Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail



Deprecated: Use @typescript-eslint/parser instead

An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree

ast, ecmascript, javascript, typescript, parser, syntax, eslint


Deprecated: TypeScript ESLint Parser

Important: This repository is no longer maintained and typescript-eslint-parser will not receive any future updates. There is an actively maintained fork of this project available at and published on npm as @typescript-eslint/parser.

- typescript-eslint-parser
+ @typescript-eslint/parser

An ESLint custom parser which leverages TypeScript ESTree to allow for ESLint to lint TypeScript source code.


npm install --save-dev typescript-eslint-parser


In your ESLint configuration file, set the parser property:

    "parser": "typescript-eslint-parser"

There is sometimes an incorrect assumption that the parser itself is what does everything necessary to facilitate the use of ESLint with TypeScript. In actuality, it is the combination of the parser and one or more plugins which allow you to maximize your usage of ESLint with TypeScript.

For example, once this parser successfully produces an AST for the TypeScript source code, it might well contain some information which simply does not exist in a standard JavaScript context, such as the data for a TypeScript-specific construct, like an interface.

The core rules built into ESLint, such as indent have no knowledge of such constructs, so it is impossible to expect them to work out of the box with them.

Instead, you also need to make use of one more plugins which will add or extend rules with TypeScript-specific features.

By far the most common case will be installing the eslint-plugin-typescript plugin, but there are also other relevant options available such a eslint-plugin-tslint.


The following additional configuration options are available by specifying them in parserOptions in your ESLint configuration file.

  • jsx - default false. Enable parsing JSX when true. More details can be found here.

    • It's false on *.ts files regardless of this option.
    • It's true on *.tsx files regardless of this option.
    • Otherwise, it respects this option.
  • useJSXTextNode - default true. Please set false if you use this parser on ESLint v4. If this is false, the parser creates the AST of JSX texts as the legacy style.


    "parser": "typescript-eslint-parser",
    "parserOptions": {
        "jsx": true,
        "useJSXTextNode": true

Supported TypeScript Version

We will always endeavor to support the latest stable version of TypeScript.

The version of TypeScript currently supported by this parser is ~3.2.1. This is reflected in the devDependency requirement within the package.json file, and it is what the tests will be run against. We have an open peerDependency requirement in order to allow for experimentation on newer/beta versions of TypeScript.

If you use a non-supported version of TypeScript, the parser will log a warning to the console.

Please ensure that you are using a supported version before submitting any issues/bug reports.

Integration Tests

We have a very flexible way of running integration tests which connects all of the moving parts of the usage of this parser in the ESLint ecosystem.

We run each test within its own docker container, and so each one has complete autonomy over what dependencies/plugins are installed and what versions are used. This also has the benefit of not bloating the package.json and node_modules of the parser project itself.

If you are going to submit an issue related to the usage of this parser with ESLint, please consider creating a failing integration test which clearly demonstrates the behavior. It's honestly super quick!

You just need to duplicate one of the existing test sub-directories found in tests/integration/, tweak the dependencies and ESLint config to match what you need, and add a new entry to the docker-compose.yml file which matches the format of the existing ones.

Then run:

npm run integration-tests

If you ever need to change what gets installed when the docker images are built by docker-compose, you will first need to kill the existing containers by running:

npm run kill-integration-test-containers

Build Commands

  • npm test - run all linting and tests
  • npm run lint - run all linting
  • npm run integration-tests - run only integration tests


TypeScript ESLint Parser is licensed under a permissive BSD 2-clause license.


