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A command line interface for deploying staging clusters to Amazon Web Services

cli, AWS, Amazon Web Services, Kubernetes


The Goal of Stagely CLI

The Stagely CLI allows your to easily create and manage pre-production clusters on AWS. Stagely leverages the power of Docker, Kubernetes, and kops to create ephemeral clusters for quickly testing new features in the cloud. Stagely handles the heavy lifting of creating and managing AWS resources like EC2 instances, VPCs, security groups, and Load Balancers so that you rapidly stage and test new features to ensure quality before pushing into your production environment.

Not intended for production usage


Install kops

Before we can bring up the cluster we need to install the CLI tool kops.

Install kubectl

In order to control Kubernetes clusters we need to install the CLI tool kubectl.

Other Platforms

Setup your environment


In order to build clusters within AWS we'll create a dedicated IAM user for stagely, we require you to install the AWS CLI tools, and have API credentials for an account that has


Once you've installed the AWS CLI tools and have correctly setup your system to use the official AWS methods of registering security credentials as defined here we'll be ready to run stagely, as it uses the AWS CLI.


Via npm:

$ npm install [-g] stagely

Check installation with this comand:

$ stagely --version


To start using the stagely CLI, you must first run the configure command

$ stagely configure

This will allow you to choose which AWS CLI profile you'd like to use with stagely

Creating a new staging cluster

$ stagely create cluster

This will create all resources required for creating a kops managed Kubernetes cluster, VPC, EC2 instances, Security groups, S3 bucket and NGINX Ingress Controller and Load Balancer

Deploying an new application within your cluster

$ stagely deploy <path-to-kubernetes-pod-config>

This will deploy the pods defined within the file into your cluster. See example-app for example config file. The example Pod template uses host header routing. To use host header routing you must add A records in Route 53 that point to the ingress Load Balancer

Also, take a look at the official Kubernetes docs for setting up a Pod Template here.

Deleting a staging cluster

$ stagely delete cluster