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Package detail


oncletom254.7kMIT2.3.1TypeScript support: definitely-typed

JavaScript API to work against complex domain names, subdomains and URIs.

tld, sld, domain, browser, uri, url, domain name, subdomain, public suffix


tld.js Backers on Open Collective Sponsors on Open Collective Build Status

tld.js is a Node.js module written in JavaScript to work against complex domain names, subdomains and well-known TLDs.

It answers with accuracy to questions like what is's domain?, what is's subdomain? and is's TLD a well-known one?.

tld.js runs fast, is fully tested and is safe to use in the browser (with browserify, webpack and others). Because it relies on Mozilla's public suffix list, now is a good time to say thank you Mozilla!


# Regular install
npm install --save tldjs

# You can update the list of well-known TLD during the install
npm install --save tldjs --tldjs-update-rules

The latter is useful if you significantly rely on an up-to-date list of TLDs. You can list the recent changes (changes Atom Feed) to get a better idea of what is going on in the Public Suffix world.

Using It

const {parse, tldExists} = require('tldjs');

// Checking only if TLD exists in URL or hostname
// First TLD exists; the second does not.

// Retrieving hostname related informations of a given URL

👋 Try it your browser to see how it works.
⬇️ Read the documentation below to find out the available functions.


This methods returns handy properties about a URL or a hostname.

const tldjs = require('tldjs');

// { hostname: '',
//   isValid: true,
//   isIp: false,
//   tldExists: true,
//   publicSuffix: '',
//   domain: '',
//   subdomain: ''
// }

// { hostname: 'domain.unknown',
//   isValid: true,
//   isIp: false,
//   tldExists: false,
//   publicSuffix: 'unknown',
//   domain: 'domain.unknown',
//   subdomain: ''
// }

// { hostname: '',
//   isValid: true,
//   isIp: true,
//   tldExists: false,
//   publicSuffix: null,
//   domain: null,
//   subdomain: null
// }
Property Name Type
hostname String
isValid Boolean Is the hostname valid according to the RFC?
tldExists Boolean Is the TLD well-known or not?
publicSuffix String
domain String
subdomain String

Single purpose methods

These methods are shorthands if you want to retrieve only a single value.


Checks if the TLD is well-known for a given hostname — parseable with require('url').parse.

const { tldExists } = tldjs;

tldExists('');      // returns `true`
tldExists('google.local');    // returns `false` (not an explicit registered TLD)
tldExists('com');             // returns `true`
tldExists('uk');              // returns `true`
tldExists('');           // returns `true` (because `uk` is a valid TLD)
tldExists(''); // returns `true` (still because `uk` is a valid TLD)
tldExists('');    // returns `true` (still because `uk` is a valid TLD)
tldExists(''); // returns `true`


Returns the fully qualified domain from a given string — parseable with require('url').parse.

const { getDomain } = tldjs;

getDomain('');        // returns ``
getDomain('');     // returns ``
getDomain('');  // returns ``
getDomain('');  // returns ``
getDomain('');              // returns ``
getDomain('');           // returns ``
getDomain(''); // returns ``


Returns the complete subdomain for a given string — parseable with require('url').parse.

const { getSubdomain } = tldjs;

getSubdomain('');             // returns ``
getSubdomain('');          // returns `fr`
getSubdomain('');           // returns ``
getSubdomain('');       // returns `foo`
getSubdomain('');  // returns ``
getSubdomain('');                   // returns ``
getSubdomain('');                // returns `fr`
getSubdomain(''); // returns `secure`


Returns the public suffix for a given string — parseable with require('url').parse.

const { getPublicSuffix } = tldjs;

getPublicSuffix('');       // returns `com`
getPublicSuffix('');    // returns `com`
getPublicSuffix('');     // returns ``
getPublicSuffix(''); // returns ``
getPublicSuffix('');   // returns `unknown`


Checks the validity of a given string — parseable with require('url').parse. It does not check if the TLD is well-known.

const { isValid } = tldjs;

isValid('');      // returns `true`
isValid('');     // returns `false`
isValid('my.fake.domain');  // returns `true`
isValid('localhost');       // returns `false`
isValid(''); // returns `true`
isValid('')      // returns `true`


Retrieving subdomain of localhost and custom hostnames

tld.js methods getDomain and getSubdomain are designed to work only with known and valid TLDs. This way, you can trust what a domain is.

localhost is a valid hostname but not a TLD. Although you can instanciate your own flavour of tld.js with additional valid hosts:

const tldjs = require('tldjs');

tldjs.getDomain('localhost');           // returns null
tldjs.getSubdomain('vhost.localhost');  // returns null

const myTldjs = tldjs.fromUserSettings({
  validHosts: ['localhost']

myTldjs.getDomain('localhost');           // returns 'localhost'
myTldjs.getSubdomain('vhost.localhost');  // returns 'vhost'

Updating the TLDs List

Many libraries offer a list of TLDs. But, are they up-to-date? And how to update them?

tld.js bundles a list of known TLDs but this list can become outdated. This is especially true if the package have not been updated on npm for a while.

Hopefully for you, even if I'm flying over the world, if I've lost my Internet connection or even if you do manage your own list, you can update it by yourself, painlessly.

How? By passing the --tldjs-update-rules to your npm install command:

# anytime you reinstall your project
npm install --tldjs-update-rules

# or if you add the dependency to your project
npm install --save tldjs --tldjs-update-rules

Open an issue to request an update of the bundled TLDs.


