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JavaScript Standard Style

JavaScript Standard Style, check, checker, code, code checker, code linter, code standards, code style, enforce, eslint, hint, jscs, jshint, lint, policy, quality, simple, standard, standard style, style, style checker, style linter, verify


Standard - JavaScript Style Guide
JavaScript Standard Style

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JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter

This module saves you (and others!) time in three ways:

  • No configuration. The easiest way to enforce code quality in your project. No decisions to make. No .eslintrc files to manage. It just works.
  • Automatically format code. Just run standard --fix and say goodbye to messy or inconsistent code.
  • Catch style issues & programmer errors early. Save precious code review time by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.

Give it a try by running npx standard --fix right now!

Table of Contents


The easiest way to use JavaScript Standard Style is to install it globally as a Node command line program. Run the following command in Terminal:

$ npm install standard --global

Or, you can install standard locally, for use in a single project:

$ npm install standard --save-dev

Note: To run the preceding commands, Node.js and npm must be installed.


After you've installed standard, you should be able to use the standard program. The simplest use case would be checking the style of all JavaScript files in the current working directory:

$ standard
Error: Use JavaScript Standard Style
  lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.

If you've installed standard locally, run with npx instead:

$ npx standard

You can optionally pass in a directory (or directories) using the glob pattern. Be sure to quote paths containing glob patterns so that they are expanded by standard instead of your shell:

$ standard "src/util/**/*.js" "test/**/*.js"

Note: by default standard will look for all files matching the patterns: **/*.js, **/*.jsx.

What you might do if you're clever

  1. Add it to package.json

      "name": "my-cool-package",
      "devDependencies": {
        "standard": "*"
      "scripts": {
        "test": "standard && node my-tests.js"
  2. Style is checked automatically when you run npm test

    $ npm test
    Error: Use JavaScript Standard Style
      lib/torrent.js:950:11: Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.
  3. Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

Why should I use JavaScript Standard Style?

The beauty of JavaScript Standard Style is that it's simple. No one wants to maintain multiple hundred-line style configuration files for every module/project they work on. Enough of this madness!

This module saves you (and others!) time in three ways:

  • No configuration. The easiest way to enforce consistent style in your project. Just drop it in.
  • Automatically format code. Just run standard --fix and say goodbye to messy or inconsistent code.
  • Catch style issues & programmer errors early. Save precious code review time by eliminating back-and-forth between reviewer & contributor.

Adopting standard style means ranking the importance of code clarity and community conventions higher than personal style. This might not make sense for 100% of projects and development cultures, however open source can be a hostile place for newbies. Setting up clear, automated contributor expectations makes a project healthier.

For more info, see the conference talk "Write Perfect Code with Standard and ESLint". In this talk, you'll learn about linting, when to use standard versus eslint, and how prettier compares to standard.

Who uses JavaScript Standard Style?

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In addition to companies, many community members use standard on packages that are too numerous to list here.

standard is also the top-starred linter in GitHub's Clean Code Linter showcase.

Are there text editor plugins?

First, install standard. Then, install the appropriate plugin for your editor:

Sublime Text

Using Package Control, install SublimeLinter and SublimeLinter-contrib-standard.

For automatic formatting on save, install StandardFormat.


Install linter-js-standard.

Alternatively, you can install linter-js-standard-engine. Instead of bundling a version of standard it will automatically use the version installed in your current project. It will also work out of the box with other linters based on standard-engine.

For automatic formatting, install standard-formatter. For snippets, install standardjs-snippets.

Visual Studio Code

Install vscode-standard. (Includes support for automatic formatting.)

For JS snippets, install: vscode-standardjs-snippets. For React snippets, install vscode-react-standard.


Install ale. And add these lines to your .vimrc file.

let g:ale_linters = {
\   'javascript': ['standard'],
let g:ale_fixers = {'javascript': ['standard']}

This sets standard as your only linter and fixer for javascript files and so prevents conflicts with eslint. For linting and automatic fixing on save, add these lines to .vimrc:

let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1

Alternative plugins to consider include neomake and syntastic, both of which have built-in support for standard (though configuration may be necessary).


Install Flycheck and check out the manual to learn how to enable it in your projects.


Search the extension registry for "Standard Code Style" and click "Install".

WebStorm (PhpStorm, IntelliJ, RubyMine, JetBrains, etc.)

WebStorm recently announced native support for standard directly in the IDE.

If you still prefer to configure standard manually, follow this guide. This applies to all JetBrains products, including PhpStorm, IntelliJ, RubyMine, etc.

Is there a readme badge?

Yes! If you use standard in your project, you can include one of these badges in your readme to let people know that your code is using the standard style.

JavaScript Style Guide

[![JavaScript Style Guide](](

JavaScript Style Guide

[![JavaScript Style Guide](](

I disagree with rule X, can you change it?

No. The whole point of standard is to save you time by avoiding bikeshedding about code style. There are lots of debates online about tabs vs. spaces, etc. that will never be resolved. These debates just distract from getting stuff done. At the end of the day you have to 'just pick something', and that's the whole philosophy of standard -- its a bunch of sensible 'just pick something' opinions. Hopefully, users see the value in that over defending their own opinions.

There are a couple of similar packages for anyone who does not want to completely accept standard:

If you really want to configure hundreds of ESLint rules individually, you can always use eslint directly with eslint-config-standard to layer your changes on top. standard-eject can help you migrate from standard to eslint and eslint-config-standard.

