(a part of restate project)
The base layer for redux composition.
The problem
As long React spreads component architecture and highly composable patterns, the major part of it - Redux - do not follow this way.
In the world of redux Store is a singlentone. You can create a connection to that store, and fetch the data you need. But how?
Redux is the same for any connection, created from any point of Render Tree.
You have to use React props, to pass the ids
you need deeply into react Tree to use them to get the data out of the store.
Redux is not composable. Redux is not component friendly.
The borders
Redux's connect method produces PureComponent. No update from the top will pass PureComponent. All updates will start from PureComponent.
Connect is the end for all updates, and the beginning.
Then you will change the store, all connected component will be triggered to update. They will mapStateToProps and maybe do nothing more, in case the result object is shallowEqual to the older one.
Unless you will specify areStatesEqual
for each connect, which is not quite possible, to say the truth.
The solution
Redux-restate get:
- one or more stores as input,
- combine function to create a new store
- dispatch function, to handle dispatch
And produces the new store.
Thus makes redux composable, and enabled the component way.
The implementation
- redux-restate for redux level.
- react-redux-retate for react multy-state case.
- react-redux-focus for single store case.
import restate from 'redux-restate';
const newStore = restate({ store: baseStore }, composeState, routeDispatch, options);
get one one more states
as input, produce the output
get one one more dispatch as input, then call the disired one with even, also provided.
import reactReduxRestate from 'react-redux-restate';
const RestatedComponent = reactReduxRestate(
{ otherStore: otherStore },
(stores, props) => composeState,
(dispatchers, event, props) => routeDispatch,
The same as redux-restate, but in form of React HOC. The default store, accessible with storeKey, is available as .default for next functions.
get one one more states
as input, plus props, produce the output
get one one more dispatch as input, plus props, then call the disired one with even, also provided.
import reactReduxFocus from 'react-redux-focus';
const FocusedComponent = reactReduxFocus(
(state, props) => state.todos[props.id],
(dispatch, event, props) => dispatch({ ...event, id: props.id }),
The same as react-redux-restate, but for a single store.