Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


google2mApache- support: included

A TypeScript package with latest Schema Typings

typescript, tsd, dts,, Semantic Web, semantic-web, Linked Data, linked-data, jsonld, JSON-LD, structured data, structured-data


Build Status Coverage Status schema-dts npm version


JSON-LD TypeScript types for vocabulary.

schema-dts provides TypeScript definitions for vocabulary in JSON-LD format. The typings are exposed as complete sets of discriminated type unions, allowing for easy completions and stricter validation.

Example of Code Completion using schema-dts

Note: This is not an officially supported Google product.


To use the typings for your project, simply add the schema-dts NPM package to your project:

npm install schema-dts

Then you can use it by importing "schema-dts".


Defining Simple Properties

import {Person} from 'schema-dts';

const inventor: Person = {
  '@type': 'Person',
  name: 'Grace Hopper',
  disambiguatingDescription: 'American computer scientist',
  birthDate: '1906-12-09',
  deathDate: '1992-01-01',
  awards: [
    'Presidential Medal of Freedom',
    'National Medal of Technology and Innovation',
    'IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award',

Using 'Context'

JSON-LD requires a "@context" property to be set on the top-level JSON object, to describe the URIs represeting the types and properties being referenced. schema-dts provides the WithContext<T> type to facilitate this.

import {Organization, Thing, WithContext} from 'schema-dts';

export function JsonLd<T extends Thing>(json: WithContext<T>): string {
  return `<script type="application/ld+json">

export const MY_ORG = JsonLd<Organization>({
  '@context': '',
  '@type': 'Corporation',
  name: 'Google LLC',

Graphs and IDs

JSON-LD supports '@graph' objects that have richer interconnected links between the nodes. You can do that easily in schema-dts by using the Graph type.

Notice that any node can have an @id when defining it. And you can reference the same node from different places by simply using an ID stub, for example { '@id': ' } below is an ID stub.

The example below shows potential JSON-LD for an About page. It includes definitions of Alyssa P. Hacker (the author & subject of the page), the specific page in this URL, and the website it belongs to. Some objects are still defined as inline nested objects (e.g. Occupation), since they are only referenced by their parent. Other objects are defined at the top-level with an @id, because multiple nodes refer to them.

import {Graph} from 'schema-dts';

const graph: Graph = {
  '@context': '',
  '@graph': [
      '@type': 'Person',
      '@id': '',
      name: 'Alyssa P. Hacker',
      hasOccupation: {
        '@type': 'Occupation',
        name: 'LISP Hacker',
        qualifications: 'Knows LISP',
      mainEntityOfPage: {'@id': ''},
      subjectOf: {'@id': ''},
      '@type': 'AboutPage',
      '@id': '',
      url: '',
      name: "Alyssa P. Hacker's Website",
      inLanguage: 'en-US',
      description: 'The personal website of LISP legend Alyssa P. Hacker',
      mainEntity: {'@id': ''},
      '@type': 'WebPage',
      '@id': '',
      url: '',
      name: "About | Alyssa P. Hacker's Website",
      inLanguage: 'en-US',
      isPartOf: {
        '@id': '',
      about: {'@id': ''},
      mainEntity: {'@id': ''},