Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


SimplrJS422ISC1.0.0-alpha.14TypeScript support: included

A set of TSLint rules used in SimplrJS projects.

TypeScript, lint, tslint, rules, simplrjs, simplr



A set of TSLint rules used in SimplrJS projects.

Build Status NPM version npm (tag) dependencies Status devDependencies Status

Get started

npm install simplr-tslint --save-dev

To get latest tslint config.

npm install simplr-tslint@next --save-dev

Language service

We recommend using this plugin tslint-language-service.

  1. Install plugin

    npm install tslint-language-service -D
  2. Add plugin to tsconfig.json

    "compilerOptions": {
        "plugins": [
                "name": "tslint-language-service",
                "alwaysShowRuleFailuresAsWarnings": true,
                "ignoreDefinitionFiles": true
  1. Use workspace TypeScript version



How to use?

Add this line in your tslint.json file:

    "extends": "simplr-tslint"


    "extends": ["simplr-tslint"]

Custom rules


🔨Has Fixer ⚠️Requires Type info

Enforces consistent naming style in interface and class declarations.

Rule settings

Name Type Optional Description
formatRules FormatRule[] Optional Format rules for class and interface members.
ignoreParentSuffixes string[] Optional Ignores classes and interfaces with given suffix.

Format rule

Name Type Optional Default
kind "method", "property" Required
modifier "public", "private", "protected" Optional "public"
format "none", "camel-case", "pascal-case", "constant-case", "snake-case" Optional "none"
isStatic boolean Optional false
allowedPrefixes string[] Optional

Default config

"class-members-name": [
        "formatRules": [{ "kind": "property", "format": "camel-case", "allowedPrefixes": ["_"] }],
        "ignoreParentSuffixes": ["Dto"]

Config examples

Enforces all members naming to camel-case format.

"class-members-name": true

Enforces all members naming to pascal-case format.

"class-members-name": [true, "pascal-case"]

Enforces all members naming to pascal-case format. Skips origin checking in heritage. Useful when migrating coding style.

"class-members-name": [true, "pascal-case", "skip-origin-checking"]

C# coding style example.

"class-members-name": [
        "formatRules": [
            { "kind": "method", "modifier": "public", "format": "pascal-case" },
            { "kind": "method", "modifier": "protected", "format": "pascal-case" },
            { "kind": "method", "modifier": "private", "format": "camel-case" },
            { "kind": "property", "modifier": "public", "format": "pascal-case" },
            { "kind": "property", "modifier": "protected", "format": "pascal-case" },
            { "kind": "property", "modifier": "private", "format": "camel-case" }

Ignoring parent suffix example.

"class-members-name": [
        "ignoreParentSuffixes": ["Dto"]
interface Foo {
    _id: string;
//  ~~~           [Declaration "_id" format is not correct (camel-case).]
    full_name: string;
//  ~~~~~~~~~           [Declaration "full_name" format is not correct (camel-case).]

interface FooDto {
    _id: string;
    full_name: string;


🔨Has Fixer ⚠️Requires Type info

Const variables in source file or in module must have constant-case.


export const FOO_FOO = "Hello World!";

export const fooBar = "Hello World!";
//           ~~~~~~                    [Const variables in source file or in module declaration must have (constant-case) format.]

export namespace FooNamespace {
    export const PACKAGE_VERSION: string = "v1.0.0";

    export function test(): void {
        const variableInFunctionScope: string = "Hello.";

Config example

"const-variable-name": true

This rule only will be applied to constants that has primitive value (e.g. string, boolean).

"const-variable-name": [true, "only-primitives"]


🔨Has Fixer

All module members must be exported.

Config example

"exported-namespace-member": true


🔨Has Fixer

Type parameter's name must start with "T" prefix.


export type Foo<Value> = [string, Value];
//  ~~~~~                      [Type parameter's name must start with "T" prefix.]

export type Bar<TValue> = [string, TValue];

Config example

"type-parameter-name": true


🔨Has Fixer

Backing fields are properties with _ prefix. They can ONLY be used in GetAccessor and SetAccessor declarations.


export class Foo {
    constructor(private _foo: string) {}

    public get foo(): string {
        return this._foo;

    public getFoo(): string {
        return this._foo;
//             ~~~~~~~~~   [Backing field can only be used in GetAccessor and SetAccessor.]

Config example

"type-parameter-name": true


Released under the MIT license.