TSLint rules used in some projects at Divid.
This package is a colletion of rules we found useful when doing Typescript projects at Divid.
npm install tslint-divid --save-dev
See the example tslint.json file for configuration.
- tslint-divid is compatible with tslint 5.x.x.
ECMAScript modules does not have a concept of a library that can span multiple files and share internal members. If you have a set of files that forms an library, and they need to be able to call each other internally without exposing members to other files outside the library set, this rule can be useful.
Limits how far up in the tree that a module can import other modules with relatives path. Encourages the use of paths to have more control which modules that can be imported.
The containtment path is resolved relative to process.cwd()
// tsconfig.json
"shared-lib/*": ["shared-lib/src/*"]
// filePath: /root/my-lib/packages/client/src/bar.ts
// containment: ./packages/
// Not ok
import { foo } from "../../shared-lib/src/foo/";
// Ok
import { foo } from "shared-lib/foo/";
Disallows use of the arguments
Disallows the use of labels, and indirectly also goto
Ensures that interfaces only use commas as separator instead semicolor.
// This is NOT ok.
inferface Foo {
bar: string;
zoo(): number;
// This is ok.
inferface Foo {
bar: string,
zoo(): number,
Sample Configuration File
Here's a sample TSLint configuration file (tslint.json) that activates all the rules:
"extends": [
"rules": {
"no-arguments": true,
"no-label": true,
"no-semicolon-interface": true,
"import-containment": [ true,
"containmentPath": "path/to/libs",
"allowedExternalFileNames": ["index"],
"disallowedInternalFileNames": ["index"]
"limit-relative-import": [true, "./path/relative/to/cwd"]]