Provide a pull request (with tested code) to include your work in this main project. Issues may be awaiting for help so feel free to give a hand, with code or ideas.


tld.js is fast, but keep in mind that it might vary depending on your own use-case. Because the library tried to be smart, the speed can be drastically different depending on the input (it will be faster if you provide an already cleaned hostname, compared to a random URL).

On an Intel i7-6600U (2,60-3,40 GHz):

For already cleaned hostnames

Methods ops/sec
isValid ~8,700,000
extractHostname ~8,100,000
tldExists ~2,000,000
getPublicSuffix ~1,130,000
getDomain ~1,000,000
getSubdomain ~1,000,000
parse ~850,000

For random URLs

Methods ops/sec
isValid ~25,400,000
extractHostname ~400,000
tldExists ~310,000
getPublicSuffix ~240,000
getDomain ~240,000
getSubdomain ~240,000
parse ~230,000

You can measure the performance of tld.js on your hardware by running the following command:

npm run benchmark

Notice: if this is not fast enough for your use-case, keep in mind that you can provide your own extractHostname function (which is the bottleneck in this benchmark) to tld.js.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].


Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [Become a backer]


Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Become a sponsor]


MIT License.


Change Log

2.3.1 (2018/02/18 17:59 +00:00)

  • #116 Publish bundles to npm (@chrmod)

v2.3.0 (2018/02/02 14:13 +00:00)

  • #108 Add ip validation (@remusao)
  • #113 bundles it for the browser (@srashid5)
  • #105 Activating Open Collective (@oncletom, @xdamman)
  • #115 Use Firefox Headless for CI testing (@oncletom)

v2.2.0 (2017/09/10 08:45 +00:00)

  • #103 API addition proposal + remove redundancy (@remusao)
  • #98 Add a benchmark script to tld.js to measure performance evolution (@remusao, @oncletom)

v2.1.0 (2017/09/01 18:32 +00:00)

  • #97 Implement rules using a trie data structure. (@remusao)

v2.0.0 (2017/07/19 08:36 +00:00)

  • #92 Remove polyfills (#92) (@oncletom)
  • #96 Add support for fully qualified domains (trailing dot in domain name) (#96) (@remusao)
  • #91 Bundle rules.json on prepublish (#91) (@oncletom)
  • #90 Remove bower and component support (#90) (@oncletom)
  • #87 Expose bound methods (#87) (@oncletom)
  • #88 Upgrade development dependencies (#88) (@oncletom)

v1.7.0 (2016/09/13 19:44 +00:00)

  • #84 Add an interactive update system (#84) (@oncletom)
  • #83 Rectify the tldExists("") README example (#83) (@oncletom)

v1.6.3 (2016/09/13 17:07 +00:00)

  • #81 Publish to npm via Travis CI (#81) (@oncletom)
  • #80 Do not require end-users to have npm@2 (#80) (@oncletom)

v1.6.2 (2015/11/17 16:24 +00:00)

  • #72 Update rules to remove support for .an TLD (@oncletom)

v1.6.1 (2015/11/03 09:12 +00:00)

  • #70 Update rules.json (@Kureev)

v1.6.0 (2015/10/26 18:31 +00:00)

  • #67 Expose the updater as a lib function (@oncletom)
  • #68 Add tld.validHosts (@oncletom)

v1.5.5 (2015/10/13 21:04 +00:00)

  • #65 Make sure we do not commit bower_components folder (@oncletom)

v1.5.4 (2015/09/17 10:59 +00:00)

  • #60 Update cleanHostValue so it never returns invalid hostname characters (@myndzi)
  • #62 Adding tests for getPublicSuffix (@oncletom)
  • #61 Build against all major nodejs and iojs versions (@jdesboeufs)

v1.5.3 (2015/06/19 11:09 +00:00)

  • #55 Url parse (@myndzi)

v1.5.2 (2015/01/15 09:56 +00:00)

  • #52 Make rules with no exceptions valid (@GreyKn)

1.5.1 (2014/10/08 11:30 +00:00)

  • #50 93% to 97% CI code coverage. (@oncletom)
  • #49 URL as a parameter in path broke cleanHostValue (@oncletom)
  • #44 Fix typo in README. (@ghostwords)

1.3.3 (2014/05/21 14:39 +00:00)

  • #41 Remove url fragments from host name (@jhnns)

1.3.2 (2014/05/07 08:35 +00:00)

  • #39 Use instead of (@Krinkle)

1.3.1 (2014/01/17 13:20 +00:00)

  • #36 Remove grunt dependency (@oncletom)
  • #35 [WIP] tldjs gives inconsistent results (@oncletom)
  • #33 tldjs chokes on weird domains (@oncletom)

1.3.0 (2013/11/07 15:21 +00:00)

  • #32 add support for (@olivoil)
  • #31 Browser feature (@oncletom)
  • #29 Grunt 0.4 and Node 0.10 compatibility (@oncletom)

1.1.2 (2013/01/08 13:31 +00:00)

  • #13 add getSubdomain() (@oncletom)
  • #14 add domainExists() (@oncletom)
  • #24 isValid() does the wrong job (@oncletom)
  • #3 Test Rule object (@oncletom)
  • #23 Bumping request version (@oncletom)

1.1.0 (2012/12/31 12:12 +00:00)

  • #11 rules as regexp (@oncletom)
  • #9 Migrate build task as a Grunt task (@oncletom)

1.0.2 (2012/12/06 15:51 +00:00)

  • #7 checkPublicSuffix('example.example', 'example.example'); is failing (@oncletom)
  • #6 Updated the rules from (@yehezkielbs)