Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Eazy Peazy Playground Components for React.js

react, reactjs, react-live, react live, jsx, javascript, js, nodejs, component, components, playground, playgrounds, component playground, editor, code, code-editor, codeeditor, live, live edit, blog, articles, article, technical, editable


Recess.js Logo

Version 1.0 is Ready! More Features and Official Docs Coming Soon!

Eazy Peazy Playground Components for React.js (Just Plug and Play)

Recess.js is built on top of React-Live, an awesome project by Formidable for building a Playground Component.

The current 1.0 version of Recess.js is ready for use. For simple usage I have provided basic instructions below until the Docs are completed.

If you want to use a different theme go here to see the other choices:

Available Themes

Install Recess.js with npm or yarn:

npm install recessjs


yarn install recessjs

Once installed you simply import Recess.js into your React App.

Here is an Example:

import Recess from 'recessjs';
import './App.css';

// Used below to show an example but not required.
import styled from 'styled-components';

  Recess.js is the only thing you need to install.
  You only need to import 3 things (Recess, Your code & Theme).
  (Or only 2 things since a default theme is in place)
  1.) import Recess from 'recessjs';
  2.) import code from './code.js';
  3.) import theme from 'prism-react-renderer/themes/<theme-name>';
  The themes that you can import and use are located at:

// A JavaScript file to store the code for Recess.js
import code from './code';

// The chosen theme for Recess.js
// Change "github" to the name of the theme you want.
// Eazy Peazy! Dracula is the default.
import theme from 'prism-react-renderer/themes/github';
import otherTheme from 'prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      {/* Works because of default settings */}
      <Recess />
      {/* Your chosen code to be rendered in Recess.js */}
      <Recess code={code} />
      {/* Your chosen code and theme */}
      <Recess code={code} theme={theme} />
      {/* dep is your chosen dependencies like styled-components */}
      {/* Install them within your main app and import. */}
      {/* Then pass them to dep. */}
      {/* To pass multiple dependencies place them in an object. */}
      {/* Like this: dep={{styled, bulma, etc.}}  */}
      <Recess code={code} theme={theme} dep={styled} />
      {/* filename is set to 'App.js' by default. */}
      {/* The filename is displayed at the top of Recess.js  */}
      {/* onInline is set to true by default. Pass it false if desired. */}

export default App;

Here is a snapshot of Recess.js without any arguments. Behold in all of it's default goodness:

Recess.js Default Example

It is REQUIRED to include the render function at the end of each react app as you can see in the code.js file example below:

const code = `const App = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Hello Kaycee!</h1>


export default code;

You could also export an object with multiple code examples for Recess.js like so:

const code = {
    `const AppOne = () => {
       return (
           <h1>Hello Kaycee!</h1>

    `const AppTwo = () => {
       return (
           <h1>Hello William!</h1>



  • Toolbar option (copy-to-clipboard, reset-code, save, etc.)
  • The rest is Top Secret =)


Kaycee Ingram