Pro tip: Just use standard and move on. There are actual real problems that you could spend your time solving! :P

But this isn't a real web standard!

Of course it's not! The style laid out here is not affiliated with any official web standards groups, which is why this repo is called standard/standard and not ECMA/standard.

The word "standard" has more meanings than just "web standard" :-) For example:

  • This module helps hold our code to a high standard of quality.
  • This module ensures that new contributors follow some basic style standards.

Is there an automatic formatter?

Yes! You can use standard --fix to fix most issues automatically.

standard --fix is built into standard for maximum convenience. Most problems are fixable, but some errors (like forgetting to handle errors) must be fixed manually.

To save you time, standard outputs the message "Run standard --fix to automatically fix some problems" when it detects problems that can be fixed automatically.

How do I ignore files?

Certain paths (node_modules/, coverage/, vendor/, *.min.js, and files/folders that begin with . like .git/) are automatically ignored.

Paths in a project's root .gitignore file are also automatically ignored.

Sometimes you need to ignore additional folders or specific minified files. To do that, add a standard.ignore property to package.json:

"standard": {
  "ignore": [

How do I disable a rule?

In rare cases, you'll need to break a rule and hide the error generated by standard.

JavaScript Standard Style uses ESLint under-the-hood and you can hide errors as you normally would if you used ESLint directly.

Disable all rules on a specific line:

file = 'I know what I am doing' // eslint-disable-line

Or, disable only the "no-use-before-define" rule:

file = 'I know what I am doing' // eslint-disable-line no-use-before-define

Or, disable the "no-use-before-define" rule for multiple lines:

/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
console.log('offending code goes here...')
console.log('offending code goes here...')
console.log('offending code goes here...')
/* eslint-enable no-use-before-define */

I use a library that pollutes the global namespace. How do I prevent "variable is not defined" errors?

Some packages (e.g. mocha) put their functions (e.g. describe, it) on the global object (poor form!). Since these functions are not defined or require'd anywhere in your code, standard will warn that you're using a variable that is not defined (usually, this rule is really useful for catching typos!). But we want to disable it for these global variables.

To let standard (as well as humans reading your code) know that certain variables are global in your code, add this to the top of your file:

/* global myVar1, myVar2 */

If you have hundreds of files, it may be desirable to avoid adding comments to every file. In this case, run:

$ standard --global myVar1 --global myVar2

Or, add this to package.json:

  "standard": {
    "globals": [ "myVar1", "myVar2" ]

Note: global and globals are equivalent.

How do I use experimental JavaScript (ES Next) features?

standard supports the latest ECMAScript features, ES8 (ES2017), including language feature proposals that are in "Stage 4" of the proposal process.

To support experimental language features, standard supports specifying a custom JavaScript parser. Before using a custom parser, consider whether the added complexity is worth it.

To use a custom parser, first install it from npm:

npm install @babel/eslint-parser --save-dev

Then run:

$ standard --parser @babel/eslint-parser

Or, add this to package.json:

  "standard": {
    "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser"

Can I use a JavaScript language variant, like Flow or TypeScript?

standard supports the latest ECMAScript features. However, Flow and TypeScript add new syntax to the language, so they are not supported out-of-the-box.

For TypeScript, an official variant ts-standard is supported and maintained that provides a very similar experience to standard.

For other JavaScript language variants, standard supports specifying a custom JavaScript parser as well as an ESLint plugin to handle the changed syntax. Before using a JavaScript language variant, consider whether the added complexity is worth it.


ts-standard is the officially supported variant for TypeScript. ts-standard supports all the same rules and options as standard and includes additional TypeScript specific rules. ts-standard will even lint regular javascript files by setting the configuration in tsconfig.json.

npm install ts-standard --save-dev

Then run (where tsconfig.json is located in the working directory):

$ ts-standard

Or, add this to package.json:

  "ts-standard": {
    "project": "./tsconfig.json"

Note: To include additional files in linting such as test files, create a tsconfig.eslint.json file to use instead.

If you really want to configure hundreds of ESLint rules individually, you can always use eslint directly with eslint-config-standard-with-typescript to layer your changes on top.


To use Flow, you need to run standard with @babel/eslint-parser as the parser and eslint-plugin-flowtype as a plugin.

npm install @babel/eslint-parser eslint-plugin-flowtype --save-dev

Then run:

$ standard --parser @babel/eslint-parser --plugin flowtype

Or, add this to package.json:

  "standard": {
    "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser",
    "plugins": [ "flowtype" ]

Note: plugin and plugins are equivalent.

What about Mocha, Jest, Jasmine, QUnit, etc?

To support mocha in test files, add this to the top of the test files:

/* eslint-env mocha */

Or, run:

$ standard --env mocha

Where mocha can be one of jest, jasmine, qunit, phantomjs, and so on. To see a full list, check ESLint's specifying environments documentation. For a list of what globals are available for these environments, check the globals npm module.

Note: env and envs are equivalent.

What about Web Workers and Service Workers?

Add this to the top of web worker files:

/* eslint-env worker */

This lets standard (as well as humans reading the code) know that self is a global in web worker code.

For Service workers, add this instead:

/* eslint-env serviceworker */

What is the difference between warnings and errors?

standard treats all rule violations as errors, which means that standard will exit with a non-zero (error) exit code.

