Important: This documentation covers Yarn 1 (Classic).
For Yarn 2+ docs and migration guide, see

Package detail


node-modules1.1mMIT4.6.11TypeScript support: included

Help in opening URLs (mostly HTTP) in a complex world — basic and digest authentication, redirections, timeout and more. Base undici API.

urllib, http, urlopen, curl, wget, request, https, undici, fetch



NPM version Node.js CI Test coverage Known Vulnerabilities npm download

Request HTTP URLs in a complex world — basic and digest authentication, redirections, timeout and more.


npm install urllib


TypeScript and ESM

import { request } from 'urllib';

const { data, res } = await request('');
// result: { data: Buffer, res: Response }
console.log('status: %s, body size: %d, headers: %j', res.status, data.length, res.headers);


const { request } = require('urllib');

const { data, res } = await request('');
// result: { data: Buffer, res: Response }
console.log('status: %s, body size: %d, headers: %j', res.status, data.length, res.headers);


Method: async request(url[, options])


  • url String | Object - The URL to request, either a String or a Object that return by url.parse.
  • options Object - Optional
    • method String - Request method, defaults to GET. Could be GET, POST, DELETE or PUT. Alias 'type'.
    • data Object - Data to be sent. Will be stringify automatically.
    • content String | Buffer - Manually set the content of payload. If set, data will be ignored.
    • stream stream.Readable - Stream to be pipe to the remote. If set, data and content will be ignored.
    • writeStream stream.Writable - A writable stream to be piped by the response stream. Responding data will be write to this stream and callback will be called with data set null after finished writing.
    • files {Array<ReadStream|Buffer|String> | Object | ReadStream | Buffer | String - The files will send with multipart/form-data format, base on formstream. If method not set, will use POST method by default.
    • contentType String - Type of request data. Could be json (Notes: not use application/json here). If it's json, will auto set Content-Type: application/json header.
    • dataType String - Type of response data. Could be text or json. If it's text, the callbacked data would be a String. If it's json, the data of callback would be a parsed JSON Object and will auto set Accept: application/json header. Default callbacked data would be a Buffer.
    • fixJSONCtlChars Boolean - Fix the control characters (U+0000 through U+001F) before JSON parse response. Default is false.
    • headers Object - Request headers.
    • timeout Number | Array - Request timeout in milliseconds for connecting phase and response receiving phase. Default is 5000. You can use timeout: 5000 to tell urllib use same timeout on two phase or set them seperately such as timeout: [3000, 5000], which will set connecting timeout to 3s and response 5s.
    • keepAliveTimeout number | null - Default is 4000, 4 seconds - The timeout after which a socket without active requests will time out. Monitors time between activity on a connected socket. This value may be overridden by keep-alive hints from the server. See MDN: HTTP - Headers - Keep-Alive directives for more details.
    • auth String - username:password used in HTTP Basic Authorization.
    • digestAuth String - username:password used in HTTP Digest Authorization.
    • followRedirect Boolean - follow HTTP 3xx responses as redirects. defaults to true.
    • maxRedirects Number - The maximum number of redirects to follow, defaults to 10.
    • formatRedirectUrl Function - Format the redirect url by your self. Default is url.resolve(from, to).
    • beforeRequest Function - Before request hook, you can change every thing here.
    • streaming Boolean - let you get the res object when request connected, default false. alias customResponse
    • compressed Boolean - Accept gzip, br response content and auto decode it, default is false.
    • timing Boolean - Enable timing or not, default is true.
    • socketPath String | null - request a unix socket service, default is null.
    • highWaterMark Number - default is 67108864, 64 KiB.


When making a request:

await request('', {
  method: 'GET',
  data: {
    'a': 'hello',
    'b': 'world',

For GET request, data will be stringify to query string, e.g.

For others like POST, PATCH or PUT request, in defaults, the data will be stringify into application/x-www-form-urlencoded format if content-type header is not set.

If content-type is application/json, the data will be JSON.stringify to JSON data format.

Options: options.content

options.content is useful when you wish to construct the request body by yourself, for example making a content-type: application/json request.