v22.0.0 - January 18, 2019

  • 0c76467 Docs: Update README with deprecation notice (#602) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 26348b6 Docs: Update regarding migration (#600) (James Henry)
  • a8fee90 Fix: sourceType not correctly set in AST when provided in options. (#583) (Armano)
  • 567e8db Breaking: typescript-estree to 18.0.0 and typescript to 3.2.1 (#596) (Armano)

v21.0.2 - December 3, 2018

  • fed0a5a Docs: Update (#567) (dudiharush)
  • 47abd82 Fix: issue with global augmentation when tokens are not present (#574) (Armano)
  • c5ffad3 Fix: scope for TSImportEqualsDeclaration (#571) (Armano)
  • 8ff0ad1 Fix: missing implements in classes (#562) (Armano)
  • cc92044 Fix: visiting superTypeParameters in classes (#561) (Armano)
  • 83dbabb Fix: visiting typeParameters in expressions (#565) (Armano)
  • c19e479 Fix: visitor-keys for TSAbstractClassProperty (#560) (Armano)
  • 491ebca Fix: crash in no-unused-vars when using enum (#556) (Armano)
  • ae7c4e6 Fix: missing visitor-keys (#554) (Armano)

v21.0.1 - November 15, 2018

  • 3715584 Fix: wrong reference on TSQualifiedName (fixes #550) (#551) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 15b32d0 Upgrade: eslint-release v1.2.0 (#549) (Kai Cataldo)

v21.0.0 - November 13, 2018

  • eb23b26 Update: add proper scope analysis (fixes #535) (#540) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 150ffe8 Breaking: make 'useJSXTextNode:true' by default (#544) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 2d22321 Breaking: switch 'jsx' option by filename (fixes #517) (#543) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 3b1ed17 Breaking: make eslint a peerDep/devDep (#541) (Kai Cataldo)
  • 1d54346 Chore: test Node v11 in CI (#542) (Kai Cataldo)
  • a9d932a Breaking: typescript-estree v5 (#538) (Kai Cataldo)
  • 6a9b629 Docs: add options to README (#530) (Joe Pea)

v20.1.1 - October 31, 2018

  • 1683169 Revert "Chore: Make ESLint a devDependency/peerDependency (fixes #523)" (#537) (Kevin Partington)

v20.1.0 - October 30, 2018

  • 075d243 Chore: Make ESLint a devDependency/peerDependency (fixes #523) (#526) (Kevin Partington)
  • 4310aac Chore: Force LF for tsx files (#520) (Benjamin Lichtman)
  • bacac5f New: Add visitor keys (#516) (Michał Sajnóg)
  • 4172933 Upgrade: eslint-release@1.0.0 (#527) (Teddy Katz)

v20.0.0 - October 8, 2018

  • f4b9893 Breaking: Support TypeScript 3.1 (fixes #524) (#525) (James Henry)

v19.0.2 - September 29, 2018

  • aa0fe13 Fix: Re-expose parse method (fixes #519) (#521) (Kevin Partington)
  • 655359f Chore: Makefile tweaks (#522) (Kevin Partington)

v19.0.1 - September 25, 2018

  • 7a367c7 Fix: Remove lib from package.json files (#518) (James Henry)

v19.0.0 - September 25, 2018

  • 3d3ab2f Breaking: Use typescript-estree for parsing (#515) (James Henry)

v18.0.0 - August 6, 2018

  • 16d1a78 Breaking: Support TypeScript 3.0 (#504) (James Henry)
  • 7461462 Fix: remove unnecessary TypeRef wrapper for ImportType (fixes #507) (#508) (Ika)

v17.0.1 - July 26, 2018

  • f1d7de3 Chore: Replace removed API with public flags (fixes #498) (#505) (Texas Toland)

v17.0.0 - July 26, 2018

  • 117800d Fix: support JSXSpreadChild (fixes #500) (#501) (Ika)
  • 6eec85b Breaking: Remove "Experimental" from rest and spread (fixes #428) (#429) (Lucas Duailibe)
  • 42f29a1 Fix: error on multiple super classes (fixes #493) (#494) (Ika)
  • 11d9169 Breaking: always set optional on ClassProperty (fixes #472) (#491) (Ika)

v16.0.1 - June 27, 2018

  • bc83c6a Chore: Do not run integration tests within npm test (James Henry)
  • db62d63 Fix: Snapshot all ecma-features fixtures (#495) (James Henry)
  • 3c1fab0 Fix: support ImportMeta (fixes #489) (#490) (Ika)
  • 6611535 Chore: Loosen node version requirement in package.json (fixes #482) (#484) (James Henry)
  • 27f39cc Chore: Powerful integration tests and improved README (#483) (James Henry)