However, we may occasionally release a new major version of standard which changes a rule that affects the majority of standard users (for example, transitioning from var to let/const). We do this only when we think the advantage is worth the cost and only when the rule is auto-fixable.

In these situations, we have a "transition period" where the rule change is only a "warning". Warnings don't cause standard to return a non-zero (error) exit code. However, a warning message will still print to the console. During the transition period, using standard --fix will update your code so that it's ready for the next major version.

The slow and careful approach is what we strive for with standard. We're generally extremely conservative in enforcing the usage of new language features. We want using standard to be light and fun and so we're careful about making changes that may get in your way. As always, you can disable a rule at any time, if necessary.

Can I check code inside of Markdown or HTML files?

To check code inside Markdown files, use standard-markdown.

Alternatively, there are ESLint plugins that can check code inside Markdown, HTML, and many other types of language files:

To check code inside Markdown files, use an ESLint plugin:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-markdown

Then, to check JS that appears inside code blocks, run:

$ standard --plugin markdown '**/*.md'

To check code inside HTML files, use an ESLint plugin:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-html

Then, to check JS that appears inside <script> tags, run:

$ standard --plugin html '**/*.html'

Is there a Git pre-commit hook?

Yes! Hooks are great for ensuring that unstyled code never even makes it into your repo. Never give style feedback on a pull request again!

You even have a choice...

Install your own hook


# Ensure all JavaScript files staged for commit pass standard code style
function xargs-r() {
  # Portable version of "xargs -r". The -r flag is a GNU extension that
  # prevents xargs from running if there are no input files.
  if IFS= read -r -d $'\n' path; then
    echo "$path" | cat - | xargs "$@"
git diff --name-only --cached --relative | grep '\.jsx\?$' | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]]/\\&/g' | xargs-r -E '' -t standard
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
  echo 'JavaScript Standard Style errors were detected. Aborting commit.'
  exit 1

Use a pre-commit hook

The pre-commit library allows hooks to be declared within a .pre-commit-config.yaml configuration file in the repo, and therefore more easily maintained across a team.

Users of pre-commit can simply add standard to their .pre-commit-config.yaml file, which will automatically fix .js, .jsx, .mjs and .cjs files:

  - repo:
    rev: master
      - id: standard

Alternatively, for more advanced styling configurations, use standard within the eslint hook:

  - repo:
    rev: master
      - id: eslint
        files: \.[jt]sx?$  # *.js, *.jsx, *.ts and *.tsx
        types: [file]
          - eslint@latest
          - eslint-config-standard@latest
          # and whatever other plugins...

How do I make the output all colorful and pretty?

The built-in output is simple and straightforward, but if you like shiny things, install snazzy:

$ npm install snazzy

And run:

$ standard | snazzy

There's also standard-tap, standard-json, standard-reporter, and standard-summary.

Is there a Node.js API?


async standard.lintText(text, [opts])

Lint the provided source text. An opts object may be provided:

  // unique to lintText
  filename: '',         // path of file containing the text being linted

  // common to lintText and lintFiles
  cwd: '',              // current working directory (default: process.cwd())
  fix: false,           // automatically fix problems
  extensions: [],       // file extensions to lint (has sane defaults)
  globals: [],          // custom global variables to declare
  plugins: [],          // custom eslint plugins
  envs: [],             // custom eslint environment
  parser: '',           // custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint)
  usePackageJson: true, // use options from nearest package.json?
  useGitIgnore: true    // use file ignore patterns from .gitignore?

All options are optional, though some ESLint plugins require the filename option.

Additional options may be loaded from a package.json if it's found for the current working directory. See below for further details.

Returns a Promise resolving to the results or rejected with an Error.

The results object will contain the following properties:

const results = {
  results: [
      filePath: '',
      messages: [
        { ruleId: '', message: '', line: 0, column: 0 }
      errorCount: 0,
      warningCount: 0,
      output: '' // fixed source code (only present with {fix: true} option)
  errorCount: 0,
  warningCount: 0

async standard.lintFiles(files, [opts])

Lint the provided files globs. An opts object may be provided:

  // unique to lintFiles
  ignore: [],           // file globs to ignore (has sane defaults)

  // common to lintText and lintFiles
  cwd: '',              // current working directory (default: process.cwd())
  fix: false,           // automatically fix problems
  extensions: [],       // file extensions to lint (has sane defaults)
  globals: [],          // custom global variables to declare
  plugins: [],          // custom eslint plugins
  envs: [],             // custom eslint environment
  parser: '',           // custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint)
  usePackageJson: true, // use options from nearest package.json?
  useGitIgnore: true    // use file ignore patterns from .gitignore?

Additional options may be loaded from a package.json if it's found for the current working directory. See below for further details.

Both ignore and files patterns are resolved relative to the current working directory.

Returns a Promise resolving to the results or rejected with an Error (same as above).

How do I contribute to StandardJS?

Contributions are welcome! Check out the issues or the PRs, and make your own if you want something that you don't see there.

Want to chat? Join contributors on Discord.

Here are some important packages in the standard ecosystem:

There are also many editor plugins, a list of npm packages that use standard, and an awesome list of packages in the standard ecosystem.

Security Policies and Procedures

The standard team and community take all security bugs in standard seriously. Please see our security policies and procedures document to learn how to report issues.


MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh.



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[17.1.0] - 2023-05-29

[17.0.0] - 2022-04-20

We're super excited to announce standard 17!

