Runs Prettier as a TSLint rule and reports differences as individual TSLint issues.
~~~ [Delete `;;⏎;;;`]
var foo = ''
~~ [Replace `''` with `"";⏎`]
var foo= "";
~ [Insert `·`]
# using npm
npm install --save-dev tslint-plugin-prettier prettier
# using yarn
yarn add --dev tslint-plugin-prettier prettier
(require prettier@^1.9.0
for tslint@^5.2.0
"rulesDirectory": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"],
"rules": {
"prettier": true
for tslint@^5.0.0
"extends": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"],
"rules": {
"prettier": true
NOTE: To use this plugin, it'd better to also use tslint-config-prettier to disable all prettier-related rules, so as to avoid conflicts between existed rules.
If there is no option provided, it'll try to load config file and/or
if possible, uses Prettier's default option if not found.{ "extends": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"], "rules": { "prettier": true } }
If you don't want to load
, disable it in the third argument.{ "extends": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"], "rules": { "prettier": [true, null, { "editorconfig": false }] } }
If you'd like to specify which config file to use, just put its path (relative to
) in the second argument, the following example shows how to load the config file from<cwd>/configs/.prettierrc
:{ "extends": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"], "rules": { "prettier": [true, "configs/.prettierrc"] } }
If you'd like to specify options manually, just put Prettier Options in the second argument, for example:
{ "extends": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"], "rules": { "prettier": [true, { "singleQuote": true }] } }
Ignoring files
It will respect your .prettierignore file in your project root ( process.cwd() ) but if you would like to use a different file you can provide it in the third argument, for example:
{ "extends": ["tslint-plugin-prettier"], "rules": { "prettier": [true, null, { "ignorePath": "otherDirectory/.prettierignore" }] } }
# lint
yarn run lint
# build
yarn run build
# test
yarn run test
MIT © Ika