v16.0.0 - June 3, 2018

  • 009336d Breaking: Set minimum node version to 6 (#481) (James Henry)
  • 9316b23 Breaking: Support TypeScript 2.9 (#480) (James Henry)

v15.0.1 - June 3, 2018

  • 891cee9 Fix: decorators removed on interface declarations (fixes #478) (#479) (Muhanad Rabie)

v15.0.0 - April 17, 2018

  • e572416 Breaking: Support TypeScript 2.8 (fixes #453) (#454) (James Henry)

v14.0.0 - February 21, 2018

  • 439ea24 New: Support Definite Assignment (fixes #424) (#432) (Lucas Azzola)
  • adc0b1b Breaking: Remove all tokens inside comments from tokens array (fixes #422) (#423) (Kai Cataldo)

v13.0.0 - February 9, 2018

  • fb5e4c4 Breaking: Support TypeScript 2.7 (fixes #442,#426) (#447) (James Henry)
  • bd9c12f Docs: Update Known Issues section of README (#440) (Kepler Sticka-Jones)

v12.0.0 - January 16, 2018

  • 6ce4cd8 Breaking: Properly categorize constructors with no body (#427) (Jed Fox)
  • e94ede3 Docs: Sets default code block language in issue template to "ts" (#421) (Marius Schulz)

v11.0.0 - December 13, 2017

  • 6698042 Breaking: No prefix on FnDec within namespace (fixes #127) (#413) (James Henry)
  • aec31cb Breaking: Implement parseForESLint() function (#412) (James Henry)

v10.0.0 - December 11, 2017

  • 59a37f4 Breaking: Updates to AST node types of some TSNodes (fixes #386) (#388) (James Henry)
  • 627355e Chore: Introduce integration tests (#411) (James Henry)
  • b4d22e7 Chore: No package-lock like other ESLint repos (#409) (James Henry)

v9.0.1 - November 29, 2017

  • 153cdb8 Fix: Calculate end position of TypeInstantiation (fixes #406) (#405) (Lucas Duailibe)
  • 678907b Fix: Explicitly convert AbstractKeyword (fixes #407) (#408) (James Henry)

v9.0.0 - November 10, 2017

  • 46479e8 Breaking: Support TypeScript 2.6 (fixes #394) (#397) (James Henry)

v8.0.1 - October 22, 2017

  • 0401ffc Fix: Calculate typeArguments loc data correctly if empty (fixes #395) (#396) (James Henry)
  • a214f71 Chore: Add a way to test TSX specific issues (fixes #376) (#398) (James Henry)
  • 9c71a62 Fix: add missing TSSymbolKeyword type (#385) (Ika)
  • e10aab8 Chore: Refactor alignment tests, now on by default (#387) (James Henry)
  • 9e17d0b Chore: Minor cleanup, fix jQuery foundation copyright (#383) (James Henry)

v8.0.0 - September 5, 2017

  • 9877e98 Breaking: Support TypeScript 2.5 (fixes #368) (#369) (#370) (James Henry)
  • 5b49870 Fix: Location data for typeAnnotations (#378) (James Henry)

v7.0.0 - August 22, 2017

  • 01c34f4 Fix: Ensure exports applied to TSModuleDeclaration (#375) (James Henry)
  • 38bd1ae Breaking: Check for isTypeKeyword in type params (fixes #373) (#374) (James Henry)
  • 3727956 Breaking: Handle TSModuleDeclaration and refactor (fixes #371) (#372) (James Henry)
  • d67ee6c Fix: Typo in TSExportAssignment node type (#367) (James Henry)

v6.0.1 - August 19, 2017

  • 7bcc0d6 Fix: Ensure modifiers are applied to enums (fixes #365) (#366) (James Henry)

