Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


fontello914.4kMIT3.1.0TypeScript support: definitely-typed

Convert TTF font to EOT

font, ttf, eot, convertor



ttf2eot converts TTF fonts to EOT format. That can be useful for different webfont generation tools.

This is node.js port of ttf2eot.



npm install -g ttf2eot

Usage example:

ttf2eot fontello.ttf fontello.eot


ttf2eot < fontello.ttf > fontello.eot

Possible problems

Due to bug in IE, font FullName MUST begin with FamilyName. For example, if FamilyName is fontello, then FullName should be fontello regular and so on.

In this condition is not satisfyed, then font will not be shown in IE.



Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Vitaly Puzrin. Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


3.1.0 / 2022-02-04

  • Add support for old fonts with OS/2 v0 tables.

3.0.0 / 2021-07-29

  • Use node.js Buffer instead of microbuffer module internally.
  • require('ttf2eot')(buf) now accepts Uint8Array and returns Uint8Array instead of microbuffer (you now should use result directly instead of result.buffer).

2.0.0 / 2016-03-06

  • Maintenance release.
  • Drop old nodes support.
  • Deps, CS update, tests.

1.3.0 / 2013-11-02

  • API change: now lib takes Array/Uint8Array as TTF data, and return ByteBuffer object. ByteBuffer.buffer contains Array/Uint8Array with EOT file.
  • Removed Buffer dependency, should work in browser too.

1.2.0 / 2013-04-21

  • Separated CLI to make script useable as library (node.js package)

0.1.1 / 2013-04-05

  • Fixed compatibility with original CLI params format

0.1.0 / 2013-04-04

  • First release.