Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



SHET client


A client library for SHET. It can be used in Node.js, or in web browsers using Socket.IO.


npm install shet-client


In Node.js

var shet = require("shet-client").connect();

In the browser

This uses Socket.IO, so it's probably easiest to get that working first (see

Install as above, then use Browserify to generate a single library file:

browserify -r shet-client -o public/shet.js

Include this in your page, then add the something like this to the server:

# after "io = require('').listen(app)"

...and something like this to the client:

# after "var socket = io.connect(...);"
var shet = require("shet-client").connect(socket);

This creates a SHET client, that can be used exactly as in Node.


Rather than using callbacks for everything, this library uses Q to provide 'deferred values' or 'promises', as in the Twisted version.

var c = connect([options])

Create a new client.

options is an optional object that may contain the following keys:

  • host: The host to connect to. Defaults to $SHET_HOST or localhost.
  • port: The port to connect to. Defaults to $SHET_PORT or 11235.
  • ping_interval: The interval in milliseconds for sending pings to the server. Defaults to 30,000. If 0, no pings are sent.

var c = connect(socket)

Create a new client connected to the given Socket.IO channel.

listen_socket(socket, [options])

Accept connections on the given Socket.IO channel, and pass traffic to the SHET server (which is resolved as above).

c.add_action(path, callback)

Add an action. When the action is called, callback will be called with the appropriate arguments, and it's return value will be returned to the caller. If callback returns a Q promise, it will wait for this to resolve before returning, as expected.


Add an event. This returns an object with a raise attribute. Calling this with any number of arguments raises the event with the given arguments.

c.add_prop(path, get_cb, set_cb)

Add a property. get_cb should take no arguments and return the desired value of the property. set_cb should take a single argument, and set the property., callback)

Watch an event. The callback will be called with the arguments of the event., args...)

Call an action with some arguments. This returns a promise, which will resolve to the return value of the action.


Get a property. This returns a promise, which will resolve to the return value of the action.

c.set(path, value)

Set a property to value. This returns a promise, which will resolve when the set completes.


  • Examples
  • Setting the root directory
  • Removing properties/events/actions.
  • Event added/removed events?
  • Testing


MIT licensed; see LICENSE.

Built with CoffeeScript, Node.js, Socket.IO, Q, Browserify, recon, and Lazy.