Notes that if you want to send a JSON body, you should stringify it yourself:

await request('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  content: JSON.stringify({
    a: 'hello',
    b: 'world',

It would make a HTTP request like:

content-type: application/json

  "a": "hello",
  "b": "world"

This exmaple can use with application/json content type:

await request('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/json'
  data: {
    a: 'hello',
    b: 'world',

Options: options.files

Upload a file with a hello field.

await request('', {
  method: 'POST',
  files: __filename,
  data: {
    hello: 'hello urllib',

Upload multi files with a hello field.

await request('', {
  method: 'POST',
  files: [
    Buffer.from('mock file content'),
  data: {
    hello: 'hello urllib with multi files',

Custom file field name with uploadfile.

await request('', {
  method: 'POST',
  files: {
    uploadfile: __filename,

Response Object

Response is normal object, it contains:

  • status or statusCode: response status code.
    • -1 meaning some network error like ENOTFOUND
    • -2 meaning ConnectionTimeoutError
  • headers: response http headers, default is {}
  • size: response size
  • aborted: response was aborted or not
  • rt: total request and response time in ms.
  • timing: timing object if timing enable.
  • socket: socket info

Run test with debug log

NODE_DEBUG=urllib:* npm test

Request with HTTP2

Create a HttpClient with options.allowH2 = true

import { HttpClient } from 'urllib';

const httpClient = new HttpClient({
  allowH2: true,

const response = await httpClient.request('');

Mocking Request

export from undici

import { strict as assert } from 'assert';
import { MockAgent, setGlobalDispatcher, request } from 'urllib';

const mockAgent = new MockAgent();

const mockPool = mockAgent.get('http://localhost:7001');

  path: '/foo',
  method: 'POST',
}).reply(400, {
  message: 'mock 400 bad request',

const response = await request('http://localhost:7001/foo', {
  method: 'POST',
  dataType: 'json',
assert.equal(response.status, 400);
assert.deepEqual(, { message: 'mock 400 bad request' });

Request through a http proxy

export from undici

import { ProxyAgent, request } from 'urllib';

const proxyAgent = new ProxyAgent('');
const response = await request('', {
  dispatcher: proxyAgent,
console.log(response.status, response.headers);


Fork undici benchmarks script


Node.js v18.20.3

│ (index) │         Tests         │ Samples │       Result       │  Tolerance  │ Difference with slowest │
│    0    │  'urllib2 - request'  │   10    │  '321.53 req/sec''± 0.38 %''-'           │
│    1    │ 'http - no keepalive' │   10    │  '607.77 req/sec''± 0.80 %''+ 89.02 %'       │
│    2    │         'got'         │   101   │ '7929.51 req/sec''± 4.46 %''+ 2366.15 %'      │
│    3    │     'node-fetch'      │   40    │ '8651.95 req/sec''± 2.99 %''+ 2590.84 %'      │
│    4    │       'request'       │   101   │ '8864.09 req/sec''± 7.81 %''+ 2656.82 %'      │
│    5    │   'undici - fetch'    │   101   │ '9607.01 req/sec''± 4.23 %''+ 2887.87 %'      │
│    6    │        'axios'        │   55    │ '10378.80 req/sec''± 2.94 %''+ 3127.91 %'      │
│    7    │     'superagent'      │   75    │ '11286.74 req/sec''± 2.90 %''+ 3410.29 %'      │
│    8    │  'http - keepalive'   │   60    │ '11288.96 req/sec''± 2.95 %''+ 3410.98 %'      │
│    9    │  'urllib4 - request'  │   101   │ '11352.65 req/sec''± 10.20 %''+ 3430.79 %'      │
│   10    │  'urllib3 - request'  │   40    │ '13831.19 req/sec''± 2.89 %''+ 4201.64 %'      │
│   11    │  'undici - pipeline'  │   60    │ '14562.44 req/sec''± 2.91 %''+ 4429.06 %'      │
│   12    │  'undici - request'   │   70    │ '19630.64 req/sec''± 2.87 %''+ 6005.32 %'      │
│   13    │   'undici - stream'   │   55    │ '20843.50 req/sec''± 2.90 %''+ 6382.54 %'      │
│   14    │  'undici - dispatch'  │   55    │ '21233.10 req/sec''± 2.82 %''+ 6503.70 %'      │