v6.0.0 - August 19, 2017

  • 32c0cc8 Breaking: Explicitly handle TSEnumDeclaration (fixes #345) (#364) (James Henry)
  • 5f741a9 Fix: Allow other orderings of implements/extends clauses (fixes #361) (#363) (Jed Fox)
  • f5bd145 Chore: Breakout and label TS-specific AST comparison tests (#360) (James Henry)
  • f6e56b3 Chore: Build out AST comparison tests and categorize issues (#358) (James Henry)
  • ab4e05e Breaking: Only add .implements/.accessibility/.decorators if truthy (#354) (James Henry)
  • 275897b Fix: Location data for methods and constructors (#357) (James Henry)
  • 5fce5e7 Fix: Exp. operator assignment is AssignmentExpression (fixes #355) (#356) (James Henry)
  • 67971de Fix: Include newlines at the end of source in AST (fixes #352) (#353) (James Henry)
  • 8406209 Fix: Remove start and end values from JSX tokens (fixes #341) (#351) (James Henry)

v5.0.1 - August 9, 2017

  • 81e20c0 Fix: Only warn about an unsupported TypeScript version once (#347) (Jed Fox)
  • 5e22fac Chore: AST alignment testing against Babylon (#342) (James Henry)

v5.0.0 - August 6, 2017

  • 271b4f1 New: Support TypeScript 2.4 (fixes #321) (#322) (#326) (James Henry)
  • ea6c3bb Breaking: Use TSTypeReference for TypeParameters (#340) (James Henry)
  • a9ca775 Fix: Use name 'this' in JSXMemberExpression (fixes #337) (#338) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • ef2687b Fix: Handle assignment within property destructuring (fixes #332) (#336) (James Henry)

v4.0.0 - July 10, 2017

  • 6a612cd Breaking: Include type annotation range for Identifiers (fixes #314) (#319) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 074a64f Fix: Arrow function body should be ObjectExpression (fixes #331) (#334) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • fb66f61 Fix: Unescape string literal identifiers (fixes #328) (#330) (Lucas Azzola)
  • 9cab9d3 Breaking: Remove TypeAnnotation wrapper from constraint (#325) (James Henry)
  • b255499 New: Provider loggerFn option to configure logging (fixes #323) (#324) (James Henry)
  • 0540298 Fix: Calculate correct type parameter range (fixes #316) (#320) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 4938c2c Fix: Ensure JSX tag names are JSXIdentifiers (fixes #315) (#318) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 1f20557 Fix: Use TSExportAssignment node type (fixes #304) (#317) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • b26cda1 Fix: Use TSNullKeyword for null type instead of Literal (#313) (James Henry)
  • 9037dc5 Chore: Add node 8 to .travis.yml (#312) (James Henry)
  • 8062515 Chore: Refactor tests to assert snapshots not JSON (#311) (James Henry)
  • 2ad791b Fix: Add name to JSXIdentifier when converting ThisKeyword (fixes #307) (#310) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 519907e Breaking: Use ESTree export node types in modules (fixes# 263) (#265) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • c4b0b64 Fix: Label readonly class properties (fixes #302) (#303) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • bffd6cc Fix: Add more tests for destructuring and spread (fixes #306) (#308) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • f7c9246 Chore: Fix typo in comment (#305) (Jeremy Attali)
  • 3dcba7d Breaking: Change isReadonly to readonly (fixes #284) (#285) (James Henry)
  • bc9225f Chore: Replace mocha (istanbul, chai, leche) with Jest (#300) (James Henry)
  • 8744577 Breaking: Decorator ESTree compliance, always convert (fixes #250) (#293) (James Henry)
  • dd6404a Breaking: Convert Signature types to be more ESTree like (fixes #262) (#264) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 379dcaf Fix: Only set optional property on certain node property (fixes #289) (#292) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 89f8561 Fix: Label static and export in TSParameterProperty (fixes #286) (#301) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 992f1fa Fix: Unescape type parameter names (fixes #296) (#298) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 5ed8573 Fix: Async generator method should be labeled (fixes #297) (#299) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 31ad3c4 Fix: Create RegExp object for RegExp literals (fixes #287) (#291) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 525a544 Fix: Set node type to ExperimentalRestProperty (fixes #276) (#279) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • eb32fed Fix: Convert type guards (fixes #282) (#283) (James Henry)
  • b7220fd New: Create option to enable JSXText node type (fixes #266) (#272) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 6dd3696 Fix: Add exponentiation operators (fixes #280) (#281) (Lucas Azzola)
  • 3491b4b Fix: Replace JSXMemberExpression with TSQualifiedName (fixes #257) (#258) (Lucas Azzola)
  • b4eb0b5 Fix: Convert range and line number corretly in JSX literals (#277) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 3f9f41c Fix: wrap interface in ExportNamedDeclaration if necessary (fixes #269) (#270) (Danny Martini)

