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ts-essentials9.9mMIT10.0.4TypeScript support: included

All essential TypeScript types in one place

typescript, types, essentials, utils, toolbox, toolbelt, lodash, underscore




All essential TypeScript types in one place 🤙

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npm install --save-dev ts-essentials

👉 We require typescript>=4.5. If you're looking for support for older TS versions, please have a look at the TypeScript dependency table

👉 As we really want types to be stricter, we require enabled strictNullChecks in your project


ts-essentials is a set of high-quality, useful TypeScript types that make writing type-safe code easier.


Utility types

  • AsyncOrSync<Type> - Constructs a type with Type or PromiseLike<Type>
  • AsyncOrSyncType<Type> - Unwraps AsyncOrSync type
  • Dictionary<Type, Keys?> - Constructs a required object type which property keys are Keys (string by default) and which property values are Type
  • Merge<Object1, Object2> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from Object1 and Object2. Property values from Object2 override property values from Object1 when property keys are the same
  • MergeN<Tuple> - Constructs a type by merging objects with type Merge in tuple Tuple recursively
  • Newable<ReturnType> - Constructs a class type with constructor which has return type ReturnType
  • NonNever<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type which values don't equal to never
  • OmitProperties<Type, Value> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type and removing those properties which values equal to Value
  • Opaque<Type, Token> - Constructs a type which is a subset of Type with a specified unique token Token
  • PathValue<Type, Path> - Constructs a path value for type Type and path Path
  • Paths<Type> - Constructs a union type by picking all possible paths for type Type
  • PickProperties<Type, Value> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type which values equal to Value
  • SafeDictionary<Type, Keys?> - Constructs an optional object type which property keys are Keys (string by default) and which property values are Type
  • UnionToIntersection<Union> - Constructs a intersection type from union type Union
  • ValueOf<Type> - Constructs a type for type Type and equals to a primitive for primitives, array elements for arrays, function return type for functions or object property values for objects
  • XOR<Type1, Type2, Type3?, ..., Type50?> - Construct a type which is assignable to either type Type1, Type2 but not both. Starting in ts-essentials@10, it supports up to 50 generic types.

Mark wrapper types

  • MarkOptional<Type, Keys> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type where properties Keys are set as optional, meaning they aren't required
  • MarkReadonly<Type, Keys> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type where properties Keys are set to readonly, meaning they cannot be reassigned
  • MarkRequired<Type, Keys> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type where properties Keys are set as required
  • MarkWritable<Type, Keys> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type where properties Keys remove readonly modifier, meaning they can be reassigned

Deep wrapper types

  • Buildable<Type> - Constructs a type by combining DeepPartial and DeepWritable, meaning all properties from type Type are recursively set as non-readonly and optional, meaning they can be reassigned and aren't required
  • DeepNonNullable<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and exclude null and undefined property values from all of them. To make properties non-nullable on one level, use NonNullable<Type>
  • DeepNullable<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and include null property values for all of them
  • DeepOmit<Type, Filter> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type and removing properties which values are never or true in type Filter. If you'd like type Filter to be validated against a structure of Type, please use StrictDeepOmit<Type, Filter>.
  • DeepPartial<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and setting them as optional, meaning they aren't required. To make properties optional on one level, use Partial<Type>
  • DeepPick<Type, Filter> - Constructs a type by picking set of properties, which have property values never or true in type Filter, from type Type. If you'd like type Filter to be validated against a structure of Type, please use StrictDeepPick<Type, Filter>.
  • DeepReadonly<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and setting readonly modifier, meaning they cannot be reassigned. To make properties readonly on one level, use Readonly<Type>
  • DeepRequired<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and setting as required. To make properties required on one level, use Required<Type>
  • DeepUndefinable<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and include undefined property values for all of them
  • DeepWritable<Type> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type recursively and removing readonly modifier, meaning they can be reassigned. To make properties writable on one level, use Writable<Type>
  • StrictDeepOmit<Type, Filter> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from type Type and removing properties which values are never or true in type Filter. The type Filter is validated against a structure of Type.
  • StrictDeepPick<Type, Filter> - Constructs a type by picking set of properties, which have property values never or true in type Filter, from type Type. The type Filter is validated against a structure of Type.

Key types

  • OptionalKeys<Type> - Constructs a union type by picking all optional properties of object type Type
  • PickKeys<Type, Value> - Constructs a union type by picking all properties of object type Type which values are assignable to type Value
  • ReadonlyKeys<Type> - Constructs a union type by picking all readonly properties of object type Type, meaning their values cannot be reassigned
  • RequiredKeys<Type> - Constructs a union type by picking all required properties of object type Type
  • WritableKeys<Type> - Constructs a union type by picking all writable properties of object type Type, meaning their values can be reassigned

Type checkers

  • Exact<Type, Shape> - Returns Type when type Type and Shape are identical. Otherwise returns never
  • IsAny<Type> - Returns true when type Type is any. Otherwise returns false
  • IsNever<Type> - Returns true when type Type is never. Otherwise returns false
  • IsUnknown<Type> - Returns true when type Type is unknown. Otherwise returns false
  • IsTuple<Type> - Returns Type when type Type is tuple. Otherwise returns never
  • NonEmptyObject<Object> - Returns Object when Object has at least one key. Otherwise returns never

Arrays and Tuples

Change case

Function types

Utility functions

⚠️ Make sure you add ts-essentials to your dependencies (npm install --save ts-essentials) to avoid runtime errors

When one of utility types is known by a different name, kindly ask adding it here for the better search.

