make sure to include children to add resizable handle */}

The same is true of custom elements as draggable handles using the draggableHandle prop. This is so that the underlying react-draggable library can get a reference to the DOM node underneath, manipulate positioning via style, and set classes.


If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue or make a pull request.

If you have a bug to report, please reproduce the bug in CodeSandbox to help us easily isolate it.


  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Basic grid layout
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Fluid grid layout
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Grid packing
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Draggable grid items
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Live grid packing while dragging
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Resizable grid items
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Layouts per responsive breakpoint
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Define grid attributes on children themselves (data-grid key)
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Static elements
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Persistent id per item for predictable localstorage restores, even when # items changes
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Min/max w/h per item
  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Resizable handles on other corners
  • <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Configurable w/h per breakpoint



1.4.4 (Nov 28, 2023)


  • Fix position logic when draggable item is dragged into the grid. We no longer use the deprecated / non-standard e.nativeEvent.layer{X,Y} properties. #1915
  • Fix drag values according to containerPadding. Previously, when dragging an item, the intuited position within the grid was not modified by containerPadding, causing it to off by that value. On most grids, this is only set to [10, 10], so this may not have been noticeable, but for higher values it was very obvious. Thanks @hywlss9. #1323
  • Various lint/dependency fixes.

1.4.3 (Nov 8, 2023)


  • Set activeDrag in onDragStart. Fixes issues where, if no drag is performed, the onDragStop handler would error out and the drag would freeze. #1923
    • THis fixes some broader issues with React 18 but testing library support is still not complete.

1.4.2 (Sep 22, 2023)


  • Resizing in every directionnow obeys preventCollision restrictions #1937

1.4.1 (Sep 12, 2023)


  • Fixed bug where height/width could not be resized if h = 0 or w = 0 and 0 containerPadding. #1931
  • Revert fast-equals to @4. Fixes incompatibility with Create-React-App@5.

1.4.0 (Sep 11, 2023)

Hey, it's been a long time! Taking a year and a half off is a pretty "open-source" thing to do, thanks for bearing with me.

New Features

  • Grid items can now be resized left and up! Thanks to @ludovic and @dseif for all the hard work they did on this. #1917
    • To use, specify resizeHandles directions on your <GridItem>s. See the example for more on how to do this.
    • See also the demo.
  • <WidthProvider> now uses a ResizeObserver instead of hooking into the window's 'resize' event. #1839
    • This should not be breaking for any users but introduces a new dependency, resize-observer-polyfill. It will not be imported unless you use <WidthProvider>.


  • Fixed horizontal compact not always moving grid elements as far left as possible. #1822
  • Fixed a bug when allowOverlap={true} and compactType={null}, where collisions would still be processed. #1782
  • Fixed onResizeStop and onDragStop callbacks not returning updated layout. #1613
  • An item will now rerender when data-grid props change. #718
  • Corrected draggableHandle configuration in static elements example #1826

Internal Changes

  • Various dependency upgrades and upgraded tests.
  • Removed long-deprecated _grid property.
  • Various doc updates.

1.3.4 (Feb 21, 2022)


  • Add e.stopPropagation() on drag events to better support nested grids. Thanks @rogerfar #1494.

Internal Changes

  • Various dependency upgrades.

1.3.3 (Jan 24, 2022)

This was a quick release to improve package size and dependency use. Thanks @salvoravida #1655


  • Removed coverage/ folder from npm package to save size
  • Moved eslint parser to devDependencies

1.3.2 (Jan 24, 2022)

Internal Changes

  • Package size reduced by ~30% by removing source in dist/ source maps.
  • Various tests added (thanks @imagineLife!)
  • New GitHub Actions flow for PRs

1.3.1 (Nov 29, 2021)


  • Fix allowOverlap not firing onLayoutChange(). #1620
    • This was due to a short-circuiting of internal logic that did not properly clone the layout prop.

Internal Changes

  • Replace classnames with clsx for smaller package size. (#1543)

1.3.0 (Aug 27, 2021)

New Features

  • allowOverlap prop, when true, allows overlapping grid items. #1470
  • Add onDropDragOver callback. #1395
    • Use this callback to dynamically adjust the droppingItem based on what is being dragged over. Return w and h to adjust the item. It is then spread into the dropping placeholder.
    • This callback has the type:
      • onDragOver: (e: DragOverEvent) => { w: number, h: number } | false;
      • Return false to short-circuit the dragover.