Node.js v20.15.0

│ (index) │ Tests                 │ Samples │ Result             │ Tolerance  │ Difference with slowest │
│ 0       │ 'urllib2 - request'   │ 10      │ '332.91 req/sec''± 1.13 %''-'                     │
│ 1       │ 'http - no keepalive' │ 10      │ '615.50 req/sec''± 2.25 %''+ 84.88 %'             │
│ 2       │ 'got'                 │ 55      │ '7658.39 req/sec''± 2.98 %''+ 2200.42 %'           │
│ 3       │ 'node-fetch'          │ 30      │ '7832.96 req/sec''± 2.96 %''+ 2252.86 %'           │
│ 4       │ 'axios'               │ 40      │ '8607.27 req/sec''± 2.79 %''+ 2485.44 %'           │
│ 5       │ 'request'             │ 35      │ '8703.49 req/sec''± 2.84 %''+ 2514.35 %'           │
│ 6       │ 'undici - fetch'      │ 65      │ '9971.24 req/sec''± 2.96 %''+ 2895.15 %'           │
│ 7       │ 'superagent'          │ 30      │ '11006.46 req/sec''± 2.90 %''+ 3206.11 %'           │
│ 8       │ 'http - keepalive'    │ 55      │ '11610.14 req/sec''± 2.87 %''+ 3387.44 %'           │
│ 9       │ 'urllib3 - request'   │ 25      │ '13873.38 req/sec''± 2.96 %''+ 4067.27 %'           │
│ 10      │ 'urllib4 - request'   │ 25      │ '14291.36 req/sec''± 2.92 %''+ 4192.82 %'           │
│ 11      │ 'undici - pipeline'   │ 45      │ '14617.69 req/sec''± 2.84 %''+ 4290.85 %'           │
│ 12      │ 'undici - dispatch'   │ 101     │ '18716.29 req/sec''± 3.97 %''+ 5521.98 %'           │
│ 13      │ 'undici - request'    │ 101     │ '19165.16 req/sec''± 3.25 %''+ 5656.81 %'           │
│ 14      │ 'undici - stream'     │ 30      │ '21816.28 req/sec''± 2.99 %''+ 6453.15 %'           │

Node.js v22.3.0

│ (index) │ Tests                 │ Samples │ Result             │ Tolerance  │ Difference with slowest │
│ 0       │ 'urllib2 - request'   │ 15      │ '297.46 req/sec''± 2.65 %''-'                     │
│ 1       │ 'http - no keepalive' │ 10      │ '598.25 req/sec''± 1.94 %''+ 101.12 %'            │
│ 2       │ 'axios'               │ 30      │ '8487.94 req/sec''± 2.91 %''+ 2753.52 %'           │
│ 3       │ 'got'                 │ 50      │ '10054.46 req/sec''± 2.89 %''+ 3280.16 %'           │
│ 4       │ 'request'             │ 45      │ '10306.02 req/sec''± 2.87 %''+ 3364.73 %'           │
│ 5       │ 'node-fetch'          │ 55      │ '11160.02 req/sec''± 2.87 %''+ 3651.83 %'           │
│ 6       │ 'superagent'          │ 80      │ '11302.28 req/sec''± 2.85 %''+ 3699.66 %'           │
│ 7       │ 'undici - fetch'      │ 60      │ '11357.87 req/sec''± 2.89 %''+ 3718.35 %'           │
│ 8       │ 'http - keepalive'    │ 60      │ '13782.10 req/sec''± 2.97 %''+ 4533.34 %'           │
│ 9       │ 'urllib4 - request'   │ 70      │ '15965.62 req/sec''± 2.88 %''+ 5267.40 %'           │
│ 10      │ 'urllib3 - request'   │ 55      │ '16010.37 req/sec''± 2.90 %''+ 5282.45 %'           │
│ 11      │ 'undici - pipeline'   │ 35      │ '17969.37 req/sec''± 2.95 %''+ 5941.03 %'           │
│ 12      │ 'undici - dispatch'   │ 101     │ '18765.50 req/sec''± 3.01 %''+ 6208.68 %'           │
│ 13      │ 'undici - request'    │ 85      │ '20091.12 req/sec''± 2.95 %''+ 6654.33 %'           │
│ 14      │ 'undici - stream'     │ 45      │ '21599.12 req/sec''± 2.81 %''+ 7161.30 %'           │





Made with contributors-img.



