Curried TypeScript type guards for primitive types and classes
Simplifies typechecking by providing type guards to check if something is of a certain type or of the same type as something else. Includes tailor-made type guards for the primitive types and a general one for "classy" types.
npm install ts-type-guards --save
Usage Examples
Basic Usage
import { is } from "ts-type-guards";
const header = document.querySelector("header");
console.log(header.textContent); // Error: Object is possibly 'null'.
if (is(HTMLElement)(header)) {
console.log(header.textContent); // Compiles and runs safely.
Because is
, only
etc are curried, you can use them like so:
import { is } from "ts-type-guards";
const foos = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".foo"));
const fooImages = foos.filter(is(HTMLImageElement));
const srcs = fooImages.map(img => img.src); // Compiles and runs safely.
import { only } from "ts-type-guards";
const foos = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".foo"));
const fooImages = only(HTMLImageElement)(foos);
const srcs = fooImages.map(img => img.src); // Compiles and runs safely.
Checking Against Another Value
Use isLike
to check if something is of the same type as a reference value:
import { isLike } from "ts-type-guards";
// We want to make sure that this function always returns a T:
function getFromLocalStorage<T>(key: string, fallback: T): T {
const saved: string | null = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (isNull(saved)) {
return fallback;
const parsed: any = JSON.parse(saved);
return (
? parsed // parsed is like fallback, so it is a T!
: fallback // parsed has wrong type, so return fallback.
getFromLocalStorage("volume", 50); // Guaranteed to be a number.
(Note that this function can still throw DOMException
or SyntaxError
, but that's not a typechecking problem.)
is basically a partially applicable instanceof
. For classy types, isLike(ref)(x)
is equivalent to x instanceof ref.constructor
class Animal {}
class Lion extends Animal {}
class Warthog extends Animal {}
const someone = new Animal();
const simba = new Lion();
const nala = new Lion();
const pumbaa = new Warthog();
is(Animal)(simba); // true
is(Lion)(simba); // true
is(Warthog)(simba); // false
is(Lion)(someone); // false
isLike(someone)(simba); // true
isLike(nala)(simba); // true
isLike(pumbaa)(simba); // false
isLike(nala)(someone); // false
Primitive Types
can only handle classy types, so the primitive ones have their own type guards:
isUndefined(undefined); // true
isNumber("5"); // false
supports the primitive types as well:
isLike(5)(1.0); // true (because all numbers are floating point in JS)
isLike(null)(undefined); // false
The non-primitive types Boolean
, Number
and String
share some, but not all, semantics with the primitive types boolean
, number
and string
, respectively. The main difference lies in their equality semantics:
"foo" === "foo" ; // true
new String("foo") === new String("foo"); // false
includes type guards for the cases when you don't care whether a value is of a primitive type or its pseudo-primitive counterpart. For example, to check if a value is either a string
or a String
, use isStringLike
Reusing Type Guards
Although it may seem clunky to have to write is(x)(y)
instead of is(x, y)
, this is a design choice based on the fact that partial application is so awesome. Not only does it get rid of xs.filter(x => is(T, x))
in favor of xs.filter(is(T))
, it also lets you save and reuse type guards:
const isFoo = is(LongModuleName.Foo);
if (isFoo(x)) {
xs.filter(isFoo).forEach(x => x.baz());
You can check if something is an array of a certain type:
isArrayOfNumbers([1, 2, 3]); // true
isArrayOfNumbers([1, 2, "3"]); // false
new RangeError(),
new TypeError(),
]); // true
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