  • Remove sorting when compactType is null. #1474
  • Droppable fixes for Chrome behavior. #1442 #1448
  • Allow null children as a convenience so that inline expressions don't break the library. #1296
  • Various dependency upgrades.


  • Add docs on using custom components as grid children.
  • Note required class on resizable handles for proper styling.

1.2.5 (May 10, 2021)


  • Ensure no negative positions are possible when compacting
  • Fix resizing on mobile. This was caused by the ref refactor to remove ReactDOM in 1.2.3.
    • Fixes #1458
    • Note: this upgrades react-resizable to 3.0.1, which like our other deps, is only compatible with React@>=16.3.


  • Document new arity of resizeHandle ((axis: ResizeHandleAxis, ref: ReactRef<HTMLElement>) => React$Element)
  • Remove references to the deprecated verticalCompact prop

1.2.4 (Mar 18, 2021)

This version fixes a serious render bug in <WidthProvider>. 1.2.3 should not be used.


  • Fix failure to mount when layout is WidthProvider-wrapped and measureBeforeMount is true.
  • <WidthProvider> no longer updates grid with if it has been set to 0. This prevents unnecessary updates if the grid is set to display: none;. Thanks @405go #1427

1.2.3 (Mar 16, 2021)

New Features

  • React-Grid-Layout is now fully compatible with <React.StrictMode>.
    • Usage of ReactDOM has been removed by using React.createRef() inside RGL, and the new nodeRef prop in react-draggable.

1.2.2 (Mar 1, 2021)


  • onResize as changed in 1.2.1 did not correctly save the layout. This is now fixed.
    • As you might guess, we need more test coverage! PRs are very welcome, I'll buy you beers on Cashapp or Patreon or whatever you like.

1.2.1 (Mar 1, 2021)

Organization Changes

We have created the React-Grid-Layout Organization! Therefore the repository has moved.

This organization will grow as time goes on, and also contains the dependencies of RGL.


  • Use classList in Firefox onDragOver hack. #1310
  • Fix scale property. As scale support was added to dependencies, this caused double-compensation for scale, causing the dragged element not to follow the cursor. #1393
  • Fix horizontal compact mode issue where it inadventently would compact the bottom of the grid. This is not useful nor intended. Thanks @s4m3. #1390
  • Fix onLayoutChange sometimes not triggering on resize. We weren't cloning the layout item before modifying it. Thanks @xcqwan. #1289

Internal Refactors

  • Updated to the latest versions of all dependencies (enzyme, webpack, jest, flow).
  • Held back React@17 as enzyme is not yet ready.

1.2.0 (Nov 17, 2020)

New Features

  • You can now customize your resizable handle component as supported by react-resizable. For example:
  resizeHandle={<span className="custom-handle custom-handle-se" />}

Thanks @typeetfunc #1303


  • Fix onDrop handler not firing on Firefox if you drop over the placeholder.
    • Thanks @Charles-Lamoureux #1333
  • Various example style fixes #1283 #1299

1.1.1 (Sep 10, 2020)

Republish to add dist/ folder for unpkg use.

1.1.0 (Sep 3, 2020)

New Features

  • You can now place resizable handles on all corners. Use the resizeHandles prop, which is default ['se'] (for 'southeast').
    • Allowable values are:
      • 's' - South handle (bottom-center)
      • 'w' - West handle (left-center)
      • 'e' - East handle (right-center)
      • 'n' - North handle (top-center)
      • 'sw' - Southwest handle (bottom-left)
      • 'nw' - Northwest handle (top-left)
      • 'se' - Southeast handle (bottom-right)
      • 'ne' - Northeast handle (top-right)
    • These values may be combined, e.g. ['s', 'se', 'e'], to place three handles on the bottom side, bottom-right corner, and right side.


  • Revert containerPadding change in #1138. This change was meant to be types-only, but it caused a behavioral change where the default value of containerPadding became [0, 0], not margin, which is default [10, 10].
  • Add a few more files to npmignore to improve package size.

1.0.0 (July 20, 2020)

React-Grid-Layout has been in 0.x status for far too long. With the addition of some new features in this version and a breaking change, I thought it was time to move to a stable semver.