Built-in types

TypeScript provides several utility types to facilitate common type transformations. These utilities are available globally.

  • Awaited<Type> - This type is meant to model operations like await in async functions, or the .then() method on Promises - specifically, the way that they recursively unwrap Promises
  • Capitalize<StringType> - Converts the first character in the string to an uppercase equivalent
  • ConstructParameters<Type> - Constructs a tuple or array type from the types of a constructor function type Type
  • Exclude<UnionType, ExcludedMembers> - Constructs a type by excluding from UnionType all union members that are assignable to ExcludedMembers
  • Extract<Type, Union> - Constructs a type by extracting from Type all union members that are assignable to Union
  • InstanceType<Type> - Constructs a type consisting of the instance type of a constructor function in Type
  • Lowercase<StringType> - Converts each character in the string to the lowercase equivalent
  • NonNullable<Type> - Constructs a type by excluding null and undefined from Type
  • Omit<Type, Keys> - Constructs a type by picking all properties from Type and then removing Keys
  • Parameters<Type> - Constructs a tuple type from the types used in the parameters of a function type Type
  • Partial<Type> - Constructs a type with all properties of Type set to optional
  • Pick<Type, Keys> - Constructs a type by picking the set of properties Keys from Type
  • Readonly<Type> - Constructs a type with all properties of Type set to readonly, meaning the properties of the constructed type cannot be reassigned
  • Record<Keys, Type> - Constructs an object type whose property keys are Keys and whose property values are Type
  • Required<Type> - Constructs a type consisting of all properties of Type set to required
  • ReturnType<Type> - Constructs a type consisting of the return type of function type Type parameter
  • Uncapitalize<StringType> - Converts the first character in the string to a lowercase equivalent
  • Uppercase<StringType> - Converts each character in the string to the uppercase version

TypeScript dependency table

ts-essentials typescript / type of dependency
^10.0.0 ^4.5.0 / peer optional
^9.4.0 ^4.1.0 / peer optional
^8.0.0 ^4.1.0 / peer
^5.0.0 ^3.7.0 / peer
^3.0.1 ^3.5.0 / peer
^1.0.1 ^3.2.2 / dev
^1.0.0 ^3.0.3 / dev


Special shout-out to active contributors:

And thanks goes to these wonderful people:

💻 - contributions, i.e. links to commits by the user on this project

Contributions of any kind welcome! Read more




Patch Changes

  • ecb490b: Head<Type> no longer includes an extraneous | undefined when instantiated with a union of empty and non-empty tuple, like [] | [1, 2]
  • 859d85c: MarkOptional<Type, Keys> is now assignable to Partial<Type>
  • dda4def: Tail<Type> now works with readonly arrays and also correctly returns the tail for tuples with all optional members. Additionally, it now acts as an identity for non-tuple arrays, i.e., it returns Type when Type is a non-tuple array, such as string[], number[], etc.
  • d02bf22: Fix MarkRequired<Type, Keys> & MarkWritable<Type, Keys> types when Keys is any
  • d3b56d7: Prettify the output of Mark-* and Merge types


Patch Changes

  • cc7b838: ReadonlyKeys<Type> and WritableKeys<Type> now return only the readonly and writable keys, respectively, for arrays and tuples
  • d6867ea: Prettify<Type> returns the same type when the type parameter is a function
  • bc51ac5: OptionalKeys<Type> returns never for primitives and returns only optional indices for arrays and tuples
  • d0ad79f: Improve Paths performance by limiting the depth of paths to 7 (default)
  • 162fd9d: Add Paths<Type, { anyArrayIndexAccessor: '*' }>, a string literal representing a catch-all or "wildcard" when indexing on arrays.


Patch Changes

  • 490712c: Deprecated DictionaryValues in favour of ValueOf
  • c311536: Added a support of interfaces for PathValue


Patch Changes

  • 365612c: Use key remapping in PickKeys, OmitProperties and PickProperties that reduced the number of instantiations by ~20-40% on average
  • 39eb424: Remove XOR union element with all properties excluded from the intersection


Major Changes

  • b127a8a: Use TypeScript@^4.2.0 because of excessively deep and possibly infinite type instantiation limitation for PathValue and Paths
  • 26be790: Fixed assignability of Mark* utility types which required removing support of TypeScript@<4.5
  • 9935d80: Added StrictDeepOmit and StrictDeepPick that support generic type and removed generic constraint on the second type parameter of DeepOmit and DeepPick