4.6.11 (2024-12-20)

Bug Fixes

  • compressed option should be false by default (#567) (a0a8dc5)

4.6.10 (2024-12-19)

Bug Fixes

  • should HEAD request keepalive by default (#566) (54c4a2c)

4.6.9 (2024-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • should got undici:client:sendHeaders message on H2 (#553) (bd19f6d)

4.6.8 (2024-12-11)

Bug Fixes

4.6.7 (2024-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • should not throw when fetch a Request with post (#563) (6f9f353)

4.6.6 (2024-12-07)

Bug Fixes

  • allow set rejectUnauthorized = true on urllib.request options (#561) (88785e1)

4.6.5 (2024-12-07)

Bug Fixes

4.6.4 (2024-12-06)

Bug Fixes

4.6.3 (2024-12-05)

Bug Fixes

  • only set extend notation on non-ascii filename (#558) (0cd9b06)

4.6.2 (2024-12-04)

Bug Fixes

4.6.1 (2024-12-04)

Bug Fixes

4.6.0 (2024-12-04)


4.5.1 (2024-12-02)

Bug Fixes

4.5.0 (2024-11-30)


4.4.0 (2024-10-08)


4.3.1 (2024-09-19)

Bug Fixes

4.3.0 (2024-09-14)


  • Added support for x-www-authenticate header (#533) (d52a3e0)

4.2.2 (2024-09-14)

Bug Fixes

  • uncaught exception due to second response with digest auth (#530) (9a7833e)

4.2.1 (2024-09-11)

Bug Fixes

  • allow ":" character in digestAuth password (#532) (c6b6f88)

4.2.0 (2024-07-08)


4.1.0 (2024-06-27)


4.0.0 (2024-06-23)


  • drop Node.js < 18.19.0 support

part of

Summary by CodeRabbit

  • New Features

    • Updated dynamic badge for contributors in
    • Enhanced form data handling in HttpClient.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Improved error handling and performance tracking in Socket methods.
    • Adjusted imports for better compatibility and error handling.
  • Refactor

    • Updated Node.js versions in CI workflow.
  • Revised exports and scripts in package.json for better consistency.

    • Simplified subscribe function in diagnostics channel.
  • Chores

    • Removed outdated configurations from .eslintrc.
    • Updated TypeScript compiler options in tsconfig.json.
  • Documentation

    • Linked license section to contributors-img in
  • Tests

  • Refined import paths and added new imports for better error handling in test files.


3.25.1 (2024-06-01)

Bug Fixes

  • adpater http/2 agent on diagnosticsChannel (#511) (d565da2)

3.25.0 (2024-05-07)


  • support custom filename when file is Buffer or Readable (#508) (032f439)

3.24.0 (2024-04-22)


3.23.0 (2024-03-09)


3.22.5 (2024-02-29)

Bug Fixes

  • keep statusMessage alias to statusText on response.res object (#491) (5773b07)

3.22.4 (2024-02-22)

Bug Fixes

  • options.method alias options.type is invalid (#490) (75c5989)

3.22.3 (2024-02-20)

Bug Fixes

3.22.2 (2024-01-15)

Bug Fixes

  • try to read opaque from handler property (#485) (5d543d9)

3.22.1 (2023-12-22)

Bug Fixes

3.22.0 (2023-12-21)


3.21.0 (2023-12-04)


  • print more socket info on UND_ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT error (#477) (366de1d)

3.20.0 (2023-12-04)


3.19.3 (2023-09-21)

Bug Fixes

3.19.2 (2023-09-19)

Bug Fixes

  • change set-cookie type define to string | string[] (#471) (674915a)

3.19.1 (2023-09-17)

Bug Fixes

3.19.0 (2023-09-14)


  • use tshy to support commonjs and esm both (#468) (b2576c0)

3.18.1 (2023-09-11)

Bug Fixes

3.18.0 (2023-08-18)


  • support nestedQuerystring as urllib v2 (#462) (0f4abff)

3.17.2 (2023-08-17)

Bug Fixes

  • check writeStream destroyed before send request (#460) (78515b9)

3.17.1 (2023-06-15)

Bug Fixes

3.17.0 (2023-06-15)


  • support tracing on diagnostics_channel (#452) (416b2ca)

3.16.1 (2023-05-24)

Bug Fixes

  • support request uds and tcp at the same time (#451) (3583219)

3.16.0 (2023-05-21)


3.15.0 (2023-05-21)


  • auto update USER_AGENT version to urllib package.version (#449) (d4e5f39)

3.14.1 (2023-05-17)

Bug Fixes

3.14.0 (2023-05-07)


3.13.2 (2023-04-24)

Bug Fixes

  • force use undici@~5.21.2 to fix content-length error (#445) (331ed7e)

