Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


ocavue601MIT3.0.2TypeScript support: included

Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. This package is vulnerable to CVE-2020-7661. Works in Node v10.12.0+ and browsers.

2020, 7661, CVE-2020-7661, cve, detect, email, emails, expresion, expression, from, get, html, mail, mails, maintained, parse, parser, parsing, regex, regexer, regexer, regexes, regexing, regexp, safe, scan, sniff, str, string, text, url, urls



build status code coverage code style styled with prettier made with lass license npm downloads

Regular expression matching for URL's. Maintained, and browser-friendly version of url-regex. This package is vulnerable to CVE-2020-7661. Works in Node v10.12.0+ and browsers.

Table of Contents


url-regex-unsafe is a fork of url-regex-safe, which is a fork of url-regex. url-regex-safe has resolved CVE-2020-7661 on Node by including RE2 for Node.js usage. However, RE2 does not support lookahead assertions in regular expressions, which leads to some limitations. To avoid these limitations, url-regex-unsafe gets rid of RE2 and uses built-in RegExp instead. This means that url-regex-unsafe is still vulnerable to CVE-2020-7661.



npm install url-regex-unsafe


yarn add url-regex-unsafe



const urlRegexUnsafe = require('url-regex-unsafe');

const str = 'some long string with in it';
const matches = str.match(urlRegexUnsafe());

for (const match of matches) {
  console.log('match', match);

console.log(urlRegexUnsafe({ exact: true }).test(''));



This is the solution for you if you're just using <script> tags everywhere!

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  (function () {
    var str = 'some long string with in it';
    var matches = str.match(urlRegexUnsafe());

    for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
      console.log('match', matches[i]);

    console.log(urlRegexUnsafe({ exact: true }).test(''));


Assuming you are using browserify, webpack, rollup, or another bundler, you can simply follow Node usage above.


This package has built-in support for TypeScript.


Property Type Default Value Description
exact Boolean false Only match an exact String. Useful with regex.test(str) to check if a String is a URL. We set this to false by default in order to match String values such as (as opposed to requiring a protocol or www subdomain). We feel this closely more resembles real-world intended usage of this package.
strict Boolean false Force URL's to start with a valid protocol or www if set to true. If true, then it will allow any TLD as long as it is a minimum of 2 valid characters. If it is false, then it will match the TLD against the list of valid TLD's using tlds.
auth Boolean false Match against Basic Authentication headers. We set this to false by default since it was deprecated in Chromium, and otherwise it leaves the user with unwanted URL matches (more closely resembles real-world intended usage of this package by having it set to false by default too).
localhost Boolean true Allows localhost in the URL hostname portion. See the test/test.js for more insight into the localhost test and how it will return a value which may be unwanted. A pull request would be considered to resolve the "" vs. "pic.jpg" issue.
parens Boolean false Match against Markdown-style trailing parenthesis. We set this to false because it should be up to the user to parse for Markdown URL's.
apostrophes Boolean false Match against apostrophes. We set this to false because we don't want the String background: url(''); to result in'. See this issue for more information.
trailingPeriod Boolean false Match against trailing periods. We set this to false by default since real-world behavior would want versus as the match (this is different than url-regex where it matches the trailing period in that package).
ipv4 Boolean true Match against IPv4 URL's.
ipv6 Boolean true Match against IPv6 URL's.
tlds Array tlds Match against a specific list of tlds, or the default list provided by tlds.
returnString Boolean false Return the RegExp as a String instead of a RegExp (useful for custom logic, such as we did with Spam Scanner).

Quick tips and migration from url-regex

You must override the default and set strict: true if you do not wish to match by itself (though will work if strict: false).

Unlike the deprecated and unmaintained package url-regex, we do a few things differently:

  • We set strict to false by default (url-regex had this set to true)
  • We added an auth option, which is set to false by default (url-regex matches against Basic Authentication; had this set to true - however this is a deprecated behavior in Chromium).
  • We added parens and ipv6 options, which are set to false and true by default (url-regex had parens set to true and ipv6 was non-existent or set to false rather).
  • We added an apostrophe option, which is set to false by default (url-regex had this set to true).
  • We added a trailingPeriod option, which is set to false by default (which means matches won't contain trailing periods, whereas url-regex had this set to true).


Name Website
Nick Baugh
Kevin Mårtensson
Diego Perini


MIT © ocavue
