search through a complex object (nearly) as easily as forEach
all the nitty-gritty stuff is taken care of.
checking for repeats.
checking for cycles.
getting the path the the current object. etc!
simple example
collect all branches in a tree.
var traverser = require('traverser')
, branches = []
function branch(props){
if(!props.reference) //since we check for references with will work in cyclic graphs, without stackoverflows.
props.each()//continue working through the children of this object.
traverser([1,2,{},3,["x"]],{branch: branch})
simple example2
collect all leaves in a tree. (only functions and primitives)
var traverser = require('traverser')
exports.leaves = leaves
function leaves (obj){
var leaves = []
function leaf(props){
traverser(obj,{leaf: leaf})
return leaves
traverser([1,2,{},3,["x"]],{leaf: leaves})
complex example
even quite complex things like a topological sort are now achivable in ~30 lines.
see traverser/examples/topo-sort
traverser (obj, options)
obj: graph/tree to traverse
options: (each of the following is optional)
branch: function to call on a branch of the tree (by default, where typeof == 'object'
, leaf: function to call on primitives and functions
, isBranch: return true if current value should be treated as a branch
each function is passed one arg, a properties object which describes the state of the traverse.
value: this object
, parent: object which this item is a property of. (null if your on the root object)
, key: key of this item on parent. (null if your on the root object)
, path: [list of keys from root object to current item]
, reference: true if this object is a repeat
, circular: true if this object is in the ancestors list.
, seen: list of objects seen so far
, ancestors: list of objects between value and root object.
//when your in the branch function, you need to call one of the following to iterate over the children.
//none of these require an argument.
, each: iterate over each property
, find: iterate untill the first truthy return, returns the item.
, map: collects return values into an Array
, copy: copies objects, preserving whether it's a {} or a []
, max: iterate over all properties and return max return value
, min: iterate over all properties and return min return value
feel free to ask me questions if you need help!
see for more examples.