Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


Commandtechno131ISC2.6.5TypeScript support: included

A generic shitty http client in nod.js

https, http, https client, http client, request, response, fetch, promise, simple, robert, carrot, chomp




genric node js https package pog lol

What is robert?


its description should pro🅱a🅱ly 🅱e something like the 🅱est unopinionated easy to use minimal node js http framework

ok docs time

NOTE: fuck typings i gave up on that shit it made me angry

NOTE #2: i have reconsidered my previous anger and it is now in typescript

NOTE #3: i have re written robert once again idk why ask robert

NOTE #4: ok i rewrote it again


// CommonJS
const robert = require("robert").default;

// Typescript / ES2019
import robert from "robert";

Make a simple GET request


// Returns
  status: 'cookies',
  with: 'milk'

// If you want status and headers use this
  .send('json', true);

// Returns
  url: '',
  data: {
    status: 'cookies',
    with: 'milk'
  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  headers: { ... }

Send a Discord Message

  .json({ content: 'robert best http client' })
  .auth('Bot {TOKEN}')

// Returns
{ content: 'robert best http client', ... };

Execute a Discord webhook using a client

const client = robert.client('')
  .query('wait', true)

  .json({ embeds: [{ description: 'this is from robert <a:robert:889258601103888394>' }] })

// Returns
{ embeds: [{ description: 'this is from robert <a:robert:889258601103888394>' }], ... };


Client (Default)

// NOTE: All options are optional, by default robert is equal to robert.client() which have the following options by default
const client = robert.client({
  base: "",
  port: null,
  size: "100mb",
  query: new URLSearchParams(),
  format: "stream",
  headers: {},
  timeout: "1m",
  redirects: 10,

// All HTTPS methods (Returns request)
client(url); // Equal to client.get

// Change options
client.full(); // Show full response with headers, status, data
client.format(format); // Change the default format for all responses
client.base(base); // Change the base URL for requests
client.port(port); // Set the port it requests on (Default's to protocol)
client.redirects(redirects); // Set the maximum amount of redirects for it to follow
client.size(size); // Set the maximum size for requests
client.timeout(time); // Set the maximum time to wait for a request

// Modify URL parameters
client.query(key, value); // Add a single parameter
client.setQuery(query); // Replace all parameters
client.addQuery(query); // Add multiple parameters
client.delQuery(key); // Delete a parameter

// Modify headers
client.header(key, value); // Add a single header
client.setHeaders(headers); // Replace all headers
client.addHeaders(headers); // Add multiple headers
client.delHeader(key); // Delete a header

// Header shortcuts
client.auth(value); // Shortcut for the authorization header
client.agent(value); // Shortcut for the user-agent header
client.contentType(value); // Shortcut for the content-type header


const request = robert("");

// Change options
request.full(); // Show full response with headers, status, data
request.format(format); // Change the default format for all responses
request.port(port); // Set the port it requests on (Default's to protocol)
request.redirects(redirects); // Set the maximum amount of redirects for it to follow
request.size(size); // Set the maximum size for requests
request.timeout(time); // Set the maximum time to wait for a request

// Modify URL parameters
request.query(key, value); // Add a single parameter
request.setQuery(query); // Replace all parameters
request.addQuery(query); // Add multiple parameters
request.delQuery(key); // Delete a parameter

// Modify headers
request.header(key, value); // Add a single header
request.setHeaders(headers); // Replace all headers
request.addHeaders(headers); // Add multiple headers
request.delHeader(key); // Delete a header

// Header shortcuts
request.auth(value); // Shortcut for the authorization header
request.agent(value); // Shortcut for the user-agent header
request.contentType(value); // Shortcut for the content-type header
request.contentLength(value /* Default's to body length */); // Shortcut for the content-length header

// Set response body
request.formData(formData); // Set's a object as the request body; // Set's a stream as the response body
request.buffer(buffer); // Set's a buffer as the response body
request.text(text); // Set's text as the response body and sets the content-type header to text/raw
request.json(json); // Set's an object as the response body and sets the content-type header to application/json
request.form(form); // Set's an object as the response body and sets the content-type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

// Send the request
request.send(format, full); // Returns Promise<data> or Promise<{ url, data, status, statusText, headers }> with the result (Default is stream)


status // 200
statusText // 'OK'
headers // { ... }
stream // Default, can be piped into write stream
buffer // bufferArray combined into one <Buffer ...>
bufferArray // Raw chunks from the stream [<Buffer ...>, ...]
text // Gets the output as a normal string like this
json // { ... }
arrayBuffer //
blob //

Best moments (This section is a joke)