v3.0.0 - May 17, 2017

  • 6b56bfe Fix: Use correct starting range and loc for JSXText tokens (fixes #227) (#271) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • f5fcc87 Breaking: Allow comment scanner to rescan tokens (fixes #216) (#219) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • f836bb9 Chore: Refactor the codebase (fixes #220) (#261) (James Henry)
  • aade6bd Chore: Update README with list of known issues (#247) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • c8e881a Breaking: Normalize type parameters (fixes #197) (#196) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • d37bf04 Fix: Type parameter start location calculation (fixes #260) (#259) (Igor Oleinikov)
  • 1a97650 Fix: Handle case where class has extends but no super class (fixes #249) (#254) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 00ad71d Fix: add instanceof to ast-converter (fixes #252) (#251) (Danny Arnold)
  • 2989f8b Upgrade: Update semver package (#246) (Simen Bekkhus)
  • b1efe69 Breaking: Change how interface node gets converted (fixes #201) (#241) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • e311620 Fix: Set await property on async iterators (for await) (fixes #236) (#239) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • a294afa Fix: Set async on async FunctionExpressions (fixes #244) (#245) (Lucas Azzola)
  • 7c00f16 Chore: Add tests for object spread and async generator (refs #236) (#237) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 7b69bc9 Fix: Label abstract class properties (fixes #234) (#238) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • a330ec6 New: Add support for default type parameters (fixes #235) (#240) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • e1ef800 Fix: Support superTypeParameters (fixes #242) (#243) (Lucas Azzola)
  • 65c2e0a Breaking: Support TypeScript 2.3 (fixes #232) (#233) (Lucas Azzola)
  • 15f1173 Fix: Use TSAbsractMethodDefinition for abstract constructor (fixes #228) (#229) (Lucas Azzola)
  • 8fb71d2 Breaking: Add .body to TSModuleBlock nodes (fixes #217) (#218) (Philipp A)
  • 471f403 Chore: Remove before_script from .travis.yml (fixes #231) (#230) (James Henry)
  • 9397c5c Chore: Cleanup Makefile (#221) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • dd57f81 Update: Open TS peerDependency, warn non-supported version (fixes #167) (#193) (James Henry)
  • a37d5ed Fix: Wrap any parameter with modifiers, not just in constructors (#214) (Rasmus Eneman)

