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Package detail


smeijer150.6kMIT2.0.1TypeScript support: included

Smart spinner helper for React, to manage the duration of loading states.

react, loader, suspense, delay



All Contributors

Smart Spinner Helper for React

demo animation of spin-delay

There are a few annoyances when working with spinners. Network request can be so fast that rendering a spinner does more harm than good. Why render a spinner when loading the data only takes like 50ms?

This can be fixed by adding a delay. Only show the spinner when the request takes longer than 200ms for example. And what happens when the request takes 210ms? Right, we see a spinner for 10ms. This flicker can be annoying.

spin-delay solves these issues by wrapping your booleans, and only returning true after the delay, and for a minimum time of minDuration. This way you're sure that you don't show unnecessary or very short living spinners.


Sandbox ->


With npm:

npm install --save spin-delay

With yarn:

yarn add spin-delay


The examples below use the following data object:

import { useSpinDelay } from 'spin-delay';

function MyComponent() {
  const [{ loading }] = useFetch('');

  // options are optional, and default to these values
  const showSpinner = useSpinDelay(loading, { delay: 500, minDuration: 200 });

  if (showSpinner) {
    return <Spinner />;

  // ...

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Stephan Meijer
Stephan Meijer

🤔 💻 🚇 🚧 ⚠️
Peter Hozák
Peter Hozák

🤔 ⚠️
Eric Hosick
Eric Hosick

Supachai Dev
Supachai Dev

Kent C. Dodds
Kent C. Dodds

Phong Chu
Phong Chu

Joe Porpeglia
Joe Porpeglia


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!




Patch Changes

  • f380792 Thanks @smeijer! - Fixes the initial delay used when options.ssr is false.


Major Changes

  • #8 1b81585 Thanks @smeijer! - We now support spinner initialization from the server (SSR). When the loading prop is true due to server-side rendering, the spinner will be shown immediately. You can opt-out of this behavior by setting the ssr option to false.

    import { useSpinDelay } from 'spin-delay';
    const spin = useSpinDelay(loading, {
      ssr: false, // defaults to true
  • #6 3d4f4d5 Thanks @smeijer! - We've to removed the default export. Please update your code to use the named export instead. This is a breaking change, but it's a minor one. Chances are that you're already using the named export, and you don't have to do anything.

    - import useSpinDelay from 'spin-delay';
    + import { useSpinDelay } from 'spin-delay';