Breaking Changes

  • onDrop callback now has a form more consistent with other callbacks.
    • Previous type: (elemParams: { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, e: Event }) => void
    • New type: (layout: Layout, item: ?LayoutItem, e: Event) => void
    • Thanks @ceberhar #1169
  • Dropping Node 8 compatibility and testing due to devDep incompatibilities

New Features

  • Add innerRef: React.Ref<'div'> prop to expose a ref for the grid layout's outer div. Thanks @paul-sachs #1176
  • Add isBounded property to prevent dragging items outside of the grid. Thanks @artembykov #1248


  • Fix grid items stuck using percentages on first render. Thanks @rhbg #1246

0.18.3 (Mar 16, 2020)


  • Fix shouldComponentUpdate interfering with droppability (#1152)

Internal Changes

  • New Enzyme test suite added to prevent regression. If you have time, we could really use more test cases that reflect your use cases!

0.18.2 (Feb 26, 2020)


  • shouldComponentUpdate:
    • A too-aggressive implementation of shouldComponentUpdate was shipped in 0.18.0-0.18.1 (#1123), which did not compare the children object. While this works well in many simple implementations of RGL, it breaks in more complex applications.
    • Reference equality of props.children and nextProps.children is now added to <ReactGridLayout> and <GridItem>. If you wish to take advantage of the performance improvements from the shouldComponentUpdate work, memoize your children.
    • A section has been added to the README explaining how this works.
    • Fixed #1150, #1151.

0.18.1 (Feb 25, 2020)

This release contains typedef changes only.


  • Flow types:
    • Make Props to <ReactGridLayout> and <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> exact.
    • Fix loss of props refinement when passing through WidthProvider.
    • Fix Flow errors as surfaced in #1138.
    • Modify examples to use types so that the above type error can't resurface

0.18.0 (Feb 25, 2020)

Thanks to all of our maintainers for this big release. 0.18.0 contains a large number of bugfixes that users have been asking for. Please read the full list so you know what to expect. Some of the biggest improvements include fixing changes of isResizable/isDraggable without a remount (#892), fixes to prop changes on ResponsiveReactGridLayout (#1090), shouldComponentUpdate improvements for speed (#1123), improvements to droppability (#1127), and much more.

(Potentially) Breaking Changes

  • You can now locally set isDraggable/isResizable on a static item and it will have that property. This could be useful, but be sure to check your layouts if you use static. Relates to #1060.
  • shouldComponentUpdate is now implemented on major components to improve render speed while you manipulate the layout. In our testing there are no issues. If you encounter one, please open an issue asap and we'll get it fixed. See #1123.

New Features

  • You can now manipulate isDraggable/isResizable without the child component remounting. We do this by always rendering the child <Resizable> and <Draggable> wrappers, optionally in a disabled state. This feature has been heavily requested. #892
  • The event is now passed as e on the onDrop callback. #1065
  • Pass transformScale to Resizable. #1075


  • Fix handling of width changes in ResponsiveReactGridLayout. #1090
    • Fixes ignored changes of breakpoints and columns. See also issue #1083.
  • Forbid layout change on click without drag. #1044
  • Do not mutate layouts prop. #1064
  • Ensure locally set isDraggable/isResizable on a GridItem overrides the global setting on the layout. #1060
  • Avoid additional element jumping when an item is dropped. #1127
  • Don't use String#includes for Firefox test. #1096

Internal Refactors

  • Added shouldComponentUpdate to major elements for speed. Significant performance improvements while dragging. Started in #1032 and finished in #1123.
  • Internal refactor of dropping capability. It is now more predictable and uses similar unit labels (left, top) to other features. #1128
  • Upgrade devDependencies.
  • Remove ESPower from test suite (not useful with Jest).

    0.17.1 (Oct 29, 2019)


  • Surround navigator check in try/catch to avoid problems with mocked navigators #1057
  • TransformScale is not applied properly while dragging an element #1046

    0.17.0 (Oct 24, 2019)

It's been 18 months since the last release, and this is a pretty large one! For references on the items below, see

Thanks to @daynin and @n1ghtmare for taking an active role in maintaining RGL, and for giving it a much-needed shot in the arm, and thanks to the rest of our contributors.