This major release fully focuses on getting in sync with the wider ESLint ecosystem and doesn't in itself introduce any new rules or features.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the current set of rules.

This is the first release by two of our standard co-maintainers @Divlo and @voxpelli. Buy them a cake if you run into them, thanks for getting this release out!

Major changes

  • eslint-config-node has been replaced with the up to date fork eslint-config-n. If you have used comments like // eslint-disable-line node/no-deprecated-api you now have to reference the n/ rules instead.
  • object-shorthand rule (as warning)
  • Use of ESLint 8, which allows for support for all of the latest syntax that ESLint 8 includes, such as top level await #1548 #1775
  • --verbose by default

Changed features

  • Update eslint from ~7.18.0 to ^8.13.0
  • Update eslint-config-standard from 16.0.3 to 17.0.0 to adapt to ESLint 8
  • Update eslint-config-standard-jsx from 10.0.0 to ^11.0.0 to adapt to ESLint 8
  • Update standard-engine from ^14 to ^15.0.0 to adapt to ESLint 8, see its CHANGELOG
  • Move from eslint-plugin-node@~11.1.0 to eslint-plugin-n@^15.1.0 to adapt to ESLint 8
  • Update eslint-plugin-import from ~2.24.2 to ^2.26.0
  • Update eslint-plugin-promise from ~5.1.0 to ^6.0.0
  • Update eslint-plugin-react from ~7.25.1 to ^7.28.0

[17.0.0-2] - 2022-02-03

  • Fix: Follow up to the fix of #1548 in 17.0.0-1 #1775

[17.0.0-1] - 2022-01-31

  • Fix: Ensure we support all of the latest syntax that ESLint 8 includes, such as top level await #1548

[17.0.0-0] - 2022-01-31

We're finally able to offer a pre-release of ESLint 8 based standard 17!

This major release fully focuses on getting in sync with the wider ESLint ecosystem and doesn't in itself introduce any new rules or features.

This pre-release exists to test out the ESLint 8 related changes and discover possible backwards incompatible changes that comes with it and mitigate unintended such before a stable release.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the current set of rules.

Changed features

  • Update eslint from ~7.18.0 to ^8.8.0
  • Update eslint-config-standard from 16.0.3 to 17.0.0-0 to adapt to ESLint 8
  • Update eslint-config-standard-jsx from 10.0.0 to 11.0.0-0 to adapt to ESLint 8
  • Update standard-engine from ^14 to ^15.0.0-0 to adapt to ESLint 8, see its CHANGELOG

[16.0.4] - 2021-10-03

  • Update eslint from ~7.13.1 to ~7.18.0
  • Update eslint-config-standard from 16.0.2 to 16.0.3
  • Update eslint-plugin-import from ~2.22.1 to ~2.24.2
  • Update eslint-plugin-promise from ~4.2.1 to ~5.1.0
  • Update eslint-plugin-react from ~7.21.5 to ~7.25.1

16.0.3 - 2020-11-17

  • Update eslint from ~7.12.1 to ~7.13.0
  • Relax rule: Enforce default parameters to be last #1414

16.0.2 - 2020-11-11

  • Allow standard to run on Node 11, even though it's not officially supported #1597

16.0.1 - 2020-10-30

  • Introduce "warning" system for disruptive rules (read more below)
  • Change rule to a "warning": Require let or const instead of var (no-var) #633

standard treats all rule violations as errors, which means that standard will exit with a non-zero (error) exit code.

However, we may occasionally release a new major version of standard which changes a rule that affects the majority of standard users (for example, transitioning from var to let/const). We do this only when we think the advantage is worth the cost and only when the rule is auto-fixable.

In these situations, we have a "transition period" where the rule change is only a "warning". Warnings don't cause standard to return a non-zero (error) exit code. However, a warning message will still print to the console. During the transition period, using standard --fix will update your code so that it's ready for the next major version.

The slow and careful approach is what we strive for with standard. We're generally extremely conservative in enforcing the usage of new language features. We want using standard to be light and fun and so we're careful about making changes that may get in your way. As always, you can disable a rule at any time, if necessary.

16.0.0 - 2020-10-28

We're super excited to announce standard 16!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 16.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit. This release brings better performance, tons of bug fixes, improved JSX, React ⚛️, and Next.js support!

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, please support Feross!

New features

  • 🏎 Better performance: the filesystem doesn't need to be traversed multiple times! #1023

    • Massive improvements (on the order of minutes!) for projects with huge folders which are are ignored with .gitignore
  • 🌟 Support the .gitignore ignore syntax from the command line #1117

    • In older versions, the command standard src would not lint the src/ folder
    • Instead, a glob pattern like standard src/**/*.js was required
    • This is now fixed! You can run standard src to lint the src/ folder!
  • 🌟 Support relative paths from the command line in more situations (e.g. standard ../src/*.js) #1384

  • 🌟 New extensions option for linting additional extensions besides .js, .jsx, .mjs, and .cjs

    • Can be configured with the --ext command line flag or in package.json:
    • Example:

      standard --ext .ts
        "standard": {
          "extensions": [".ts"]
  • 🌟 New cache directory location, respecting XDG_CACHE_HOME preference, with fallback to ~/.cache/standard standard-engine/#214