v2.1.0 - April 4, 2017

  • d709fd8 Fix: Set root to true in eslintrc (fixes #211) (#212) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 1e73711 Fix: Optional methods are not marked as optional (fixes #206) (#207) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • 1cee2e3 Fix: Nested type arguments are not preserved (fixes #204) (#205) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • 5a324a3 Fix: Preserve type parameters for methods (fixes #202) (#203) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • bfb1506 New: Add type parameters to more AST nodes (fixes #184) (#183) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • 0fadfc3 Fix: Convert MetaProperty ( nodes correcly (fixes #194) (#195) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 4d755ed New: Store type parameter constraints (fixes #188) (#189) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • 29d848c Fix: Updated broken class-with-optional-properties test result (#192) (James Henry)
  • 04f6556 New: Mark optional parameters and properties (fixes #186) (#187) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • cc9d4b3 Fix: Add missing typeAnnotation to class properties (fixes #190) (#191) (Rasmus Eneman)
  • 215a012 Fix: Change DoWhileStatement to DoStatement to match TS (fixes #180) (#181) (James Henry)
  • 581a7a5 Fix: Missing parameter properties info in constructors (fixes #143) (#168) (patricio trevino)
  • 69d2537 Chore: Add test for constructor and methods with parameters (refs #168) (#178) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • c2a0b71 Fix: Add start and end property to tokens (fixes #172) (#176) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 2640d81 Fix: Remove jsdoc node property from ts nodes (fixes #164) (#177) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 701e2c5 Fix: Set name to type JSXIdentifier and fix selfClosing (fixes #172) (#175) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 8b4e548 Fix: Convert Void and Delete expressions to UnaryExpression (fixes #171) (#174) (Reyad Attiyat)

v2.0.0 - February 24, 2017

  • 38aef53 Breaking: Updated supported TypeScript version to ~2.2.1 (fixes #149) (#169) (James Henry)
  • 25207e0 Fix: Optimize convertTokens, treat JsxText as token (fixes #70) (#158) (James Henry)
  • 76c33f8 Fix: Await node should have argument property (fixes #160) (#161) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 2f86bef Fix: Unescape identifiers typescript may prepend underscore (fixes #145) (#159) (Reyad Attiyat)

v1.0.3 - February 10, 2017

  • 19e7f15 Docs: Show currently supported TypeScript version (#157) (James Henry)
  • e96ba1f Fix: Calculate range correctly for exported generic class (fixes #152) (#155) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 11d5a7d Fix: Handle object types without annotations (fixes #148) (#154) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • fc1e6bb Fix: Parameter with assignation provide type annotations (fixes #146) (#147) (patricio trevino)
  • e5f378f Fix: Calculate range correctly when class is exported (fixes #152) (#153) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 6312383 Fix: Calculate constructor range using node.parameters.pos (fixes #139) (#140) (Reyad Attiyat)

v1.0.2 - January 12, 2017

  • d53f1f8 Fix: Use ts utilities determine variable declaration type (fixes #136) (#138) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • 918190d Fix: export type alias ExportNamedDeclaration node generation (fixes #134) (#135) (patricio trevino)

v1.0.1 - January 4, 2017

  • 9882a8e Fix: Add missing async property (#133) (James Henry)
  • 60843ad Fix: Handle async/await (fixes #119) (#129) (Philipp A)
  • 0ff19dd Fix: Exception thrown when space occurs after function name (fixes #123) (#124) (Reyad Attiyat)
  • ff283aa Fix: Allow running without options (fixes #121) (#120) (Philipp A)
  • dd03b2f Docs: Changed --save to --save-dev in readme (#132) (Amila Welihinda)
  • 41ccef5 Build: Add TS as dev-dep, only support minor range (#131) (James Henry)

v1.0.0 - November 11, 2016

  • c60f216 Chore: Normalize .yml line endings (fixes #113) (#115) (James Henry)
  • 9521396 Breaking: Updated to TypeScript 2.x (fixes #105) (#112) (James Henry)
  • a7320df Docs: Update license copyright (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 51ec64d Fix: Exclude TSNode.flags when deeplyCopy fallback is used (refs #105) (#107) (James Henry)
  • 7ebf4d5 Fix: Rename decorator example to avoid issue in TS 2.x (refs #105) (#106) (James Henry)
  • 45b9874 Fix: Added missing yml lf gitattribute (#104) (James Henry)
  • 4dd3439 Build: Add Node 6.x to Travis (fixes #99) (#98) (Danny Fritz)

v0.4.0 - September 23, 2016

  • eb1ad9b Fix: Add loc and range data to generated VariableDeclarator node (#100) (James Henry)
  • 5dae849 New: Accessibility Modifiers (fixes #87) (#88) (Danny Fritz)
  • 68992eb Fix: Tests break with Windows line-endings (fixes #93) (#97) (Danny Fritz)