New Features

  • Added ability to drag items into the grid from outside. #980. See the example.
    • This is especially exciting as it opens up new "widget toolbox" use cases such as Example 14 with more intuitive interaction. Thanks @daynin.
  • transformScale prop #987
  • <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> now supports margin-per-breakpoint #1016


  • onWidthChange only called on breakpoint changes #770
  • Various movement bugs when compaction is off #766
  • Don't fire onDragStop if an item is only clicked, not dragged #1023
  • Fix infinite loop when dragging over a static element. #1019

Internal Refactors

  • Fixed collision issue where items below could rearrange on a move.
    • The root cause was "teleportation", or practically the same bug that leads to Pac-Man going through ghosts now and then. If a large element moves up by a few grid units, the space it vacates can suddenly become occupiable by an element below it. Rather than the collision happening properly, they exchange spaces atomically. The fix is to move items down one grid unit at a time to ensure this rearrangement does not happen.
    • Thanks @torkelo for your hard work on this for Grafana 5, which I very unfortunately managed to break when refactoring for 0.16.1.
    • Ref: #650, #739
  • Added a "Toolbox" demo (thanks @jhob)

    0.16.5 (Feb 26, 2018)

  • Minor fix to isUserAction on certain types of compaction cascades (#714, #720, #729)

    0.16.4 (Feb 15, 2018)

  • Skip null items in processGridItem (#578)
  • Resize is broken for grids with preventCollision: true, fixes #655 (#656)
  • Minor refactoring

    0.16.3 (Jan 31, 2018)

  • Fix overriding of onStart behaviour (#707, thanks @ersel)
  • Fixed Flow type of WidthProvider
  • Devdep updates

    0.16.2 (Dec 17, 2017)

  • Fix onLayoutChange not firing properly due to regression introduced in 0.16.1
  • Simpler resize corner CSS (thanks @TrySound)
  • Reformat code with Prettier & simplify lint configs (thanks @TrySound)

    0.16.1 (Dec 10, 2017)

  • Flow def upgrades (thanks @TrySound)
  • DevDep upgrades
  • Fixed WebpackBin demo
  • Addl test cases (thanks @torkelo)

    0.16.0 (Oct 6, 2017)

  • Added horizontal compaction option, compactType (thanks @Rhjulskov)
  • Added preventCollision option for static grids (thanks @EmrysMyrddin)

    0.15.2 (Sep 5, 2017)

  • Fix missed import *
  • Dependency updates

    0.15.1 (Sep 5, 2017)

  • Package upgrades, including Webpack 3
  • Flow typedef upgrades for the 0.53 rework
  • Add faulty key value in duplicate key error message (#602)

    0.14.7 (Jul 14, 2017)

  • Fixed a bad publish (connectivity issue).

    0.14.5 (Apr 19, 2017)

  • Moved to prop-types package to avoid React.PropTypes deprecation in 15.5. Thanks @inverts!

    0.14.4 (Mar 9, 2017)


  • Typecheck in WidthProvider to satisfy Flow (and technically, this could be a Text node)
  • Update Flow

    0.14.3 (Feb 22, 2017)


  • Reverted #499; msTransform is indeed correct. See discussion.

    0.14.2 (Feb 22, 2017)


  • Fixed use of MSTranform for IE. Thanks @dvoaviarison (#499)
  • Fix generation of source maps, which was temporarily broken by the webpack 2 upgrade.


  • Update development dependencies and babel version.

    0.14.1 (Feb 20, 2017)


  • Fixed a minor Flow type issue when a classnames typedef is present.
  • Fixed a scoping issue when running make build-example.

    0.14.0 (Feb 13, 2017)


  • New test suite - thanks @nikolas
  • Dev Dependency updates
  • Committed yarn.lock
  • Added react-draggable classname to draggable grid items.

    0.13.9 (Oct 13, 2016)


  • Fixed sorting of layout items, which could be different in IE if two items have the same x & y coordinate.

    • See #369.

      0.13.8 (Oct 13, 2016)


  • Fixed breakage introduced in 0.13.7 when items are added without a layout or data-grid property.

    • See #368.

      0.13.7 (Oct 3, 2016)


  • Fixed an error during layout sync if children was a keyed fragment or had nested arrays.
  • Fixed onLayoutChange being called when layout didn't change.
  • Fixed some issues with input layout items being modified in-place rather than cloned.
  • Minor typos.

    0.13.6 (Sep 26, 2016)


  • Fixed missing HTMLElement in onResize* callbacks.

    0.13.5 (Sep 9, 2016)


  • Fixed a few Flow typing errors in WidthProvider.

    0.13.4 (Sep 9, 2016)


  • Fixed potential call to ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this) after unmount of WidthProvider.
  • Fixed an issue where layout items using data-grid could rearrange on mount depending on how they were ordered.

    • See #342 for reference.