Changed features

  • Update eslint from ~7.11.0 to ~7.12.1

  • Update standard-engine from ^12 to ^14

    • Fix inaccurate --help command which indicates that bundle.js is automatically ignored when it is not anymore standard-engine/#224
    • Remove deglob package and use built-in ESLint folder-traversal support
  • Paths with square brackets (e.g. [ and ]) are no longer skipped #1333

    • This pattern is particularly common in Next.js apps, e.g. blog/[slug].js
    • You may notice new errors in these files since they were not being linted before
  • Better mono-repo support: Nested node_modules/ folders are ignored by default #1182

  • Remove eslint-plugin-standard #1316

    • We migrated the remaining no-callback-literal rule into eslint-plugin-node

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: JSX: Consider the global scope when checking for defined Components #1115
  • Relax rule: JSX: Remove conflicting indentation rule in indent #1499

15.0.1 - 2020-10-27

15.0.0 - 2020-10-21

We're super excited to announce standard 15!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 15.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit. This release brings support for ES 2021, the latest version of the ECMAScript specification, as well as many quality-of-life improvements, including ESLint v7.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, check out Feross's GitHub Sponsors page.

New features

  • Support ES 2021, the latest version of the ECMAScript specification, which includes support for logical assignment operators and numeric separators #1551
  • Support ES 2020 features such as optional chaining, the nullish coalescing operator, export * as ns from 'source', and import.meta.
  • Support global variables from ES 2017 (Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer), ES 2020 (BigInt, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array, globalThis), and ES 2021 (FinalizationRegistry, WeakRef). #1436 #1557 eslint-config-standard/#156
  • The documentation is now available in Indonesian 🇮🇩! #1544
    • Thanks to @yoga1234 for the excellent work!
    • Other community contributed translations exist in Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Taiwanese Mandarin.
    • More translations are always welcome!

Changed features

  • BREAKING: Node.js 8 is no longer supported
    • Node.js 8 is EOL and will no longer be receiving security updates.
    • To prevent breaking CI for projects which still support Node 8, standard silently passes when run by an unsupported version of Node
  • Update eslint from ~6.8.0 to ~7.11.0

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Allow function declarations in nested blocks #1406
  • Relax rule: Removed redundant no-negated-in-lhs rule, already enforced by no-unsafe-negation eslint-config-standard/#160

14.3.4 - 2020-05-11

  • Relax rule: no-return-await #1442

14.3.3 - 2020-03-15

  • Skip running on versions of Node.js older than 8.10.0. #1496

14.3.2 - 2020-03-14

  • Update eslint to ~6.8.0

14.3.1 - 2019-09-17

  • Skip running on versions of Node.js older than 8.6.0. #1418

14.3.0 - 2019-09-14

  • Update eslint to ~6.4.0

14.2.0 - 2019-09-11

  • Update eslint to ~6.3.0
  • Update eslint-plugin-node to ~10.0.0

14.1.0 - 2019-08-28

NOTE: If you use standard with the --parser babel-eslint option, please ensure that you update babel-eslint to 10.0.3 or later for compatibility with this version of standard.

14.0.2 - 2019-08-22

  • Relax rule: Don't check indentation on template literal children (work around for ESLint bug) (indent) #1385

14.0.1 - 2019-08-22

14.0.0 - 2019-08-19

We're super excited to announce standard 14!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 14.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit. This release brings support for ES 2019, the latest version of the ECMAScript specification, as well as many quality-of-life improvements for users who use tagged template strings, JSX, and .mjs files for ES modules.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

standard keeps growing! The latest stats show that standard and eslint-standard-* shareable configs are depended upon by 318,512 GitHub repositories and 33,349 public npm packages. Thanks for spreading the word!

We now have a Discord server. Come chat with the maintainers, ask questions, and get help from the community!

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, check out Feross's GitHub Sponsors page. GitHub is matching donations, so your dollars go twice as far! 🚀

New features

  • Support ES 2019, the latest version of the ECMAScript specification. eslint-config-standard/e04e06
  • Lint *.mjs and *.cjs files automatically by default #1009
  • Ignore patterns from .git/info/exclude in addition to .gitignore. #1277
  • Added funding, an open source funding experiment.

Changed features

  • Remove bundle.js from the default list of ignored files #743

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

13.1.0 - 2019-07-20

  • Update eslint from ~6.0.1 to ~6.1.0

13.0.2 - 2019-07-12

  • Fix global installations of standard not finding dependencies due to ESLint v6 plugin resolution change #1327 #1328 #1329

13.0.1 - 2019-07-11

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Only enforce const in destructuring when all variables are constant #1325

13.0.0 - 2019-07-10

Welcome to the latest version of standard!

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 13.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit.

standard is more popular than ever – 640,000 downloads per month! It's even more popular – 3,000,000 downloads per month – if you include the ESLint configuration that we also publish (for advanced users).

