Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Tiny (1.4kb) toast library for react notifications with animations and stackable toast's feature.

noti-fi, noti-q, notistack, enqueueSnackbar, snackbarprovider, useSnackbar, react, toast, snackbar, stacked, notification, toast, react-toast, toast-react, toastr, toast messages, react notifications, Yash Rathore


The Problem

There are a couple of taost/snackbar notification component library in React. Some of them are notistack , cogo-Toast. While notistack is highly customizable and have stack-able toast feature with material ui slide and collapse animation, it has a significant size issue(~7.5kb) and still need to have material ui as dependency of your project. Cogo toast doesn't have these animations and stackable feature.

React-notifi is best of both world with built in required animations, stack-able toasts, still 1.1kb in size.

Check Demo Here

Github Link


  • Tiny (size less than 1.1kb)
  • No dependency
  • Minimal HTML and CSS or SVG(can be provided in examples)
  • Good slide in slide out animations
  • Stackable toast Notifications like Notistack which follows material ui guidelines.
  • Can be fired outside of react tree.
npm i react-notifi
import { Notifi, EnqueNotifi } from "noti-fi";
import "react-notifi/dist/index.css";

const notifi = new EnqueNotifi({
  maxToast: 3,
  position: "bottomLeft" |"bottomCenter"|"bottomRight"| |"topLeft"|"topCenter"|"topRight",
  preventDuplicate: true,
  autoHideDuration: 3000,
   wrapper: ({ message, }) => {
    return <DefaultSnack {}>{message}</DefaultSnack>;

function App() {
  const handleShowNotification = () => {
    notifi.enqueue('Here is your notification');
  return (
      <Notifi />
      <button onClick={handleShowNotification}>Show</button>

NotifiEnqueue is a class through which react-notifi manages queue of toast and not with React Context that's why you can call notifi.enqueue and notifi.close outside of react tree also.Intiate this class and provide your default options.

Remember react-notifi comes with no css. You can provide a default component in wrapper to which your options will be passed then.

You can you use this Material Ui default component and CSS, which is used in official examples

Notifi is a component which renders nothing. It just subscribe to NotifiEnqueue class and updates toasts.