      0.13.3 (Aug 31, 2016)


  • Fixed lodash.isequal import, which was ruined by case-insensitive HFS+ shakes fist

    0.13.2 (Aug 31, 2016)


  • Diffing children in order to regenerate the layout now diffs the key props and their order.
    • This will catch more changes, such as sorting, addition, and removal.
  • Only pass className and style to WidthProvider. Other props were not intended to be supported.
    • I'm aware this could be a breaking change if you were relying on this bad behavior. If so, please use your own WidthProvider-style HOC.
  • babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments had limited support for defining types like transpiled classes.

    • This has been updated to instead copy source to .js.flow files, which preserves all type information.

      0.13.1 (Aug 16, 2016)


  • Fix remaining propTypes warnings.

    0.13.0 (Aug 3, 2016)


  • Due to a change in React 15.2, passing the _grid property on DOM children generates an error. To compensate, we now error on the same and suggest using data-grid instead. Simply change any use of _grid to data-grid, or add your properties to the layout.


  • Fix React 15.3 warning re: propTypes.

    0.12.7 (Jun 29, 2016)

  • Prevent extraenous rerenders in <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> by using deep equality on layouts.

    0.12.6 (Jun 5, 2016)

  • Fix blindingly obvious bug where mounted isn't set to true. Smack forehead.

    0.12.5 (Jun 3, 2016)

  • Fixes for server rendering checksum failures.

    0.12.4 (May 22, 2016)

  • Update to React-Draggable v2. Fixes: #241, #239, #24

    • v2 contains a number of bugfixes & enhancements for touchscreens, multitouch, and scrolling containers.

      0.12.3 (May 3, 2016)

  • Bugfix: Rendering with new breakpoints/cols does not refresh the layout. Fixes #208 - thanks @damienleroux

    0.12.2 (May 1, 2016)

  • Bugfix: Fix warning about undefined useCSSTransforms when server-rendering.

    0.12.1 (Apr 19, 2016)

  • Bugfix: Don't set layout twice on width change. See #217 - thanks @damienleroux
  • Enhancement: Add Flow type comments

    0.12.0 (Apr 14, 2016)

  • <ReactGridLayout> will no longer animate so severely on mount. See #212.
    • If you are using <WidthProvider>, you may notice that the container's width still shunts on mount. If you like, you may delay mounting by setting measureBeforeMount={true} on the wrapped element. This will eliminate the mounting animation completely.
    • If you enjoyed the old animation, set useCSSTransforms={this.state.mounted} and toggle the mounting flag. See 0-showcase.jsx for an example.
  • Set more permissive version ranges for <Draggable> and <Resizable> dependencies, as they are now stable and will only introduce breaking changes on major version ticks.

    0.11.3 (Apr 8, 2016)

  • Officially support React v15.

    0.11.2 (Apr 6, 2016)

  • Bugfix: Draggable cancel selectors, see #203 - thanks @RiiD
  • README fixes, thanks @bravo-kernel & @ro-savage


  • Bugfix: <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> was using stale data when synchronizing children with the layout on a breakpoint change.


This release contains potentially breaking changes so I have updated the minor version (as per semver).

Breaking Changes:

  • Layout items now have a fixed set of properties. Other properties will not be merged into the <GridItem>, such as className. To set a className on a child, set it on the child directly and it will be merged. This allows us to make better assumptions about the layout and use a faster cloning mechanism.
  • Setting individual handle and cancel selectors per item is no longer supported. If you need this, please open a ticket and let me know your use case.

Other changes:

  • Bugfix: <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> onLayoutChange callback data could still be stale.
  • Bugfix: Range error when building layout solely from _grid properties.
    • This broke a lot of usage and thus 0.10.11 and 0.10.10 have been unpublished.
  • Removed redundant isPlaceholder property from <GridItem>.
  • README updates to clarify layout/_grid usage.


  • Bugfix: layouts param on <ResponsiveReactGridLayout>'s onLayoutChange could have stale data for the current breakpoint.


  • Performance: Prevent V8 deopt in a few methods and add fast layout item cloning.


  • Bugfix: Typo in children comparison in CWRP. See #169.
  • Bugfix: Missing babel-preset-es2015 in dev.


  • Bugfix: className and style props on grid children were being incorrectly dropped, a holdover from when cloneWithProps() used to do this merging for us. They are now merged.


  • Bugfix: If both props.layout and props.children.length change in the same tick, props.layout would be clobbered. See #162


  • Bugfix/Enhancement: Margins were causing subtle error in some of the positioning calculations. This has been fixed.


  • Bugfix: Container height was calculated as less than expected due to improper addition of margin.