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

❤️ If you enjoy StandardJS and want to support future releases, check out Feross's GitHub Sponsors page. GitHub is matching donations, so your dollars go twice as far! 🚀

New features

  • Update eslint from ~5.16.0 to ~6.0.1
    • BREAKING: Node.js 6 is no longer supported
      • Node.js 6 is EOL and will no longer be receiving security updates. As a result, the eslint team has decided to drop support for it.
      • To prevent breaking CI for projects which still support Node 6, standard silently passes when run by an unsupported version of Node.
    • For eslint-config-standard users only: Plugins are no longer affected by eslint's location
      • Previously, ESLint loaded plugins relative to the location of the ESLint package itself. As a result, we suggested that users with global ESLint installations should also install plugins globally, and users with local ESLint installations should install plugins locally.
      • With ESLint v6, plugins should always be installed locally, even if ESLint was installed globally. More precisely, ESLint v6 resolves plugins relative to the end user’s project by default, and always resolves shareable configs and parsers relative to the location of the config file that imports them.
      • See migrating to ESLint 6.0.0 for more information.
  • The documentation is now available in Japanese 🇯🇵!
    • Thanks to @munierujp for the excellent work!
    • Other community contributed translations exist in Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Taiwanese Mandarin.
    • More translations are always welcome!
  • Update eslint-plugin-promise from ~4.0.0 to ~4.2.1
  • Update eslint-plugin-node from ~7.0.1 to ~9.1.0

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

12.0.1 - 2018-08-29

  • Since ESLint 5 no longer supports Node 4, standard silently passes when run in Node 4, which matches the current behavior for Node 0.10, 0.12, and all other unsupported versions of Node.

12.0.0 - 2018-08-28

New version of ESLint, new version of Standard!

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically format your code to match the newly added rules.

New features

  • Update eslint from ~4.19.0 to ~5.4.0.
    • Support JSXFragment nodes (e.g. <></>)
    • Lots of minor changes to rules to catch more edge cases!
  • The README is now available in French! (Thanks @charliegerard!)
    • Other community contributed translations exist in Spanish, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Taiwanese Mandarin.
    • More translations are welcome!

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules


11.0.0 - 2018-02-18

This release has no new rules, but it does update to the latest version of eslint, version 4, which has some significant changes to existing rules. Most updates make the indentation rules more strict.

Thankfully, most users will just need to run standard --fix to update code to be compliant.

New features

  • Update eslint from ~3.19.0 to ~4.18.0.

    • The indent rule is more strict.
    • The padded-blocks rule is more strict.
    • The space-before-function-paren rule is more strict.
    • The no-multi-spaces rule is more strict.
    • Minor improvements to:
      • no-extra-parens,
      • no-unexpected-multiline,
      • no-regex-spaces, and
      • space-unary-ops
  • Update eslint-plugin-import from ~2.2.0 to ~2.8.0

    • Updated for eslint 4.0 compatibility.
    • Various small bug fixes included related to import/* rules.
  • Update eslint-plugin-node from ~4.2.2 to ~6.0.0

    • The no-deprecated-api rule is updated with Node.js 8 support and improved Node 6 support.
  • Upodate eslint-plugin-promise from ~3.5.0 to ~3.6.0.

  • Update eslint-plugin-react from ~6.10.0 to ~7.6.1

    • Fix jsx-indent crash
    • Fix jsx-indent indentation calculation with nested JSX.
    • Fix jsx-no-undef will not check the global scope by default.
    • Fix jsx-curly-spacing newline with object literals bug.
    • Fix jsx-curly-spacing schema incompatibility with ESLint 4.2.0.
    • Fix alignment bug in jsx-indent.

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Don't mark Rails Asset Pipeline comments (comments that start with //=) as errors. (spaced-comment) #918

👏 Huge thanks to @Flet for putting together most of this release!

10.0.3 - 2017-08-06

  • Internal changes (incremented dependency versions)

10.0.2 - 2017-04-14

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Disallow import of modules using absolute paths (import/no-absolute-path) #861
    • This rule was responsible for up to 25% of the running time of standard, so we are disabling it until its performance improves.

10.0.1 - 2017-04-06

  • Internal changes (incremented dependency versions)

10.0.0 - 2017-04-04

standard just turned 10.0.0! 🎉

As with every new major release, there are lots of new rules in 10.0.0 designed to help catch bugs and make programmer intent more explicit.

standard is more popular than ever – 330,000 downloads per month! It's even more popular – 670,000 downloads per month – if you include the shareable ESLint config that we also publish.

The most important change in 10.0.0 is that using deprecated Node.js APIs is now considered an error. It's finally time to update those dusty old APIs!

Deprecated APIs are problematic because they may print warning messages in the console in recent versions of Node.js. This often confuses users and leads to unnecessary support tickets for project maintainers.

Some deprecated APIs are even insecure (or at least prone to incorrect usage) which can have serious security implications. For that reason, standard now considers usage of Buffer(num) to be an error, since this function returns uninitialized program memory which could contain confidential information like passwords or keys.

Instead of Buffer(num), consider using Buffer.alloc(num) or Buffer.from(obj) which make the programmer's intent clearer. These functions exist in all currently supported versions of Node.js, including Node.js 4.x. For more background, see this Node.js issue.

We also improved some rules to support common patterns in code bases that use React, JSX, and Flow.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically fix some of the issues caught by this new version.