3.13.1 (2023-03-25)

Bug Fixes

  • ignore undefined value data on GET query (#441) (f40ce0a)

3.13.0 (2023-03-25)


3.12.0 (2023-03-21)


  • support reset to not reuse connection (#438) (3e12703)

3.11.0 (2023-02-18)


3.10.2 (2023-02-13)

Bug Fixes

3.10.1 (2023-01-14)

Bug Fixes

  • keep urllib2 request with Type parameter (#432) (12f169e)

3.10.0 (2022-12-18)


3.9.0 / 2022-12-17


3.8.1 / 2022-12-16


3.8.0 / 2022-12-14


3.7.0 / 2022-12-06


3.6.0 / 2022-12-05


3.5.2 / 2022-11-25


3.5.1 / 2022-11-19



3.5.0 / 2022-10-31


3.4.0 / 2022-10-29



3.3.1 / 2022-10-16


  • [d5270f1] - 🐛 FIX: Only auto decompress response stream on args.compressed=true (#412) (fengmk2 <>)


3.3.0 / 2022-10-05


3.2.3 / 2022-09-29


3.2.2 / 2022-09-28


3.2.1 / 2022-09-27


3.2.0 / 2022-09-26


3.1.3 / 2022-09-09


3.1.2 / 2022-08-24


3.1.1 / 2022-08-23


3.1.0 / 2022-08-01


3.0.4 / 2022-07-18


3.0.3 / 2022-07-17


3.0.2 / 2022-07-17


3.0.1 / 2022-07-17


3.0.0 / 2022-07-16


2.38.1 / 2022-07-05



2.38.0 / 2021-11-24


2.37.4 / 2021-09-07



2.37.3 / 2021-07-05


2.37.2 / 2021-06-07


2.37.1 / 2021-04-15


2.37.0 / 2021-04-02


  • [2acf75b] - feat: add unix domain socket file support (#352) (Khaidi Chu <>)


2.36.1 / 2020-06-09


2.36.0 / 2020-06-08



2.35.0 / 2020-05-15



2.34.2 / 2019-12-09


2.34.1 / 2019-09-02


  • [3da9339] - fix: rejectUnauthorized under Node.js 12 (#328) (Khaidi Chu <>)


2.34.0 / 2019-05-07



2.33.4 / 2019-05-06


2.33.3 / 2019-04-11


2.33.2 / 2019-03-26


2.33.1 / 2019-03-21


2.33.0 / 2019-01-09



2.32.0 / 2019-01-07


2.31.3 / 2018-11-30



2.31.2 / 2018-11-13


2.31.1 / 2018-11-01


2.31.0 / 2018-10-24


2.30.0 / 2018-09-26



  • [5e80ee8] - test: run ci on azure-pipelines (#292) (azure-pipelines[bot] <<azure-pipelines[bot]>>)

2.29.1 / 2018-07-26


2.29.0 / 2018-07-03


2.28.1 / 2018-06-01



2.28.0 / 2018-05-25



2.27.0 / 2018-03-26


2.26.0 / 2018-02-28


2.25.4 / 2018-01-18


2.25.3 / 2017-12-29


2.25.2 / 2017-12-28


2.25.1 / 2017-10-20



2.25.0 / 2017-09-08


2.24.0 / 2017-07-31

  • feat: support http(s) proxy (#226)

2.23.0 / 2017-07-18

  • test: skip test cases
  • feat: add defaultArgs on HttpClient

2.22.0 / 2017-04-10

  • feat: add options.nestedQuerystring (#254)

2.21.2 / 2017-03-19

  • fix: don't listen response aborted on node > 0.12 (#252)

2.21.1 / 2017-03-16

  • fix: throw when write to stream timeout (#251)

2.21.0 / 2017-02-27

  • fix: should pass options to httpclient2 (#249)
  • test: fix Promise not defined on 0.10
  • test: use assert instead of should
  • feat: add retry delay on httpclient2

2.20.0 / 2017-02-06

  • deps: bump deps versions
  • fix: keep the same req object across request and response event

2.19.0 / 2016-12-14

  • feat: add dataAsQueryString params for convert data to query string (#240)

2.18.0 / 2016-12-07

  • fix: use nextTick to prevent promise handling error.
  • refactor: move to separated files
  • feat: add retry option

2.17.1 / 2016-11-25

  • add environment detection for connect timer, because no socket event in browser env (#236)