  • Bugfix: Round item positions even if they're currently resizing or dragging (#158, regression of #141)
  • Bugfix: Fix a positioning bug when margins are 0 (#160)


  • Bugfix: <RGL> would synchronize children with layout if the layout in props didn't match the state; this was meant to be a hook for the developer to supply a new layout. The incorrect check could cause the layout to reset if the parent rerendered. The check is now between the layout in nextProps and props.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a lot of resizing layout bugs; most of the fixes are in react-resizable.
  • Bugfix: Fixed incorrect typecheck on LayoutItem.i.
  • Bugfix: Make onLayoutChange fire appropriately (#155).
  • Bugfix: Fix <ResponsiveGridLayout> not properly reverting when sizing the page up (#154).
  • Remove unused offsetX and offsetY from layouts.
  • Dependency updates.


  • Hotfix for default export incompatibility caused by Babel 6.


This long-awaited release provides React 0.14 compatibility and a rewrite of the underlying <Draggable> functionality.

Breaking changes:

  • ListensToWidth replaced with WidthProvider which must wrap <ResponsiveReactGridLayout> and <ReactGridLayout> to provide width data. See doc for example.
  • Prop initialWidth renamed to width.
  • Grid Layout keys must be type of string now.

Other changes:

  • Finally compatible with React 0.14! Big thanks to @menelike for his help.
  • Upgraded to Babel 6.
  • Full typechecking via Flow.
  • Lots of misc bugfixes.

    • See beta releases below for more details.


  • Fixed a React import bug on ListensToWidth.jsx (#130; thanks @mrblueblue)


This release is unstable!

  • React 0.14 compatibility.
  • This release includes a rewrite of much of the project in ES6/7 style with Flow typing.
  • This release brings us onto mainline (1.x) react-draggable and react-resizable, eliminating the previous github dependency.
  • 0.10.0 is not yet complete. Use this release at your own risk.

Known bugs:

  • The placeholder box does not properly follow the mouse and stays pinned to the active drag.


  • Update react-draggable to v0.8.0 to fix IE11 issues (#29).


  • Update react-draggable to v0.7.3 to fix a bounds bug (#56).


  • Move off react-draggable fork to mainline v0.7.2. Incremented minor (major in the case of npm's ^, since we are pre-v1) version in case of unforeseen conflicts.


  • Add verticalCompact toggle.


  • Fix a crash when initializing with no children.


  • Fixed React 0.13 warning about isMounted().
  • Update to babel 5.
  • Added browser build for use with a <script> tag or in RequireJS builds.
  • Pinned react-draggable version in anticipation of React 0.13 update.


  • Changed signature on resize/drag callbacks to allow dynamic max/min W/H per item.
  • Fixed bug in useCSSTransforms.
  • Documentation and example fixes.


  • Added callbacks for resize and drag start/active/stop.


Breaking changes:

  • ReactGridLayout.props.handle renamed to ReactGridLayout.props.draggableHandle.

This version contains a CSS update. This fixes a visual bug where you may see items quickly reset position and animate back to their original position on load, when you are using CSS transforms. To fix this bug, copy the rules from css/styles.css into your stylesheet.

Other changes:

  • Fixed #19 (bad new item placement with css transforms).
  • Fixed some placement inconsistencies while RGL is mounting, with css transforms and percentages.
  • Fixed a duplicate className bug.


  • Fix #21 (error when passing only a single child).
  • Add GridItem.props.cancel.
  • Use React addons directly to save file size.
  • Allow setting draggable/resizable per grid item, as well as existing static property.
  • Use object.assign to set _grid properties so we can more easily merge PRs in the future.


  • Fixed #8 (current layout was not properly being stored when provided via _grid props).


  • Optionally use CSS transforms for placement, fallback on position top/left.
  • Allow parent to set responsive breakpoint directly.


  • Fix Responsive import for node users


  • Add support for min/max dimension attributes.
  • Example tweak


  • Refactoring and demo tweaks. Update README with new params.
  • Add showcase example, tweak template
  • Refactor: Responsive Grid Layout is a separate element
  • Auto-generate examples from template rather than edit them individually.


  • Force lodash into commons chunk
  • More tweaks to grid collisions. This should fix bad swaps once and for all.
  • Set unused:"vars" in lint.
  • Add responsive localstorage example and initialLayouts support.
  • Fix localstorage example comment.
  • Rework responsive layouts, identify child elements by key rather than index. Added 2 new examples.
  • Fixup GridItem resizing feel a bit.

< 0.4.0

  • Early development versions, too many changes to list.