New features

  • Update ESLint from 3.15.x to 3.19.x.
  • Node.js API: Add standard.lintTextSync method

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

  • Disallow using deprecated Node.js APIs (node/no-deprecated-api) #693 [13%]
    • Ensures that code always runs without warnings on the latest versions of Node.js
    • Ensures that safe Buffer methods (Buffer.from(), Buffer.alloc()) are used instead of Buffer()
  • Enforce callbacks always called with Node.js-style error first (standard/no-callback-literal) #623 [3%]
    • Functions named callback or cb must be invoked with null, undefined, or an Error as the first argument
    • Disallows using a string instead of an Error object
    • Disallows confusing callbacks that do not follow the standard Node.js pattern
  • Disallow any imports that come after non-import statements (import/first) #806 [1%]
  • Disallow unnecessary return await (no-return-await) #695 [0%]
  • Disallow comma-dangle in functions (comma-dangle) #787 [0%]
  • Disallow repeated exports of names or defaults (import/export) #806 [0%]
  • Disallow import of modules using absolute paths (import/no-absolute-path) #806 [0%]
  • Disallow Webpack loader syntax in imports (import/no-webpack-loader-syntax) #806 [0%]
  • Disallow comparing against -0 (no-compare-neg-zero) #812 [0%]

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: allow using to omit properties from an object (no-unused-vars) #800
    • This is a common and useful pattern in React/JSX apps!
  • Relax rule: allow Flow import type statements (import/no-duplicates) #599
    • These are no longer considered to be "duplicate imports"
  • Relax rule: Treat process.exit() the same as throw in code path analysis (node/process-exit-as-throw) #699
    • Makes certain other rules work better and give fewer false positives
  • Relax rule: allow Unnecessary Labels (no-extra-label)
    • Redundant, since "no-labels" is already enabled, which is more restrictive

9.0.2 - 2017-03-17

Changed rules

9.0.1 - 2017-03-07

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Allow mixing basic operators without parens (no-mixed-operators) #816
    • Specifically, these operators: +, -, *, /, %, and **

9.0.0 - 2017-02-28

It's time for a new major version of standard! As usual, this release contains a bunch of awesomeness to help you keep your code in tip-top shape!

We've added several new rules designed to catch potential programmer errors (i.e. bugs), as well as rules to make programmer intent more explicit in certain circumstances.

This release continues our trend of tightening up rules so that, wherever possible, there's one "right" way to do things. This design goal is intended to reduce the time that teams and maintainers spend giving code review feedback in pull requests.

When you upgrade, consider running standard --fix to automatically fix some of the errors caught by the new rules in this version.

Note: If you use the Chai test framework, you will need to make some changes to your tests to improve their robustness. Read about the changes you need to make.

New features

  • Update ESLint from 3.10.x to 3.15.x
  • 3 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

8.6.0 - 2016-11-22

  • Update ESLint from 3.8.x to 3.10.x
  • 3 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix

8.5.0 - 2016-10-25

  • Update ESLint from 3.7.x to 3.8.x
  • 2 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix

8.4.0 - 2016-10-10

  • Update ESLint from 3.6.x to 3.7.x
  • 5 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix
  • Use more conservative semver ranges #654

8.3.0 - 2016-09-29

The last release (8.2.0) added ES7 support. This release (8.3.0) adds ES8 support ...just 3 days later!

This release should eliminate the need to specify babel-eslint as a custom parser, since standard can now parse ES8 (i.e. ES2017) syntax out of the box. That means async and await will just work.

  • Support ES8 (i.e. ES2017) syntax.

8.2.0 - 2016-09-26

For many users, this release should eliminate the need to specify babel-eslint as a custom parser, since standard can now parse ES7 (i.e. ES2016) syntax out of the box.

  • Support ES7 (i.e. ES2016) syntax.
  • Update ESLint from 3.5.x to 3.6.x
  • 4 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix

8.1.0 - 2016-09-17

  • Update ESLint from 3.3.x to 3.5.x
  • Around 10 additional rules are now fixable with standard --fix

8.0.0 - 2016-08-23

This release contains a bunch of goodies, including new rules that catch potential programmer errors (i.e. bugs) and enforce additional code consistency.

However, the best feature is surely the new --fix command line flag to automatically fix problems. If you ever used standard-format and ran into issues with the lack of ES2015+ support, you'll be happy about --fix.

standard --fix is built into standard v8.0.0 for maximum convenience, it supports ES2015, and it's lightweight (no additional dependencies since it's part of ESLint which powers standard). Lots of problems are already fixable, and more are getting added with each ESLint release.

standard also outputs a message ("Run standard --fix to automatically fix some problems.") when it detects problems that can be fixed automatically so you can save time!

With standard v8.0.0, we are also dropping support for Node.js versions prior to v4. Node.js 0.10 and 0.12 are in maintenance mode and will be unsupported at the end of 2016. Node.js 4 is the current LTS version. If you are using an older version of Node.js, we recommend upgrading to at least Node.js 4 as soon as possible. If you are unable to upgrade to Node.js 4 or higher, then we recommend continuing to use standard v7.x until you are ready to upgrade Node.js.

Important: We will not be updating the standard v7.x versions going forward. All bug fixes and enhancements will land in standard v8.x.

Full changelog below. Cheers!

New features

New rules

(Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite in parens)

Changed rules

  • Relax rule: Allow template literal strings (backtick strings) to avoid escaping #421
  • Relax rule: Do not enforce spacing around * in generator functions (#564 (comment))
    • This is a temporary workaround for babel users who use async generator functions.

7.1.2 - 2016-06-03

  • Fix install errors for some users by updating eslint peer dependency

7.1.1 - 2016-05-26

  • Add back full node 0.10, 0.12 support

7.1.0 - 2016-05-16

  • Upgrade eslint to version 2.10.2.