v0.3.1 - September 20, 2016

  • e36d800 Fix: Convert TypeAliasDeclaration into VariableDeclarator (fixes #89) (#91) (James Henry)
  • ac0c95d Fix: Prefix function declarations in TS namespaces (fixes #78) (#82) (James Henry)
  • 7cc865e Fix: Support abstract classes and methods (fixes #80) (#81) (James Henry)

v0.3.0 - September 13, 2016

  • e76f3b9 New: Convert type alias into variable declaration (refs #77) (#83) (James Henry)
  • 5c47ad5 Fix: Convert TSTypeOfExpression to UnaryExpression (fixes #85) (#86) (James Henry)
  • 799fd63 Fix: Distinguish between DeclareFunction and FunctionDeclaration (#79) (James Henry)

v0.2.0 - August 29, 2016

  • 138495f New: Add accessor decorators to AST (fixes #63) (#73) (James Henry)
  • f6a8e71 New: Add property decorators to AST (fixes #71) (#72) (James Henry)
  • 328259f New: Add param decorators to the AST (fixes #68) (#69) (James Henry)
  • 8b97fe7 New: Add class decorators to AST (fixes #66) (#67) (James Henry)
  • 7364cb9 New: Add method decorators to AST (fixes #65) (#64) (James Henry)

v0.1.3 - August 22, 2016

  • da984bf Fix: manually update package.json after build failure (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 5bfb9bf Fix: Check for arguments property on NewExpression (fixes #60) (#62) (James Henry)
  • d323ee7 Docs: Add issue template (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 8f4964c Fix: UpdateExpression detection and operator format (fixes #58) (#59) (James Henry)
  • e09ebb3 Fix: Add function type parameters (fixes #52) (#56) (James Henry)

v0.1.1 - August 10, 2016

  • 62d14b4 Fix: Class implements generic syntax (fixes #44) (#53) (James Henry)

v0.1.0 - August 9, 2016

  • d49b5f1 Build: Add CI build scripts (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 32a46b3 New: Attaches comments to the ESTree AST (fixes #31) (#49) (James Henry)
  • f4856f9 Fix: Class implements conversion (fixes #39) (#43) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 795a418 Build: Add linting to npm test (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • d26fec4 New: Automatically generate TS-specific nodes (#40) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 46b9c87 Docs: Update README to have the correct phase order. (#35) (Dean Taub)
  • a8b00fe Chore: Add jQuery Foundation copyright (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 560bb99 Fix: Remove console logging of node.kind (fixes #29) (Tom X. Tobin)

v0.1.0-alpha.1 - March 18, 2016

  • 0eddb71 New: Implements JSX syntax (fixes #18) (James Henry)
  • e890743 Docs: PR validation check (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • c314f77 Build: Don't test Node 0.10 (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • bc05e1a Fix: Ensure true, false and null values are not stringifed (fixes #1) (James Henry)

v0.1.0-alpha.0 - March 4, 2016

  • c05b5da Build: Add release tool (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 091973b Fix: SyntaxKind code checks, update TS peerDependency ^1.7.3 (fixes #15) (James Henry)
  • e34f6b4 Fix: Use YAML file for ESLint config (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • e19b29d Update: TypeScript to be a peer dependency (fixes #12) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • bdb1e3a Fix: Make tests actually work (fixes #6) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • c61cc81 Docs: Improved detail and accuracy of JSDoc blocks (James Henry)
  • 918a9cc Fix: Fixes linting errors (fixes #10) (James Henry)
  • 1721dde Fix: Bumped lint script dependencies (fixes #8) (James Henry)
  • 2f04e92 Fix: Removed unused reference to acorn-jsx/inject (fixes #2) (James Henry)
  • 0e9d61e Docs: Update README with plans (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • c88e3ab New: Finished up ES6 features (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 0ea1e32 Build: Tag as alpha release (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 08702b8 Docs: Update README (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • c88ba98 New: First commit (Nicholas C. Zakas)