2.17.0 / 2016-10-13

  • feat: add -2 status for connect timeout (#224)

2.16.1 / 2016-10-10

  • fix: parse content-type (#221)

2.16.0 / 2016-09-27

  • feat: add custom dns lookup function (#220)

2.15.1 / 2016-09-26

  • fix: httpclient support set agent to false (#219)

2.15.0 / 2016-09-21

  • feat: export remoteAddress and remotePort (#216)

2.14.0 / 2016-09-19

  • feat: allow user to rewrite redirect url (#214)

2.13.2 / 2016-09-18

  • fix: response size should use last one (#213)

2.13.1 / 2016-09-10

  • fix: add missing ctx on request event (#210)

2.13.0 / 2016-08-09

  • feat: timing (#204)
  • docs: fix res.aborted description

2.12.0 / 2016-08-08

  • feat: support connect and response timeouts (#201)

2.11.1 / 2016-08-04

  • fix: catch http.request sync error (#199)

2.11.0 / 2016-06-26

  • deps: upgrade deps from ~ to ^ (#189)

2.10.0 / 2016-06-21

  • feat: add an options consumeWriteStream (#187)
  • chore(package): update statuses to version 1.3.0 (#174)

2.9.1 / 2016-05-09

  • fix: check url before request (#172)
  • chore(package): update any-promise to version 1.2.0 (#171)

2.9.0 / 2016-04-21

2.8.0 / 2016-02-27

  • test: improve coverage
  • feat: http default protocol for URL argument

2.7.3 / 2016-02-27

  • deps: upgrade out of date deps

2.7.2 / 2016-02-25

  • test: support windows
  • fix: keep headers.Host on location: /foo redirect
  • test: use on travis ci
  • fix: jshint style
  • deps: any-promise instead of native-or-blubird

2.7.1 / 2016-02-02

  • fix: clean up headers.Host before redirect request start
  • chore: update authors

2.7.0 / 2016-01-14

  • feat: response event include data property
  • chore: Add host info into debug

2.6.0 / 2015-12-09

  • test: fix unstable test cases
  • feat: enhance global events
  • chore(package): update semver to version 5.1.0
  • chore(package): update should to version 7.1.1

2.5.0 / 2015-09-30

  • test: fix test url
  • feat: remove request# in error message
  • test: add streaming upload test
  • test: use

2.4.0 / 2015-08-20

  • feat: add options.fixJSONCtlChars to fix JSON control characters
  • Fix a typo in comment

2.3.11 / 2015-08-12

  • fix: httpclient support curl too

2.3.10 / 2015-08-12

  • fix: add alias urllib.curl()
  • chore: add decodeBodyByCharset error debug log

2.3.9 / 2015-07-23

  • feat: show json format data when json parse error

2.3.8 / 2015-06-06

  • fix: need to clear timer after follow redirect

2.3.7 / 2015-06-04

  • test: use instead of
  • fix: need to resume res before next redirect request start

2.3.6 / 2015-06-03

  • fix: support 303, 305, 307 redirect status code

2.3.5 / 2015-05-11

  • fix: followRedirect support customResponse.

2.3.4 / 2015-04-19

  • feat: show agent status message when request error

2.3.3 / 2015-03-30

  • fix: add ciphers and secureProtocol params support for https request

2.3.2 / 2015-03-29

  • refactor: httpclient custom agent property

2.3.1 / 2015-03-08

  • fix: auto decode gzip content

2.3.0 / 2015-02-16

  • feat: mark off connection state and response state

2.2.2 / 2015-01-21

  • remove unuse event handlers

2.2.1 / 2014-12-10

  • refactor and add more comments
  • add path to error (@coderhaoxin)
  • fix promise example in readme

2.2.0 / 2014-11-28

  • add customResponse option (@fishbar)

2.1.0 / 2014-11-15

  • humanize timeout

2.0.2 / 2014-11-01

  • chore: bump deps version and make test more stable
  • refactor: dont add new property on res object

2.0.1 / 2014-10-15

  • add args.contentType option (@coderhaoxin)
  • Simply the HTTPClient implementation (@JacksonTian)
  • refine urllib code (@JacksonTian)

2.0.0 / 2014-10-13

  • support auto decode charset when dataType set

1.5.2 / 2014-09-15

  • do not check ssl, fix hang up in some node version

1.5.1 / 2014-09-10

  • httpclient add requestThunk()