7.0.1 - 2016-05-04

  • Relax "no-duplicate-imports" rule to not include export so the following is allowed:
import { foo } from 'bar'
export * from 'bar'

7.0.0 - 2016-05-02


  • Upgrade eslint to version ~2.9.0
  • Remove "rules" configuration option #367 from package.json (Reasoning is here)

New rules

Estimated % of affected standard users, based on test suite

Removed rules

6.0.8 - 2016-03-07

  • Pin eslint to version ~2.2.0
  • Update eslint-plugin-react to version 4.0.0

6.0.7 - 2016-02-18

  • Revert: Use install location of standard as eslint cwd (fixes #429)

6.0.6 - 2016-02-18

  • Use eslint 2.1.0
  • Fix: Use install location of standard as eslint cwd (fixes snazzy/#8)

6.0.5 - 2016-02-12

  • Use eslint 2.0.0 stable

6.0.4 - 2016-02-07

6.0.3 - 2016-02-06

  • Fix "Error: Cannot find module 'eslint-config-standard-jsx'" with npm 2 (node 0.10, 0.12, 4)

6.0.2 - 2016-02-06

  • Internal change: Remove .eslintrc file, and use inline config

6.0.1 - 2016-02-05

  • Internal change: Move .eslintrc file to root folder

6.0.0 - 2016-02-05

The goal of this release is to make standard faster to install, and simpler to use.

Remove standard-format (#340) (#397)

  • Eliminates 250 packages, and cuts install time in half!
  • For npm 2, install time goes from 20 secs —> 10 secs.
  • For npm 3, install time goes from 24 secs —> 12 secs.
  • To continue using standard-format, just install it separately: npm install -g standard-format

React-specific linting rules are removed (#351) (#367) (eslint-config-standard-react/#13)

  • JSX is still supported, and it continues to be checked for style.
  • There were only a few React-specific rules, but they made it extremely difficult for users of alternatives like virtual-dom or deku, and unecessarily tied standard to a single library.
  • JSX rules come from eslint-config-standard-jsx. The eslint-config-standard-react dependency was removed.

New Rules

The percentage (%) of users that rule changes will effect, based on real-world testing of the top ~400 npm packages is denoted in brackets.

Removed Rules

  • parseInt() radix rule because ES5 fixes this issue (#384) (radix) [0%]

Expose eslint configuration via command line options and package.json

For power users, it might be easier to use one of these new hooks instead of forking standard, though that's still encouraged, too!

  • Set eslint "plugins" (#386)
  • Set eslint "rules" (#367)
  • Set eslint "env" (#371)

To set custom ESLint plugins, rules, or envs, use the command line --plugin, --rules, and --env flags.

In package.json, use the "standard" property:

  "standard": {
    "plugins": [ "my-plugin" ]

Upgrade to ESLint v2

  • There may be slight behavior changes to existing rules. When possible, we've noted these in the "New Rules" and "Removed Rules" section.

Improve test suite

  • Rule changes can be tested against every package on npm. For sanity, this is limited to packages with at least 4 dependents. Around 400 packages.

Known Issues

  • Using prerelease eslint version (2.0.0-rc.0). There may be breaking changes before the stable release.
  • no-return-assign behavior changed with arrow functions (eslint/eslint#5150)

Relevant diffs

5.4.1 - 2015-11-16

view diff


  • Fix for standard-engine change. Fix error tagline.

5.4.0 - 2015-11-16

view diff


5.3.1 - 2015-09-18

view diff


5.3.0 - 2015-09-16

view diff


5.2.2 - 2015-09-08

view diff


  • We have a changelog now, and you're reading it!
  • Minor README update
  • Removed direct dependency on eslint (its now moved to standard-engine)

5.2.1 - 2015-09-03

view diff



5.2.0 - 2015-09-03

view diff


  • eslint-config-standard@4.3.0 (history)
    • New rule: Disallow unncessary concatenation of strings
    • New rule: Disallow duplicate name in class members
    • New rule: enforce spaces inside of single line blocks
    • Re-add rule: padded-blocks (Closes #170)



5.1.1 - 2015-08-28

view diff


  • Update to to remove a missing hyperlink
  • Add atom linter information to
  • Fixed duplicated word in the tagline message on the CLI
  • Removed failing repository from tests (yoshuawuyts/initialize)

5.1.0 - 2015-08-14

view diff



  • Bump eslint from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (CHANGELOG)
  • Added more test repositories and disabled some that were failing
  • Update bikeshedding link on

5.0.2 - 2015-08-06

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5.0.1 - 2015-08-05

view diff

5.0.0 - 2015-08-03

view diff

eslint v1.0.0 is released! eslint added some new rules that are nice, and lots of existing rules have subtle behavior changes designed to catch more errors.

Let's talk about the next version of standard! We bumped the major version to v5.0.0 to pull in these improvements.

New rules:

Changed rules:

4.5.4 - 2015-07-13

view diff

4.5.3 - 2015-07-10

view diff

4.5.2 - 2015-07-02

view diff

4.5.1 - 2015-06-30

view diff

4.5.0 - 2015-06-30

view diff

4.4.1 - 2015-06-29

view diff

4.4.0 - 2015-06-27

view diff

4.3.3 - 2015-06-26

view diff

4.3.2 - 2015-06-23

view diff

4.3.1 - 2015-06-18

view diff

4.3.0 - 2015-06-16

view diff

4.2.1 - 2015-06-12

view diff

4.2.0 - 2015-06-11

view diff

4.1.1 - 2015-06-11

view diff

4.1.0 - 2015-06-10

view diff

4.0.1 - 2015-06-01

view diff

4.0.0 - 2015-05-30

view diff