Minor Changes

  • 5b7650a: Add variadic XOR, up to 50 generic types
  • b127a8a: Implement Paths and PathValue to access object properties, array/tuple indices

Patch Changes

  • d2dbcf9: Added for reliable, consistent and predictable development
  • ed57101: Add support for types which explicitly extend Array inside types passed to DeepRequired.
  • 25f3f60: Add support of union types for arrays, tuples, objects and primitive in isExact


Patch Changes

  • f88f757: Add TypeScript 5.3 and 5.4 support (fix a bug with WeakKey for WeakSet and WeakMap)


Patch Changes

  • bc3c474: Fix regression in TypeScript 5.1 with CamelCase


Minor Changes

  • ddb1bea: Make typescript optional as a peer dependency


Patch Changes

  • 8761667: DeepPartial, DeepRequired, DeepWritable and DeepReadonly can update structure of Error or interface which extends Error
  • afccd35: Fix handling of readonly arrays in isTuple, DeepNullable, DeepPartial, and DeepUndefinable


Patch Changes

  • 0c215b9: Changed the Tuple's type implementation to only use a tuple type (instead of a union of a tuple type and an array type).
  • 544742e: Fix unique symbol __OPAQUE_TYPE__ in Opaque that cannot be used outside of ts-essentials
  • 4c45165: Improve the object constraint for NonEmptyObject<T> to not allow primitives
  • 66a6169: Improve the ValueOf utility type to cover the edge cases


Minor Changes

  • a86c5b5: Add ReadonlyArrayOrSingle which is a counterpart to ArrayOrSingle with the array being readonly
  • 14cfa7c: Add utility function createFactoryWithConstraint

Patch Changes

  • c63e30e: Refactor Tail to use variadic tuple type
  • 8a28c53: Fix DeepReadonly for a union with an array of itself
  • 5989dda: Add union support to all Mark* methods: MarkRequired, MarkOptional, MarkReadonly and MarkWritable
  • 8abe8a6: Fix StrictExtract usage for TypeScript@^4.6.0


Minor Changes

  • 5aa1f26: Add NonEmptyArray which ensures an array to have at least one item
  • fa03dda: Add StrictExclude, a stricter version of Exclude
  • 6b27ee4: Add MarkWritable which unsets readonly for specified keys
  • e76a08a: Add MarkReadonly which sets readonly for specific keys

Patch Changes

  • 13504d0: Fix DeepPartial for normal arrays


Patch Changes

  • 08adddd: Remove postinstall script


Patch Changes

  • bf05a7e: Fix DeepPick and DeepOmit for project with TypeScript 4.5 or newer
  • c338a99: Fix DeepOmit and DeepPick for WeakMap in TypeScript 4.1 and 4.2


Minor Changes

  • a2ac470: Add IsAny which returns true if it's any, otherwise false
  • a2ac470: Add ArrayOrSingle
  • a2ac470: Add DeepPick with the validation of the filter
  • a2ac470: Add CamelCase and DeepCamelCaseProperties for converting it from other cases

Patch Changes

  • a2ac470: Properly infer required fields for set, map, array and promise in DeepOmit and DeepPick
  • a2ac470: Improve DeepOmit by removing 4 intersections for objects and applying generic restriction for Filter
  • 3541ee9: Replace PropertyKey with KeyofBase to tolerate keyofStringsOnly option in TypeScript
  • a2ac470: Adapt OptionalKeys and RequiredKeys for union of objects


Major Changes

  • aa879ca: Use TypeScript@^4.1.0 because of introduced recursive conditional types

Minor Changes

  • e39426b: Add IsUnknown which returns true if it's unknown, otherwise false
  • 6d10f69: Add IsNever which returns true if it's never, otherwise false
  • b580ac1: Add isExact function


Minor Changes

  • 7bf4fdb: Make DeepRequired as recursive Required without removing null and undefined

Patch Changes

  • c463c70: Align ReadonlySet and ReadonlyMap in DeepUndefinable with other sets and maps
  • 374431f: Fix DeepPartial and Buildable for unknown
  • 83458c0: Align ReadonlySet and ReadonlyMap in DeepNullable with other sets and maps
  • 7bf4fdb: Add difference between DeepRequired and DeepNonNullable in README
  • ec8d796: Allow only objects to be used in StrictOmit
  • f045817: Fix DictionaryValues for SafeDictionary with number and string literals keys
  • ec8d796: StrictOmit returns never for arrays and tuples


Major Changes

  • 239e7e3: Use typescript@^4.0.0

Minor Changes

  • ab6f68e: Add StrictExtract to check the original structure of type and extract it correctly
  • 239e7e3: Add MergeN: you can pass tuple of size N and it will recursively apply Merge

Patch Changes

  • b39ce66: Improve readme description about what's this project is all about
  • 239e7e3: Add DeepReadonly support for unknown type
  • 35e73b6: IsTuple now works with any tuple length
  • 239e7e3: Update readme description of Opaque


Patch Changes

  • f917f9b: Refactor Opaque, now __TYPE__ is not accessible at all