1.5.0 / 2014-09-10

  • add requestThunk to support co

1.4.1 / 2014-08-28

  • HttpClient support agent and httpsAgent

1.4.0 / 2014-08-27

  • add SocketAssignTimeoutError. #37

1.3.1 / 2014-08-27

  • convert data to string when dataType is text

1.3.0 / 2014-08-26

  • add urllib instance

1.2.1 / 2014-08-26

  • add args.ctx for response event easy logging

1.2.0 / 2014-08-26

  • format Response object fields

1.1.0 / 2014-08-25

  • global response event. fixed #35

1.0.0 / 2014-08-25

  • return Promise when callback missing. fixed #33
  • rm Makefile
  • use flat image

0.5.17 / 2014-08-08

  • Remove aborted. joyent/node#7457
  • missing I in urllib logo

0.5.16 / 2014-05-15

  • fix test cases
  • change .once to .on (@alsotang)

0.5.15 / 2014-05-04

  • make callback is optional. close #29
  • rm 0.8 from travis

0.5.14 / 2014-04-21

  • fix #28 user-agent logic bug

0.5.13 / 2014-03-31

  • use digest-header module

0.5.12 / 2014-03-29

  • support Digest access authentication. fix #27
  • add co-urllib desc

0.5.11 / 2014-03-13

  • improve user-agent, add node version and plaform detail

0.5.10 / 2014-03-11

  • if body not decode, dont touch it

0.5.9 / 2014-03-10

  • Support options.gzip = true to handle gzip response. fixed #26

0.5.8 / 2014-03-07

  • remove buffer-concat

0.5.7 / 2014-03-07

  • no more deps on buffer-concat
  • add default User-Agent: node-urllib/x.x.x
  • add jshint

0.5.6 / 2014-03-05

  • add data/res to error
  • fix typo (@coderhaoxin)
  • access https
  • fix test cases and use autod
  • install from cnpm
  • no more support on node 0.6.x

0.5.5 / 2013-12-10

  • should pass done instead of callback and end the writeStream
  • support args.writeStream with follow redirect (@dead-horse)

0.5.4 / 2013-11-09

  • fix timeout not effect bug

0.5.3 / 2013-10-18

  • add args.beforeRequest(options) hook to change options before http send

0.5.2 / 2013-09-23

  • add JSONResponseFormatError; append request url infomation to err.message

0.5.1 / 2013-08-23

  • detect connect timeout or response timeout fixed #18
  • update doc

0.5.0 / 2013-08-11

  • Support max redirects to protect loop redirect
  • Auto redirect handle (@ibigbug)

0.4.4 / 2013-08-10

  • handle json response to null when data size is zero

0.4.3 / 2013-08-10

  • Auto convert data to json string when content-type is 'json' fixed #15
  • add status build image

0.4.2 / 2013-08-10

  • fix SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN test case on node 0.8 and 0.6
  • [√] https & self-signed certificate

0.4.1 / 2013-08-05

  • return RemoteSocketClosedError when Remote socket was terminated before response.end() was called

0.4.0 / 2013-08-05

  • If the underlaying connection was terminated before response.end() was called, res.aborted should be true. fixed #14
  • fixed test case for 0.6
  • add res.socket.end() test cases
  • remove 0.11 from travis

0.3.8 / 2013-08-02

  • add debug log

0.3.7 / 2013-07-11

  • PATCH method is also "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" by default
  • replace logo

0.3.6 / 2013-07-11

  • fixed bug in processing query string #13 (@xingrz)
  • updated readme example (@xingrz)
  • update authors
  • API docs (@xingrz)

0.3.5 / 2013-07-10

  • fixed writeSteam receive incomplete bug
  • update makefile
  • add coveralls
  • remove 0.11 from travis
  • add patch for node 0.6
  • fixed https request timeout tests
  • use blanket instead of jscover

0.3.4 / 2013-03-06

  • fixed #8 auto add application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • fixed existsSync for node < 0.8

0.3.3 / 2012-12-14

  • support writeStream

0.3.2 / 2012-11-08

  • fixed #4 support urllib.request(options, args, callback)
  • fixed usage demo bug
  • fixed readme

0.3.1 / 2012-11-05

  • fixed #2 support stream and return the req object.
  • use jscover instead of jscoverage

0.3.0 / 2012-10-10

  • add coverage results
  • Bash auth support: http://user:password@ .