Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


ph-fritsche1.1kMIT1.6.0TypeScript support: included

Shared scripts




Convenience tool to share scripts across multiple repositories.

Inspired by kcd-scripts and eslint's sharable config.

Integrating setup configurations into the codebase comes at a cost: The repositories are splattered with configuration files (eslintrc, jest.config, package.json, etc.).

While this allows to tailor the setup to the needs of the software, it usually leads to copying a bunch of configuration directives. They might be thought through at first, but often enough they end up being just there because "at some point someone considered it necessary and I don't want to change a running system" - and actually maintaining them seems just cumbersome.

We try to keep our code lean, and so we should strive for the same regarding our configurations.

react-scripts and others try to solve this with a 'one-fits-all' approach moving the necessary configuration into this package so that consuming packages end up just with the dependency for react-scripts or similiar. By updating this dependency all embedded configurations are automatically updated too.

kcd-scripts provides an interesting solution working with plugged in configurations but "it's really specific to [the authors] needs".

eslint allows to set up a shared configuration and extending it in multiple repositories of similar needs.

Taking eslint's approach of shareable configurations this package provides the command-line utility to extend/overwrite/wrap other scripts and reuse them across multiple repositories.


$ yarn add --dev shared-scripts


Set up a scripts.config.js that exports config like:

module.exports = {
    extends: [
        // reference other configs by require-resolvable names ...
    scripts: {
        // reference scripts by require-resolvable names ...
        'foo': '@myNamespace/myScriptCollection/foo',
        'echo': __dirname + '/myScript',
        // or define them inline
        'echo': require('./myScript'),

Run one of the scripts on the command line:

$ yarn scripts foo


$ yarn scripts --help prints available scripts $ yarn scripts --debug-config displays information about the resolved config $ yarn scripts foo --help prints the options for script foo


// ./myScript.js
module.exports = {
    description: 'Example script that echoes its arguments',
    variadicArgs: {
        description: 'Lines',
    run(params) {
        params.variadicArgs.forEach(l => process.stdout.write(`${l}\n`))


    options: {
        foo: {
            description: 'Available as --foo flag',
        bar: {
            description: 'Available as --baz and -b flag',
            long: 'baz',
            short: 'b',
        p: {
            description: 'This one is -p followed by two values',
            values: ['x', 'y'],

The script can access the command line options as e.g. params.options.p.x


    requiredArgs: [
            id: 'foo',
            description: 'This one is required.',
    optionalArgs: [
            id: 'bar',
            description: 'This one can be omitted.',

The script can access the command line arguments as e.g.

Variadic arguments

    variadicArgs: {
        id: 'extra',
        description: 'This allows more arguments to be passed',

Variadic Arguments are available as params.variadicArgs.

Exit code

If the run function of a script throws the script will exit with either the value of that throw if it is a number - or 2 otherwise.